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[RFC,1/2] rust: LED abstraction

Message ID 20241009105759.579579-2-me@kloenk.dev
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Series rust: LED abstractions | expand

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Fiona Behrens Oct. 9, 2024, 10:57 a.m. UTC
Add abstractions for a simple LED, supporting Single color LED and
hardware accelerated blinking.

This is implemented using a pinned Led struct which holds driver data
and the C led_classdev struct. The driver data then implements a
vtable which currently provides `brightness_set`, `brightness_get` and
`blink_set`. This LED is then registered with the LED core and
unregistered when it is dropped.

Signed-off-by: Fiona Behrens <me@kloenk.dev>
 rust/kernel/leds.rs | 399 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 rust/kernel/lib.rs  |   2 +
 2 files changed, 401 insertions(+)
 create mode 100644 rust/kernel/leds.rs


Marek Behún Nov. 16, 2024, 3:47 p.m. UTC | #1
On Wed, Oct 09, 2024 at 12:57:58PM +0200, Fiona Behrens wrote:

> +/// Color of an LED.
> +#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
> +pub enum Color {
> +    /// White
> +    White,
> +    /// Red
> +    Red,
> +    /// Green
> +    Green,
> +    /// Blue
> +    Blue,
> +    /// Amber
> +    Amber,
> +    /// Violet
> +    Violet,
> +    /// Yellow
> +    Yellow,
> +    /// Purple
> +    Purple,
> +    /// Orange
> +    Orange,
> +    /// Pink
> +    Pink,
> +    /// Cyan
> +    Cyan,
> +    /// Lime
> +    Lime,

Why these repetitions?

> +impl TryFrom<u32> for Color {
> +    type Error = Error;
> +
> +    fn try_from(value: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
> +        Ok(match value {
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_WHITE => Color::White,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_RED => Color::Red,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_GREEN => Color::Green,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_BLUE => Color::Blue,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_AMBER => Color::Amber,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_VIOLET => Color::Violet,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_YELLOW => Color::Yellow,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_PURPLE => Color::Purple,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_ORANGE => Color::Orange,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_PINK => Color::Pink,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_CYAN => Color::Cyan,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_LIME => Color::Lime,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_IR => Color::IR,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI => Color::Multi,
> +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_RGB => Color::RGB,
> +            _ => return Err(EINVAL),
> +        })
> +    }
> +}

How does Rust compile these? If these constants compile to the same
numeric values, i.e. if
  LED_COLOR_ID_AMBER == Color::Amber,
will the compiler compile away the function?

How do enums work in Rust?

> +impl<'a, T> Led<T>

offtopic, what is 'a ? What does the ' mean? Is impl<> something like
template in c++?

> +where
> +    T: Operations + 'a,

What does + mean here?

> +/// LED brightness.
> +#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
> +pub enum Brightness {
> +    /// LED off.
> +    Off,
> +    /// Led set to the given value.
> +    On(NonZeroU8),
> +}
> +
> +impl Brightness {
> +    /// Half LED brightness
> +    // SAFETY: constant value non zero
> +    pub const HALF: Self = Self::On(unsafe { NonZeroU8::new_unchecked(127) });
> +    /// Full LED brightness.
> +    pub const FULL: Self = Self::On(NonZeroU8::MAX);

These LED_OFF, LED_ON, LED_HALF and LED_FULL are deprecated constants
that should not be used anymore. enum led_brightness will be either
uint8_t or usigned int in the future.

Is it possible to not infect Rust with these deprecated constants?

Alice Ryhl Nov. 18, 2024, 10:19 a.m. UTC | #2
On Sat, Nov 16, 2024 at 4:47 PM Marek Behún <kabel@kernel.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 09, 2024 at 12:57:58PM +0200, Fiona Behrens wrote:
> > +/// Color of an LED.
> > +#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
> > +pub enum Color {
> > +    /// White
> > +    White,
> > +    /// Red
> > +    Red,
> > +    /// Green
> > +    Green,
> > +    /// Blue
> > +    Blue,
> > +    /// Amber
> > +    Amber,
> > +    /// Violet
> > +    Violet,
> > +    /// Yellow
> > +    Yellow,
> > +    /// Purple
> > +    Purple,
> > +    /// Orange
> > +    Orange,
> > +    /// Pink
> > +    Pink,
> > +    /// Cyan
> > +    Cyan,
> > +    /// Lime
> > +    Lime,
> Why these repetitions?

