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[Branch,~linaro-validation/lava-tool/trunk] Rev 152: add an auth-add command that stores a token for a particular site in the keyring

Message ID 20110610023531.4331.33365.launchpad@loganberry.canonical.com
State Accepted
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Commit Message

Michael-Doyle Hudson June 10, 2011, 2:35 a.m. UTC
Merge authors:
  Michael Hudson-Doyle (mwhudson)
Related merge proposals:
  proposed by: Michael Hudson-Doyle (mwhudson)
  review: Approve - Zygmunt Krynicki (zkrynicki)
revno: 152 [merge]
committer: Michael-Doyle Hudson <michael.hudson@linaro.org>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2011-06-10 14:34:44 +1200
  add an auth-add command that stores a token for a particular site in the keyring


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=== added file 'lava_tool/authtoken.py'
--- lava_tool/authtoken.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ lava_tool/authtoken.py	2011-06-08 03:49:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@ 
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Linaro Limited
+# Author: Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hudson@linaro.org>
+# This file is part of lava-tool.
+# lava-tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation
+# lava-tool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with lava-tool.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import base64
+import urllib
+import xmlrpclib
+import keyring.core
+from lava_tool.interface import LavaCommandError
+class AuthBackend(object):
+    def add_token(self, username, hostname, token):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+    def get_token_for_host(self, user, host):
+        raise NotImplementedError
+class KeyringAuthBackend(AuthBackend):
+    def add_token(self, username, hostname, token):
+        keyring.core.set_password("lava-tool-%s" % hostname, username, token)
+    def get_token_for_host(self, username, hostname):
+        return keyring.core.get_password("lava-tool-%s" % hostname, username)
+class MemoryAuthBackend(AuthBackend):
+    def __init__(self, user_host_token_list):
+        self._tokens = {}
+        for user, host, token in user_host_token_list:
+            self._tokens[(user, host)] = token
+    def add_token(self, username, hostname, token):
+        self._tokens[(username, hostname)] = token
+    def get_token_for_host(self, username, host):
+        return self._tokens.get((username, host))
+class AuthenticatingTransportMixin:
+    def get_host_info(self, host):
+        x509 = {}
+        if isinstance(host, tuple):
+            host, x509 = host
+        auth, host = urllib.splituser(host)
+        if auth:
+            user, token = urllib.splitpasswd(auth)
+            if token is None:
+                token = self.auth_backend.get_token_for_host(user, host)
+                if token is None:
+                    raise LavaCommandError(
+                        "Username provided but no token found.")
+            auth = base64.b64encode(urllib.unquote(user + ':' + token))
+            extra_headers = [
+                ("Authorization", "Basic " + auth)
+                ]
+        else:
+            extra_headers = None
+        return host, extra_headers, x509
+class AuthenticatingTransport(
+        AuthenticatingTransportMixin, xmlrpclib.Transport):
+    def __init__(self, use_datetime=0, auth_backend=None):
+        xmlrpclib.Transport.__init__(self, use_datetime)
+        self.auth_backend = auth_backend
+class AuthenticatingSafeTransport(
+        AuthenticatingTransportMixin, xmlrpclib.SafeTransport):
+    def __init__(self, use_datetime=0, auth_backend=None):
+        xmlrpclib.SafeTransport.__init__(self, use_datetime)
+        self.auth_backend = auth_backend
+class AuthenticatingServerProxy(xmlrpclib.ServerProxy):
+    def __init__(self, uri, transport=None, encoding=None, verbose=0,
+                 allow_none=0, use_datetime=0, auth_backend=None):
+        if transport is None:
+            if urllib.splittype(uri)[0] == "https":
+                transport = AuthenticatingSafeTransport(
+                    use_datetime=use_datetime, auth_backend=auth_backend)
+            else:
+                transport = AuthenticatingTransport(
+                    use_datetime=use_datetime, auth_backend=auth_backend)
+        xmlrpclib.ServerProxy.__init__(
+            self, uri, transport, encoding, verbose, allow_none, use_datetime)

