=== modified file 'lava_dispatcher/actions/lava-android-test.py'
@@ -82,10 +82,12 @@
lava-test deployment to test image rootfs by chroot
- def run(self, tests, timeout=2400):
+ def run(self, tests, option=None, timeout=2400):
dev_name = self.is_ready_for_test()
for test in tests:
cmd = 'lava-android-test install %s -s %s' % (test, dev_name)
+ if option is not None:
+ cmd += ' -o ' + option
rc = pexpect.run(cmd, timeout=None, logfile=sys.stdout, withexitstatus=True)[1]
if rc != 0:
raise OperationFailed("Failed to install test case(%s) on device(%s) with return value: %s" % (test, dev_name, rc))
=== modified file 'lava_dispatcher/actions/lava-test.py'
@@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
def test_name(self, test_name, test_options = "", timeout=-1):
return super(cmd_lava_test_run, self).test_name() + ' (%s)' % test_name
def run(self, test_name, test_options = "", timeout=-1):
logging.info("Executing lava_test_run %s command" % test_name)
#Make sure in test image now
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
if test_options != "":
test_options = "-t '%s'" % test_options
cmd = ('lava-test run %s %s -o %s/%s.bundle' % (
test_name, test_options, self.context.lava_result_dir, bundle_name))