My guess is that it's to silence the warning about undocumented public
items. It may make sense to just silence the warning in this case.

> > +impl TryFrom<u32> for Color {
> > +    type Error = Error;
> > +
> > +    fn try_from(value: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
> > +        Ok(match value {
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_WHITE => Color::White,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_RED => Color::Red,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_GREEN => Color::Green,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_BLUE => Color::Blue,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_AMBER => Color::Amber,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_VIOLET => Color::Violet,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_YELLOW => Color::Yellow,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_PURPLE => Color::Purple,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_ORANGE => Color::Orange,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_PINK => Color::Pink,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_CYAN => Color::Cyan,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_LIME => Color::Lime,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_IR => Color::IR,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI => Color::Multi,
> > +            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_RGB => Color::RGB,
> > +            _ => return Err(EINVAL),
> > +        })
> > +    }
> > +}
> How does Rust compile these? If these constants compile to the same
> numeric values, i.e. if
>   LED_COLOR_ID_AMBER == Color::Amber,
> will the compiler compile away the function?

Well, it can't compile away the part where it returns EINVAL when the
u32 is not a valid color. But other than that, these matches are
usually optimized pretty well. I just tried a few different examples
in godbolt to confirm it. See e.g.:

That said, this relies on the assumption that they are represented
using the same values. We probably want to change the declaration to

#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
pub enum Color {
    White = bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_WHITE,
    Red = bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_RED,
    Green = bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_GREEN,

That way we are guaranteed that the enum uses the right values for the
enum to make the conversion free.

> How do enums work in Rust?

In this case, the enum has no fields. In that case, the enum is a
value that is only allowed to have certain values.

Enums are also allowed to have fields. In this case, you can think of
it as a discriminated union, though in some cases Rust will store it
in a more clever way. You can look up the "null pointer optimization"
for an example of that.

> > +impl<'a, T> Led<T>
> offtopic, what is 'a ? What does the ' mean? Is impl<> something like
> template in c++?

Things starting with a tick are lifetimes, so 'a is the name of a
lifetime. That said, this usage of lifetimes looks incorrect to me, so
I wouldn't look too closely at this instance.

As for impl<>, then yes sort of. It is the <> that makes it like a
template. When you have an `impl TypeName { ... }` block, then that
defines methods for `TypeName`, which you can call as either
`value.method(...)` or `TypeName::method(...)` depending on the
signature. When you write `impl<T>`, then this means that it is a
template (we use the word "generic" in Rust rather than "template"),
that is

impl<T> TypeName<T> { ... }

becomes the following infinite list of impl blocks:

impl TypeName<i32> { ... }
impl TypeName<u32> { ... }
impl TypeName<String> { ... }
impl TypeName<TcpStream> { ... }
// ... and so on for all possible types

This logic works anywhere that <T> appears. For example, `struct
TypeName<T> { ... }` is short-hand for the following infinite list of

struct TypeName<i32> { ... }
struct TypeName<u32> { ... }
struct TypeName<String> { ... }
struct TypeName<TcpStream> { ... }
// ... and so on for all possible types

Of course, only things in this infinite list that you actually use end
up in the final binary.

The `where T: Operations` part is a filter for the infinite list. It
restricts it so that only types `T` that implement the `Operations`
trait are present in the list; all other types are filtered out.

> > +where
> > +    T: Operations + 'a,
> What does + mean here?

This is the same as:
    T: Operations,
    T: 'a
that is, apply two filters to the infinite list I mentioned above. The
meaning of `T: 'a` when the RHS is a lifetime is that `T` must not be
a type containing a lifetime annotation shorter than 'a.

