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[Branch,~linaro-maintainers/linaro-image-tools/trunk] Rev 267: Update tests/integration.txt to match the current state of the code. We should remember to run t...

Message ID 20110128122327.32751.59899.launchpad@loganberry.canonical.com
State Accepted
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Commit Message

Guilherme Salgado Jan. 28, 2011, 12:23 p.m. UTC
revno: 267
committer: Guilherme Salgado <salgado@canonical.com>
branch nick: trunk
timestamp: Fri 2011-01-28 10:21:07 -0200
  Update tests/integration.txt to match the current state of the code.  We should remember to run them more often.


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diff mbox


=== modified file 'tests/integration.txt'
--- tests/integration.txt	2011-01-11 21:26:54 +0000
+++ tests/integration.txt	2011-01-28 12:21:07 +0000
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@ 
-A few integration tests we can run while the migration to python is not
-complete.  They probably require root or access to specific block devices so
+A few integration tests we can run to test things on a higher level.
+These will probably require root or access to specific block devices so
 they are not meant to be automated.
     # This should print nothing to stdout but will unpack the given binary
@@ -10,18 +10,19 @@ 
     # Partition (for real!) /dev/sdb for a beagle board and return the devices
     # for the boot and root partitions.
     >>> from linaro_media_create.partitions import Media, setup_partitions
-    >>> setup_partitions('beagle', Media('/dev/sdb'), 32, None, 'boot',
-    ...     'root', 'ext3', '2e82008e-1af3-4699-8521-3bf5bac1e67a', True,
-    ...     True, True)
+    >>> from linaro_media_create.boards import board_configs
+    >>> setup_partitions(
+    ...     board_configs['beagle'], Media('/dev/sdb'), None, 'boot',
+    ...     'root', 'ext3', True, True, True)
     Checking that no-one is using this disk right now
     ('/dev/sdb1', '/dev/sdb2')
     # Partition /tmp/beagle.img for a beagle board and return the loopback
     # devices for the boot and root partitions.
-    >>> setup_partitions('beagle', Media('/tmp/beagle.img'), 32, '2G', 'boot',
-    ...     'root', 'ext3', '2e82008e-1af3-4699-8521-3bf5bac1e67a', True,
-    ...     True, True)
+    >>> setup_partitions(
+    ...     board_configs['beagle'], Media('/tmp/beagle.img'), '2G', 'boot',
+    ...     'root', 'ext3', True, True, True)
     Warning: /tmp/beagle.img is not a block device
     ('/dev/loop0', '/dev/loop1')