=== added file 'lava_tool/commands/auth.py'
--- lava_tool/commands/auth.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ lava_tool/commands/auth.py	2011-06-09 05:35:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@ 
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Linaro Limited
+# Author: Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hudson@linaro.org>
+# This file is part of lava-tool.
+# lava-tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation
+# lava-tool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with lava-tool.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+import argparse
+import getpass
+import urlparse
+import xmlrpclib
+from lava_tool.authtoken import (
+    AuthenticatingServerProxy,
+    KeyringAuthBackend,
+    MemoryAuthBackend,
+    )
+from lava_tool.interface import Command, LavaCommandError
+def normalize_xmlrpc_url(uri):
+    if '://' not in uri:
+        uri = 'http://' + uri
+    if not uri.endswith('/'):
+        uri += '/'
+    if not uri.endswith('/RPC2/'):
+        uri += 'RPC2/'
+    return uri
+class auth_add(Command):
+    """
+    Add an authentication token.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, parser, args, auth_backend=None):
+        super(auth_add, self).__init__(parser, args)
+        if auth_backend is None:
+            auth_backend = KeyringAuthBackend()
+        self.auth_backend = auth_backend
+    @classmethod
+    def register_arguments(cls, parser):
+        super(auth_add, cls).register_arguments(parser)
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "HOST",
+            help=("Endpoint to add token for, in the form "
+                  "scheme://username@host.  The username will default to "
+                  "the currently logged in user."))
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--token-file", default=None,
+            help="Read the secret from here rather than prompting for it.")
+        parser.add_argument(
+            "--no-check", action='store_true',
+            help=("By default, a call to the remote server is made to check "
+                  "that the added token works before remembering it.  "
+                  "Passing this option prevents this check."))
+    def invoke(self):
+        uri = normalize_xmlrpc_url(self.args.HOST)
+        parsed_host = urlparse.urlparse(uri)
+        if parsed_host.username:
+            username = parsed_host.username
+        else:
+            username = getpass.getuser()
+        host = parsed_host.hostname
+        if parsed_host.port:
+            host += ':' + str(parsed_host.port)
+        uri = '%s://%s@%s/RPC2/' % (parsed_host.scheme, username, host)
+        if self.args.token_file:
+            if parsed_host.password:
+                raise LavaCommandError(
+                    "Token specified in url but --token-file also passed.")
+            else:
+                try:
+                    token_file = open(self.args.token_file)
+                except IOError as ex:
+                    raise LavaCommandError("opening %r failed: %s" % (self.args.token_file, ex))
+                token = token_file.read()
+        else:
+            if parsed_host.password:
+                token = parsed_host.password
+            else:
+                token = getpass.getpass("Paste token for %s: " % uri)
+        if not self.args.no_check:
+            sp = AuthenticatingServerProxy(
+                uri, auth_backend=MemoryAuthBackend(
+                    [(username, host, token)]))
+            try:
+                token_user = sp.system.whoami()
+            except xmlrpclib.ProtocolError as ex:
+                if ex.errcode == 401:
+                    raise LavaCommandError(
+                        "Token rejected by server for user %s." % username)
+                else:
+                    raise
+            except xmlrpclib.Fault as ex:
+                raise LavaCommandError(
+                    "Server reported error during check: %s." % ex)
+            if token_user != username:
+                raise LavaCommandError(
+                    "whoami() returned %s rather than expected %s -- this is "
+                    "a bug." % (token_user, username))
+        self.auth_backend.add_token(username, host, token)
+        print 'Token added successfully for user %s.' % username

=== modified file 'lava_tool/tests/__init__.py'
--- lava_tool/tests/__init__.py	2011-05-04 01:12:16 +0000
+++ lava_tool/tests/__init__.py	2011-06-08 01:47:44 +0000
@@ -35,6 +35,8 @@ 
 def test_modules():
     return [
+            'lava_tool.tests.test_authtoken',
+            'lava_tool.tests.test_auth_commands',