> > +/// LED brightness.
> > +#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
> > +pub enum Brightness {
> > +    /// LED off.
> > +    Off,
> > +    /// Led set to the given value.
> > +    On(NonZeroU8),
> > +}
> > +
> > +impl Brightness {
> > +    /// Half LED brightness
> > +    // SAFETY: constant value non zero
> > +    pub const HALF: Self = Self::On(unsafe { NonZeroU8::new_unchecked(127) });
> > +    /// Full LED brightness.
> > +    pub const FULL: Self = Self::On(NonZeroU8::MAX);
> These LED_OFF, LED_ON, LED_HALF and LED_FULL are deprecated constants
> that should not be used anymore. enum led_brightness will be either
> uint8_t or usigned int in the future.
> Is it possible to not infect Rust with these deprecated constants?
> Marek
Alice Ryhl Nov. 18, 2024, 10:22 a.m. UTC | #3
On Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 12:58 PM Fiona Behrens <me@kloenk.dev> wrote:
> +impl<'a, T> Led<T>
> +where
> +    T: Operations + 'a,
> +{
> +    /// Register a new LED with a predefine name.
> +    pub fn register_with_name(
> +        name: &'a CStr,
> +        device: Option<&'a Device>,
> +        config: &'a LedConfig,
> +        data: T,
> +    ) -> impl PinInit<Self, Error> + 'a {
> +        try_pin_init!( Self {
> +            led <- Opaque::try_ffi_init(move |place: *mut bindings::led_classdev| {
> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation, so erasing is valid.
> +            unsafe { place.write_bytes(0, 1) };
> +
> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
> +            unsafe { Self::build_with_name(place, name) };
> +
> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
> +            unsafe { Self::build_config(place, config) };
> +
> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
> +            unsafe { Self::build_vtable(place) };
> +
> +        let dev = device.map(|dev| dev.as_raw()).unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut());
> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
> +        crate::error::to_result(unsafe {
> +            bindings::led_classdev_register_ext(dev, place, ptr::null_mut())
> +        })
> +            }),
> +            data: data,
> +        })
> +    }
> +
> +    /// Add nameto the led_classdev.
> +    ///
> +    /// # Safety
> +    ///
> +    /// `ptr` has to be valid.
> +    unsafe fn build_with_name(ptr: *mut bindings::led_classdev, name: &'a CStr) {
> +        // SAFETY: `ptr` is pointing to a live allocation, so the deref is safe.
> +        let name_ptr = unsafe { ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).name) };
> +        // SAFETY: `name_ptr` points to a valid allocation and we have exclusive access.
> +        unsafe { ptr::write(name_ptr, name.as_char_ptr()) };
> +    }
> +
> +    /// Add config to led_classdev.
> +    ///
> +    /// # Safety
> +    ///
> +    /// `ptr` has to be valid.
> +    unsafe fn build_config(ptr: *mut bindings::led_classdev, config: &'a LedConfig) {
> +        // SAFETY: `ptr` is pointing to a live allocation, so the deref is safe.
> +        let color_ptr = unsafe { ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).color) };
> +        // SAFETY: `color_ptr` points to a valid allocation and we have exclusive access.
> +        unsafe { ptr::write(color_ptr, config.color.into()) };
> +    }
> +}

This usage of lifetimes looks incorrect to me. It looks like you are
trying to say that the references must be valid for longer than the
Led<T>, but what you are writing here does not enforce that. The Led
struct must be annotated with the 'a lifetime if you want that, but
I'm inclined to say you should not go for the lifetime solution in the
first place.

Miguel Ojeda Nov. 18, 2024, 4:39 p.m. UTC | #4
On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 11:19 AM Alice Ryhl <aliceryhl@google.com> wrote:
> signature. When you write `impl<T>`, then this means that it is a
> template (we use the word "generic" in Rust rather than "template"),

Marek: a main difference is that generics in Rust require you to spell
out everything your type needs in order to be able to use it in the
implementation, unlike C++ templates which will gladly accept any type
as long as the resulting code compiles (i.e. whether the types make
sense or not).

So in C++ you may typically do just `T`, while in Rust you typically
restrict your types with bounds and `where`s clauses like Alice shows.

I hope that clarifies a bit!

