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[2/2] insane: add extensible framework for recipe-wide QA tests

Message ID 20170619150741.14635-2-ross.burton@intel.com
State Accepted
Commit 656780b79e55498250d14b2cbe3bed3849fa690d
Headers show
Series [1/2] insane: rename pkg to pn because that is what it is | expand

Commit Message

Ross Burton June 19, 2017, 3:07 p.m. UTC
Following QAPATHTEST (QA hook for each file in each package) and QAPKGTEST (QA
hook for each package), add QARECIPETEST: a hook which is executed once per
recipe in do_package_qa.

This makes it trivial to add recipe-wide QA tests that integrate with the
existing tests.

Signed-off-by: Ross Burton <ross.burton@intel.com>

 meta/classes/insane.bbclass | 65 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++----------------
 1 file changed, 42 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)


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diff mbox series


diff --git a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
index 17c9058b04e..0e974b51471 100644
--- a/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
+++ b/meta/classes/insane.bbclass
@@ -808,6 +808,23 @@  def package_qa_package(warnfuncs, errorfuncs, skip, package, d):
     return len(errors) == 0
+# Run all recipe-wide warnfuncs and errorfuncs
+def package_qa_recipe(warnfuncs, errorfuncs, skip, pn, d):
+    warnings = {}
+    errors = {}
+    for func in warnfuncs:
+        func(pn, d, warnings)
+    for func in errorfuncs:
+        func(pn, d, errors)
+    for w in warnings:
+        package_qa_handle_error(w, warnings[w], d)
+    for e in errors:
+        package_qa_handle_error(e, errors[e], d)
+    return len(errors) == 0
 # Walk over all files in a directory and call func
 def package_qa_walk(warnfuncs, errorfuncs, skip, package, d):
     import oe.qa
@@ -1108,34 +1125,33 @@  python do_package_qa () {
     for dep in taskdepdata:
-    for package in packages:
-        def parse_test_matrix(matrix_name):
-            testmatrix = d.getVarFlags(matrix_name) or {}
-            g = globals()
-            warnchecks = []
-            for w in (d.getVar("WARN_QA") or "").split():
-                if w in skip:
-                   continue
-                if w in testmatrix and testmatrix[w] in g:
-                    warnchecks.append(g[testmatrix[w]])
-                if w == 'unsafe-references-in-binaries':
-                    oe.utils.write_ld_so_conf(d)
-            errorchecks = []
-            for e in (d.getVar("ERROR_QA") or "").split():
-                if e in skip:
-                   continue
-                if e in testmatrix and testmatrix[e] in g:
-                    errorchecks.append(g[testmatrix[e]])
-                if e == 'unsafe-references-in-binaries':
-                    oe.utils.write_ld_so_conf(d)
-            return warnchecks, errorchecks
+    def parse_test_matrix(matrix_name):
+        testmatrix = d.getVarFlags(matrix_name) or {}
+        g = globals()
+        warnchecks = []
+        for w in (d.getVar("WARN_QA") or "").split():
+            if w in skip:
+               continue
+            if w in testmatrix and testmatrix[w] in g:
+                warnchecks.append(g[testmatrix[w]])
+            if w == 'unsafe-references-in-binaries':
+                oe.utils.write_ld_so_conf(d)
+        errorchecks = []
+        for e in (d.getVar("ERROR_QA") or "").split():
+            if e in skip:
+               continue
+            if e in testmatrix and testmatrix[e] in g:
+                errorchecks.append(g[testmatrix[e]])
+            if e == 'unsafe-references-in-binaries':
+                oe.utils.write_ld_so_conf(d)
+        return warnchecks, errorchecks
+    for package in packages:
         skip = (d.getVar('INSANE_SKIP_' + package) or "").split()
         if skip:
             bb.note("Package %s skipping QA tests: %s" % (package, str(skip)))
         bb.note("Checking Package: %s" % package)
         # Check package name
         if not pkgname_pattern.match(package):
@@ -1151,6 +1167,9 @@  python do_package_qa () {
         package_qa_check_rdepends(package, pkgdest, skip, taskdeps, packages, d)
         package_qa_check_deps(package, pkgdest, skip, d)
+    warn_checks, error_checks = parse_test_matrix("QARECIPETEST")
+    package_qa_recipe(warn_checks, error_checks, skip, pn, d)
     if 'libdir' in d.getVar("ALL_QA").split():