=== added file 'lava_tool/tests/test_auth_commands.py'
--- lava_tool/tests/test_auth_commands.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ lava_tool/tests/test_auth_commands.py	2011-06-09 05:35:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ 
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Linaro Limited
+# Author: Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hudson@linaro.org>
+# This file is part of lava-tool.
+# lava-tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation
+# lava-tool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with lava-tool.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Unit tests for the lava_tool.commands.auth package
+import StringIO
+import sys
+import tempfile
+import xmlrpclib
+from lava_tool.authtoken import MemoryAuthBackend
+from lava_tool.mocker import ARGS, KWARGS, CONTAINS, MockerTestCase
+from lava_tool.interface import LavaCommandError
+from lava_tool.commands.auth import auth_add
+class FakeArgs:
+    token_file = None
+    no_check = False
+class AuthAddTests(MockerTestCase):
+    def setUp(self):
+        MockerTestCase.setUp(self)
+        self.saved_stdout = sys.stdout
+        sys.stdout = StringIO.StringIO()
+        self.saved_stderr = sys.stderr
+        sys.stderr = StringIO.StringIO()
+    def tearDown(self):
+        MockerTestCase.tearDown(self)
+        sys.stdout = self.saved_stdout
+        sys.stderr = self.saved_stderr
+    def make_command(self, auth_backend, **kwargs):
+        args = FakeArgs()
+        args.__dict__.update(kwargs)
+        return auth_add(None, args, auth_backend)
+    def test_token_taken_from_argument(self):
+        auth_backend = MemoryAuthBackend([])
+        cmd = self.make_command(
+            auth_backend, HOST='http://user:TOKEN@example.com', no_check=True)
+        cmd.invoke()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'TOKEN', auth_backend.get_token_for_host('user', 'example.com'))
+    def test_token_taken_from_getpass(self):
+        mocked_getpass = self.mocker.replace('getpass.getpass', passthrough=False)
+        mocked_getpass(CONTAINS('Paste token'))
+        self.mocker.result("TOKEN")
+        self.mocker.replay()
+        auth_backend = MemoryAuthBackend([])
+        cmd = self.make_command(
+            auth_backend, HOST='http://user@example.com', no_check=True)
+        cmd.invoke()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'TOKEN', auth_backend.get_token_for_host('user', 'example.com'))
+    def test_token_taken_from_file(self):
+        auth_backend = MemoryAuthBackend([])
+        token_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w')
+        token_file.write("TOKEN")
+        token_file.flush()
+        cmd = self.make_command(
+            auth_backend, HOST='http://user@example.com', no_check=True,
+            token_file=token_file.name)
+        cmd.invoke()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'TOKEN', auth_backend.get_token_for_host('user', 'example.com'))
+    def test_token_file_and_in_url_conflict(self):
+        auth_backend = MemoryAuthBackend([])
+        cmd = self.make_command(
+            auth_backend, HOST='http://user:TOKEN@example.com', no_check=True,
+            token_file='some-file-name')
+        self.assertRaises(LavaCommandError, cmd.invoke)
+    def test_non_existent_token_reported(self):
+        auth_backend = MemoryAuthBackend([])
+        cmd = self.make_command(
+            auth_backend, HOST='http://user:TOKEN@example.com', no_check=True,
+            token_file='does-not-exist')
+        self.assertRaises(LavaCommandError, cmd.invoke)
+    def test_user_taken_from_getuser(self):
+        mocked_getuser = self.mocker.replace('getpass.getuser', passthrough=False)
+        mocked_getuser()
+        self.mocker.result("user")
+        self.mocker.replay()
+        auth_backend = MemoryAuthBackend([])
+        token_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile('w')
+        token_file.write("TOKEN")
+        token_file.flush()
+        cmd = self.make_command(
+            auth_backend, HOST='http://example.com', no_check=True,
+            token_file=token_file.name)
+        cmd.invoke()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'TOKEN', auth_backend.get_token_for_host('user', 'example.com'))
+    def test_port_included(self):
+        auth_backend = MemoryAuthBackend([])
+        cmd = self.make_command(
+            auth_backend, HOST='http://user:TOKEN@example.com:1234', no_check=True)
+        cmd.invoke()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'TOKEN', auth_backend.get_token_for_host('user', 'example.com:1234'))
+    def test_check_made(self):
+        mocked_AuthenticatingServerProxy = self.mocker.replace(
+            'lava_tool.authtoken.AuthenticatingServerProxy', passthrough=False)
+        mocked_sp = mocked_AuthenticatingServerProxy(ARGS, KWARGS)
+        # nospec() is required because of
+        # https://bugs.launchpad.net/mocker/+bug/794351
+        self.mocker.nospec()
+        mocked_sp.system.whoami()
+        self.mocker.result('user')
+        self.mocker.replay()
+        auth_backend = MemoryAuthBackend([])
+        cmd = self.make_command(
+            auth_backend, HOST='http://user:TOKEN@example.com:1234', no_check=False)
+        cmd.invoke()
+        self.assertEqual(
+            'TOKEN', auth_backend.get_token_for_host('user', 'example.com:1234'))
+    def test_check_auth_failure_reported_nicely(self):
+        mocked_AuthenticatingServerProxy = self.mocker.replace(
+            'lava_tool.authtoken.AuthenticatingServerProxy', passthrough=False)
+        mocked_sp = mocked_AuthenticatingServerProxy(ARGS, KWARGS)
+        # nospec() is required because of
+        # https://bugs.launchpad.net/mocker/+bug/794351
+        self.mocker.nospec()
+        mocked_sp.system.whoami()
+        self.mocker.throw(xmlrpclib.ProtocolError('', 401, '', []))
+        self.mocker.replay()
+        auth_backend = MemoryAuthBackend([])
+        cmd = self.make_command(
+            auth_backend, HOST='http://user:TOKEN@example.com', no_check=False)
+        self.assertRaises(LavaCommandError, cmd.invoke)
+    def test_check_fails_token_not_recorded(self):
+        mocked_AuthenticatingServerProxy = self.mocker.replace(
+            'lava_tool.authtoken.AuthenticatingServerProxy', passthrough=False)
+        mocked_sp = mocked_AuthenticatingServerProxy(ARGS, KWARGS)
+        self.mocker.nospec()
+        mocked_sp.system.whoami()
+        self.mocker.throw(xmlrpclib.ProtocolError('', 401, '', []))
+        self.mocker.replay()
+        auth_backend = MemoryAuthBackend([])
+        cmd = self.make_command(
+            auth_backend, HOST='http://user:TOKEN@example.com', no_check=False)
+        self.assertRaises(LavaCommandError, cmd.invoke)
+        self.assertEqual(
+            None, auth_backend.get_token_for_host('user', 'example.com'))
+    def test_check_other_http_failure_just_raised(self):
+        mocked_AuthenticatingServerProxy = self.mocker.replace(
+            'lava_tool.authtoken.AuthenticatingServerProxy', passthrough=False)
+        mocked_sp = mocked_AuthenticatingServerProxy(ARGS, KWARGS)
+        # nospec() is required because of
+        # https://bugs.launchpad.net/mocker/+bug/794351
+        self.mocker.nospec()
+        mocked_sp.system.whoami()
+        self.mocker.throw(xmlrpclib.ProtocolError('', 500, '', []))
+        self.mocker.replay()
+        auth_backend = MemoryAuthBackend([])
+        cmd = self.make_command(
+            auth_backend, HOST='http://user:TOKEN@example.com', no_check=False)
+        self.assertRaises(xmlrpclib.ProtocolError, cmd.invoke)
+    def test_fault_reported(self):
+        mocked_AuthenticatingServerProxy = self.mocker.replace(
+            'lava_tool.authtoken.AuthenticatingServerProxy', passthrough=False)
+        mocked_sp = mocked_AuthenticatingServerProxy(ARGS, KWARGS)
+        # nospec() is required because of
+        # https://bugs.launchpad.net/mocker/+bug/794351
+        self.mocker.nospec()
+        mocked_sp.system.whoami()
+        self.mocker.throw(xmlrpclib.Fault(100, 'faultString'))
+        self.mocker.replay()
+        auth_backend = MemoryAuthBackend([])
+        cmd = self.make_command(
+            auth_backend, HOST='http://user:TOKEN@example.com', no_check=False)
+        self.assertRaises(LavaCommandError, cmd.invoke)