Fiona Behrens Nov. 21, 2024, 9:47 a.m. UTC | #5
On 18 Nov 2024, at 11:22, Alice Ryhl wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 12:58 PM Fiona Behrens <me@kloenk.dev> wrote:
>> +impl<'a, T> Led<T>
>> +where
>> +    T: Operations + 'a,
>> +{
>> +    /// Register a new LED with a predefine name.
>> +    pub fn register_with_name(
>> +        name: &'a CStr,
>> +        device: Option<&'a Device>,
>> +        config: &'a LedConfig,
>> +        data: T,
>> +    ) -> impl PinInit<Self, Error> + 'a {
>> +        try_pin_init!( Self {
>> +            led <- Opaque::try_ffi_init(move |place: *mut bindings::led_classdev| {
>> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation, so erasing is valid.
>> +            unsafe { place.write_bytes(0, 1) };
>> +
>> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
>> +            unsafe { Self::build_with_name(place, name) };
>> +
>> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
>> +            unsafe { Self::build_config(place, config) };
>> +
>> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
>> +            unsafe { Self::build_vtable(place) };
>> +
>> +        let dev = device.map(|dev| dev.as_raw()).unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut());
>> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
>> +        crate::error::to_result(unsafe {
>> +            bindings::led_classdev_register_ext(dev, place, ptr::null_mut())
>> +        })
>> +            }),
>> +            data: data,
>> +        })
>> +    }
>> +
>> +    /// Add nameto the led_classdev.
>> +    ///
>> +    /// # Safety
>> +    ///
>> +    /// `ptr` has to be valid.
>> +    unsafe fn build_with_name(ptr: *mut bindings::led_classdev, name: &'a CStr) {
>> +        // SAFETY: `ptr` is pointing to a live allocation, so the deref is safe.
>> +        let name_ptr = unsafe { ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).name) };
>> +        // SAFETY: `name_ptr` points to a valid allocation and we have exclusive access.
>> +        unsafe { ptr::write(name_ptr, name.as_char_ptr()) };
>> +    }
>> +
>> +    /// Add config to led_classdev.
>> +    ///
>> +    /// # Safety
>> +    ///
>> +    /// `ptr` has to be valid.
>> +    unsafe fn build_config(ptr: *mut bindings::led_classdev, config: &'a LedConfig) {
>> +        // SAFETY: `ptr` is pointing to a live allocation, so the deref is safe.
>> +        let color_ptr = unsafe { ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).color) };
>> +        // SAFETY: `color_ptr` points to a valid allocation and we have exclusive access.
>> +        unsafe { ptr::write(color_ptr, config.color.into()) };
>> +    }
>> +}
> This usage of lifetimes looks incorrect to me. It looks like you are
> trying to say that the references must be valid for longer than the
> Led<T>, but what you are writing here does not enforce that. The Led
> struct must be annotated with the 'a lifetime if you want that, but
> I'm inclined to say you should not go for the lifetime solution in the
> first place.

The `led_classdev_register_ext` function copies the name, therefore the idea was that the name only has to exists until the pin init function is called, which should be the case with how I used the lifetimes here


