=== modified file 'lava_dispatcher/device/master.py'
@@ -183,21 +183,10 @@
Returns boot_cmds list after rewriting things such as:
* partition number from n to n+2
- * root=LABEL=testrootfs or root=/dev/mmcblk1p5 instead of
- root=UUID=ab34-...
+ * root=LABEL=testrootfs instead of root=UUID=ab34-...
- # This console value is specific to snowball. A snowball has mmcblk1
- if 'ttyAMA2' in boot_cmds:
- boot_cmds = re.sub(r"root=UUID=\S+",
- "root=/dev/mmcblk1p5",
- boot_cmds,
- else:
- boot_cmds = re.sub(r"root=UUID=\S+",
- "root=LABEL=testrootfs",
- boot_cmds,
+ boot_cmds = re.sub(
+ r"root=UUID=\S+", "root=LABEL=testrootfs", boot_cmds, re.MULTILINE)
pattern = "\s+\d+:(?P<partition>\d+)\s+"
boot_cmds = re.sub(