@@ -86,11 +86,20 @@ test_ip6gretap()
+ # Sometimes after mirror installation, the neighbor's state is not valid.
+ # The reason is that there is no SW datapath activity related to the
+ # neighbor for the remote GRE address. Therefore whether the corresponding
+ # neighbor will be valid is a matter of luck, and the test is thus racy.
+ # Set the neighbor's state to permanent, so it would be always valid.
+ ip neigh replace lladdr $(mac_get $h3) \
+ nud permanent dev br2
full_test_span_gre_stp gt4 $swp3.555 "mirror to gretap"
+ ip neigh replace 2001:db8:2::2 lladdr $(mac_get $h3) \
+ nud permanent dev br2
full_test_span_gre_stp gt6 $swp3.555 "mirror to ip6gretap"