> Alice
Alice Ryhl Nov. 27, 2024, 11:39 a.m. UTC | #6
On Thu, Nov 21, 2024 at 10:47 AM Fiona Behrens <me@kloenk.dev> wrote:
> On 18 Nov 2024, at 11:22, Alice Ryhl wrote:
> > On Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 12:58 PM Fiona Behrens <me@kloenk.dev> wrote:
> >> +impl<'a, T> Led<T>
> >> +where
> >> +    T: Operations + 'a,
> >> +{
> >> +    /// Register a new LED with a predefine name.
> >> +    pub fn register_with_name(
> >> +        name: &'a CStr,
> >> +        device: Option<&'a Device>,
> >> +        config: &'a LedConfig,
> >> +        data: T,
> >> +    ) -> impl PinInit<Self, Error> + 'a {
> >> +        try_pin_init!( Self {
> >> +            led <- Opaque::try_ffi_init(move |place: *mut bindings::led_classdev| {
> >> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation, so erasing is valid.
> >> +            unsafe { place.write_bytes(0, 1) };
> >> +
> >> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
> >> +            unsafe { Self::build_with_name(place, name) };
> >> +
> >> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
> >> +            unsafe { Self::build_config(place, config) };
> >> +
> >> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
> >> +            unsafe { Self::build_vtable(place) };
> >> +
> >> +        let dev = device.map(|dev| dev.as_raw()).unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut());
> >> +            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
> >> +        crate::error::to_result(unsafe {
> >> +            bindings::led_classdev_register_ext(dev, place, ptr::null_mut())
> >> +        })
> >> +            }),
> >> +            data: data,
> >> +        })
> >> +    }
> >> +
> >> +    /// Add nameto the led_classdev.
> >> +    ///
> >> +    /// # Safety
> >> +    ///
> >> +    /// `ptr` has to be valid.
> >> +    unsafe fn build_with_name(ptr: *mut bindings::led_classdev, name: &'a CStr) {
> >> +        // SAFETY: `ptr` is pointing to a live allocation, so the deref is safe.
> >> +        let name_ptr = unsafe { ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).name) };
> >> +        // SAFETY: `name_ptr` points to a valid allocation and we have exclusive access.
> >> +        unsafe { ptr::write(name_ptr, name.as_char_ptr()) };
> >> +    }
> >> +
> >> +    /// Add config to led_classdev.
> >> +    ///
> >> +    /// # Safety
> >> +    ///
> >> +    /// `ptr` has to be valid.
> >> +    unsafe fn build_config(ptr: *mut bindings::led_classdev, config: &'a LedConfig) {
> >> +        // SAFETY: `ptr` is pointing to a live allocation, so the deref is safe.
> >> +        let color_ptr = unsafe { ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).color) };
> >> +        // SAFETY: `color_ptr` points to a valid allocation and we have exclusive access.
> >> +        unsafe { ptr::write(color_ptr, config.color.into()) };
> >> +    }
> >> +}
> >
> > This usage of lifetimes looks incorrect to me. It looks like you are
> > trying to say that the references must be valid for longer than the
> > Led<T>, but what you are writing here does not enforce that. The Led
> > struct must be annotated with the 'a lifetime if you want that, but
> > I'm inclined to say you should not go for the lifetime solution in the
> > first place.
> The `led_classdev_register_ext` function copies the name, therefore the idea was that the name only has to exists until the pin init function is called, which should be the case with how I used the lifetimes here

In that case you should be able to get rid of the lifetime like this:

impl<T> Led<T>
    T: Operations,
    /// Register a new LED with a predefine name.
    pub fn register_with_name(
        name: &CStr,
        device: Option<&Device>,
        config: &LedConfig,
        data: T,
    ) -> impl PinInit<Self, Error> {
diff mbox series