=== added file 'lava_tool/tests/test_authtoken.py'
--- lava_tool/tests/test_authtoken.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ lava_tool/tests/test_authtoken.py	2011-06-09 05:30:32 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ 
+# Copyright (C) 2011 Linaro Limited
+# Author: Michael Hudson-Doyle <michael.hudson@linaro.org>
+# This file is part of lava-tool.
+# lava-tool is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation
+# lava-tool is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+# along with lava-tool.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+Unit tests for the lava_tool.authtoken package
+import base64
+from unittest import TestCase
+from lava_tool.authtoken import (
+    AuthenticatingTransportMixin,
+    MemoryAuthBackend,
+    )
+from lava_tool.interface import LavaCommandError
+class TestAuthenticatingTransportMixin(TestCase):
+    def headers_for_host(self, host, auth_backend):
+        a = AuthenticatingTransportMixin()
+        a.auth_backend = auth_backend
+        _, headers, _ = a.get_host_info(host)
+        return headers
+    def user_and_password_from_headers(self, headers):
+        if len(headers) != 1:
+            self.fail("expected exactly 1 header, got %r" % headers)
+        [(name, value)] = headers
+        if name != 'Authorization':
+            self.fail("non-authorization header found in %r" % headers)
+        if not value.startswith("Basic "):
+            self.fail("non-basic auth header found in %r" % headers)
+        auth = base64.b64decode(value[len("Basic "):])
+        if ':' in auth:
+            return tuple(auth.split(':', 1))
+        else:
+            return (auth, None)
+    def test_no_user_no_auth(self):
+        headers = self.headers_for_host('example.com', MemoryAuthBackend([]))
+        self.assertEqual(None, headers)
+    def test_error_when_user_but_no_token(self):
+        self.assertRaises(
+            LavaCommandError,
+            self.headers_for_host, 'user@example.com', MemoryAuthBackend([]))
+    def test_token_used_for_auth(self):
+        headers = self.headers_for_host(
+            'user@example.com',
+            MemoryAuthBackend([('user', 'example.com', "TOKEN")]))
+        self.assertEqual(
+            ('user', 'TOKEN'), self.user_and_password_from_headers(headers))

=== modified file 'setup.py'
--- setup.py	2011-05-04 11:57:26 +0000
+++ setup.py	2011-06-08 01:06:58 +0000
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ 
     lava-tool = lava_tool.dispatcher:main
     help = lava_tool.commands.misc:help
+    auth-add = lava_tool.commands.auth:auth_add
         "Development Status :: 4 - Beta",
@@ -55,7 +56,8 @@ 
         "Topic :: Software Development :: Testing",
     install_requires = [
-        'argparse >= 1.1'
+        'argparse >= 1.1',
+        'keyring',
     setup_requires = [
         'versiontools >= 1.1',