diff --git a/rust/kernel/leds.rs b/rust/kernel/leds.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..5348c1af5b31
--- /dev/null
+++ b/rust/kernel/leds.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@ 
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0
+//! LED subsystem abstractions.
+//! C header: [`includes/linux/leds.h`](srctree/include/linux/leds.h)
+use core::ffi::c_ulong;
+use core::num::NonZeroU8;
+use core::ptr;
+use core::time::Duration;
+use crate::device::Device;
+use crate::{error::from_result, init::PinInit, prelude::*, types::Opaque};
+/// Color of an LED.
+#[derive(Copy, Clone)]
+pub enum Color {
+    /// White
+    White,
+    /// Red
+    Red,
+    /// Green
+    Green,
+    /// Blue
+    Blue,
+    /// Amber
+    Amber,
+    /// Violet
+    Violet,
+    /// Yellow
+    Yellow,
+    /// Purple
+    Purple,
+    /// Orange
+    Orange,
+    /// Pink
+    Pink,
+    /// Cyan
+    Cyan,
+    /// Lime
+    Lime,
+    /// Infrared
+    IR,
+    /// Multicolor LEDs
+    Multi,
+    /// Multicolor LEDs that can do arbitrary color,
+    /// so this would include `RGBW` and similar
+    RGB,
+impl Color {
+    /// Get String representation of the Color.
+    pub fn name_cstr(&self) -> Option<&'static CStr> {
+        // SAFETY: C function call, enum is valid argument.
+        let name = unsafe { bindings::led_get_color_name(u32::from(self) as u8) };
+        if name.is_null() {
+            return None;
+        }
+        // SAFETY: pointer from above, valid for static lifetime.
+        Some(unsafe { CStr::from_char_ptr(name) })
+    }
+    /// Get String representation of the Color.
+    #[inline]
+    pub fn name(&self) -> Option<&'static str> {
+        // SAFETY: name from C name array which is valid UTF-8.
+        self.name_cstr()
+            .map(|name| unsafe { name.as_str_unchecked() })
+    }
+impl core::fmt::Display for Color {
+    fn fmt(&self, f: &mut core::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> core::fmt::Result {
+        f.write_str(self.name().unwrap_or("Invalid color"))
+    }
+impl From<Color> for u32 {
+    fn from(color: Color) -> Self {
+        match color {
+            Color::White => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_WHITE,
+            Color::Red => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_RED,
+            Color::Green => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_GREEN,
+            Color::Blue => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_BLUE,
+            Color::Amber => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_AMBER,
+            Color::Violet => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_VIOLET,
+            Color::Yellow => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_YELLOW,
+            Color::Purple => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_PURPLE,
+            Color::Orange => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_ORANGE,
+            Color::Pink => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_PINK,
+            Color::Cyan => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_CYAN,
+            Color::Lime => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_LIME,
+            Color::IR => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_IR,
+            Color::Multi => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI,
+            Color::RGB => bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_RGB,
+        }
+    }
+impl From<&Color> for u32 {
+    fn from(color: &Color) -> Self {
+        (*color).into()
+    }
+impl TryFrom<u32> for Color {
+    type Error = Error;
+    fn try_from(value: u32) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {
+        Ok(match value {
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_WHITE => Color::White,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_RED => Color::Red,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_GREEN => Color::Green,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_BLUE => Color::Blue,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_AMBER => Color::Amber,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_VIOLET => Color::Violet,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_YELLOW => Color::Yellow,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_PURPLE => Color::Purple,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_ORANGE => Color::Orange,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_PINK => Color::Pink,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_CYAN => Color::Cyan,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_LIME => Color::Lime,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_IR => Color::IR,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_MULTI => Color::Multi,
+            bindings::LED_COLOR_ID_RGB => Color::RGB,
+            _ => return Err(EINVAL),
+        })
+    }
+/// Config for the LED.
+/// Some fields are optional and only used depending on how the led is registered.
+pub struct LedConfig {
+    /// Color of the LED.
+    pub color: Color,
+/// A Led backed by a C `struct led_classdev`, additionally offering
+/// driver data storage.
+/// The LED is unregistered once this LED struct is dropped.
+// TODO: add devm register variant
+pub struct Led<T> {
+    #[pin]
+    led: Opaque<bindings::led_classdev>,
+    /// Driver private data
+    pub data: T,
+impl<T> Led<T> {
+    /// Return a raw reference to `Self` from a raw `struct led_classdev` C pointer.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// `ptr` must point to a [`bindings::led_classdev`] field in a struct of type `Self`.
+    unsafe fn led_container_of(ptr: *mut bindings::led_classdev) -> *mut Self {
+        let ptr = ptr.cast::<Opaque<bindings::led_classdev>>();
+        // SAFETY: By the safety requirement of this function ptr is embedded in self.
+        unsafe { crate::container_of!(ptr, Self, led).cast_mut() }
+    }
+impl<'a, T> Led<T>
+    T: Operations + 'a,
+    /// Register a new LED with a predefine name.
+    pub fn register_with_name(
+        name: &'a CStr,
+        device: Option<&'a Device>,
+        config: &'a LedConfig,
+        data: T,
+    ) -> impl PinInit<Self, Error> + 'a {
+        try_pin_init!( Self {
+            led <- Opaque::try_ffi_init(move |place: *mut bindings::led_classdev| {
+            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation, so erasing is valid.
+            unsafe { place.write_bytes(0, 1) };
+            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
+            unsafe { Self::build_with_name(place, name) };
+            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
+            unsafe { Self::build_config(place, config) };
+            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
+            unsafe { Self::build_vtable(place) };
+        let dev = device.map(|dev| dev.as_raw()).unwrap_or(ptr::null_mut());
+            // SAFETY: `place` is a pointer to a live allocation of `bindings::led_classdev`.
+        crate::error::to_result(unsafe {
+            bindings::led_classdev_register_ext(dev, place, ptr::null_mut())
+        })
+            }),
+            data: data,
+        })
+    }
+    /// Add nameto the led_classdev.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// `ptr` has to be valid.
+    unsafe fn build_with_name(ptr: *mut bindings::led_classdev, name: &'a CStr) {
+        // SAFETY: `ptr` is pointing to a live allocation, so the deref is safe.
+        let name_ptr = unsafe { ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).name) };
+        // SAFETY: `name_ptr` points to a valid allocation and we have exclusive access.
+        unsafe { ptr::write(name_ptr, name.as_char_ptr()) };
+    }
+    /// Add config to led_classdev.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// `ptr` has to be valid.
+    unsafe fn build_config(ptr: *mut bindings::led_classdev, config: &'a LedConfig) {
+        // SAFETY: `ptr` is pointing to a live allocation, so the deref is safe.
+        let color_ptr = unsafe { ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).color) };
+        // SAFETY: `color_ptr` points to a valid allocation and we have exclusive access.
+        unsafe { ptr::write(color_ptr, config.color.into()) };
+    }
+impl<T> Led<T>
+    T: Operations,
+    /// Add the Operations vtable to the `led_classdev` struct.
+    ///
+    /// # Safety
+    ///
+    /// `ptr` has to be valid.
+    unsafe fn build_vtable(ptr: *mut bindings::led_classdev) {
+        // SAFETY: `ptr` is pointing to a live allocation, so the deref is safe.
+        let max_brightness = unsafe { ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).max_brightness) };
+        // SAFETY: `max_brightness` points to a valid allocation and we have exclusive access.
+        unsafe { ptr::write(max_brightness, T::MAX_BRIGHTNESS as _) };
+        // SAFETY: `ptr` is pointing to a live allocation, so the deref is safe.
+        let set_fn: *mut Option<_> = unsafe { ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).brightness_set) };
+        // SAFETY: `set_fn` points to a valid allocation and we have exclusive access.
+        unsafe { ptr::write(set_fn, Some(brightness_set::<T>)) }
+        if T::HAS_BRIGHTNESS_GET {
+            // SAFETY: `ptr` is pointing to a live allocation, so the deref is safe.
+            let get_fn: *mut Option<_> = unsafe { ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).brightness_get) };
+            // SAFETY: `set_fn` points to a valid allocation and we have exclusive access.
+            unsafe { ptr::write(get_fn, Some(brightness_get::<T>)) }
+        }
+        if T::HAS_BLINK_SET {
+            // SAFETY: `ptr` is pointing to a live allocation, so the deref is safe.
+            let blink_fn: *mut Option<_> = unsafe { ptr::addr_of_mut!((*ptr).blink_set) };
+            // SAFETY: `set_fn` points to a valid allocation and we have exclusive access.
+            unsafe { ptr::write(blink_fn, Some(blink_set::<T>)) }
+        }
+    }
+impl<T> PinnedDrop for Led<T> {
+    fn drop(self: Pin<&mut Self>) {
+        // SAEFTY: led is pointing to a live allocation
+        unsafe { bindings::led_classdev_unregister(self.led.get()) }
+    }
+// SAFETY: `struct led_classdev` holds a mutex.
+unsafe impl<T: Send> Send for Led<T> {}
+// SAFETY: `struct led_classdev` holds a mutex.
+unsafe impl<T: Sync> Sync for Led<T> {}
+/// LED brightness.
+#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
+pub enum Brightness {
+    /// LED off.
+    Off,
+    /// Led set to the given value.
+    On(NonZeroU8),
+impl Brightness {
+    /// Half LED brightness
+    // SAFETY: constant value non zero
+    pub const HALF: Self = Self::On(unsafe { NonZeroU8::new_unchecked(127) });
+    /// Full LED brightness.
+    pub const FULL: Self = Self::On(NonZeroU8::MAX);
+    /// Convert C brightness value to Rust brightness enum
+    fn from_c_enum(brightness: bindings::led_brightness) -> Self {
+        u8::try_from(brightness)
+            .map(NonZeroU8::new)
+            .map(|brightness| brightness.map(Self::On).unwrap_or(Self::Off))
+            .inspect_err(|_| pr_warn!("Brightness out of u8 range\n"))
+            .unwrap_or(Self::FULL)
+    }
+    /// Convert rust brightness enum to C value
+    fn as_c_enum(&self) -> bindings::led_brightness {
+        u8::from(self) as bindings::led_brightness
+    }
+impl From<&Brightness> for u8 {
+    fn from(brightness: &Brightness) -> Self {
+        match brightness {
+            Brightness::Off => 0,
+            Brightness::On(v) => v.get(),
+        }
+    }
+/// Led operations vtable.
+// TODO: add blocking variant (either via const generic or second trait)
+pub trait Operations: Sized {
+    /// The maximum brightnes this led supports.
+    const MAX_BRIGHTNESS: u8;
+    /// Set LED brightness level.
+    /// This functions must not sleep.
+    fn brightness_set(this: &mut Led<Self>, brightness: Brightness);
+    /// Get the LED brightness level.
+    fn brightness_get(_this: &mut Led<Self>) -> Brightness {
+        crate::build_error(crate::error::VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR)
+    }
+    /// Activae hardware accelerated blink, delays are in milliseconds
+    fn blink_set(
+        _this: &mut Led<Self>,
+        _delay_on: Duration,
+        _delay_off: Duration,
+    ) -> Result<(Duration, Duration)> {
+        crate::build_error(crate::error::VTABLE_DEFAULT_ERROR)
+    }
+unsafe extern "C" fn brightness_set<T>(
+    led_cdev: *mut bindings::led_classdev,
+    brightness: bindings::led_brightness,
+) where
+    T: Operations,
+    // SAFETY: By the safety requirement of this function `led_cdev` is embedded inside a `Led<T>`
+    // struct.
+    let led = unsafe { &mut *(Led::<T>::led_container_of(led_cdev.cast())) };
+    let brightness = Brightness::from_c_enum(brightness);
+    T::brightness_set(led, brightness);
+unsafe extern "C" fn brightness_get<T>(
+    led_cdev: *mut bindings::led_classdev,
+) -> bindings::led_brightness
+    T: Operations,
+    // SAFETY: By the safety requirement of this function `led_cdev` is embedded inside a `Led<T>`
+    // struct.
+    let led = unsafe { &mut *(Led::<T>::led_container_of(led_cdev.cast())) };
+    T::brightness_get(led).as_c_enum()
+unsafe extern "C" fn blink_set<T>(
+    led_cdev: *mut bindings::led_classdev,
+    delay_on: *mut c_ulong,
+    delay_off: *mut c_ulong,
+) -> i32
+    T: Operations,
+    from_result(|| {
+        // SAFETY: By the safety requirement of this function `led_cdev` is embedded inside a
+        // `Led<T>` struct.
+        let led = unsafe { &mut *(Led::<T>::led_container_of(led_cdev.cast())) };
+        // SAFETY: By the safety requirement of this function `delay_on` is pointing to a valid
+        // `c_uint`
+        let on = Duration::from_millis(unsafe { *delay_on } as u64);
+        // SAFETY: By the safety requirement of this function `delay_off` is pointing to a valid
+        // `c_uint`
+        let off = Duration::from_millis(unsafe { *delay_off } as u64);
+        let (on, off) = T::blink_set(led, on, off)?;
+        // writing back return values
+        // SAFETY: By the safety requirement of this function `delay_on` is pointing to a valid
+        // `c_uint`
+        unsafe { ptr::write(delay_on, on.as_millis() as c_ulong) };
+        // SAFETY: By the safety requirement of this function `delay_off` is pointing to a valid
+        // `c_uint`
+        unsafe { ptr::write(delay_off, off.as_millis() as c_ulong) };
+        Ok(0)
+    })
diff --git a/rust/kernel/lib.rs b/rust/kernel/lib.rs
index b5f4b3ce6b48..8df5f1cdf426 100644
--- a/rust/kernel/lib.rs
+++ b/rust/kernel/lib.rs
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ 
 pub mod ioctl;
 pub mod kunit;
+pub mod leds;
 pub mod list;
 pub mod net;