=== removed file 'dashboard_app/templates/dashboard_app/image_status_detail.html'
@@ -1,186 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "dashboard_app/_content.html" %}
-{% load call %}
-{% load i18n %}
-{% block extrahead %}
-{{ block.super }}
-<!--[if IE]><script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_URL }}dashboard_app/js/excanvas.min.js"></script><![endif]-->
-<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_URL }}dashboard_app/js/jquery.flot.min.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_URL }}dashboard_app/js/jquery.flot.stack.min.js"></script>
-<script type="text/javascript" src="{{ STATIC_URL }}dashboard_app/js/jquery.flot.axislabels.js"></script>
-{% endblock %}
-{% block content %}
-<h2>Test history for image {{ image_health.rootfs_type }} + {{ image_health.hwpack_type }}</h2>
-{% with image_health.get_recent_test_runs as recent_test_run_list %}
-{% if recent_test_run_list %}
-<div id="legend" style="margin: auto;"></div>
-<div id="placeholder" style="height: 250px; margin: auto;"></div>
-<script type="text/javascript">
- $(function () {
- var css_id = "#placeholder";
- {% with image_health.get_chart_data as chart_data %}
- {% regroup chart_data|dictsort:"bucket" by bucket as bucket_list %}
- var tick_list = [
- {% spaceless %}
- {% for bucket in bucket_list %}
- "{{ bucket.grouper }}",
- {% endfor %}
- {% endspaceless %}
- ];
- var tick_label_list = [
- {% spaceless %}
- {% for bucket in bucket_list %}
- [ {{ forloop.counter0 }}, "{{ bucket.grouper }}"],
- {% endfor %}
- {% endspaceless %}
- ];
- {% regroup chart_data|dictsort:"result" by result as series_group_list %}
- var label_for = ["pass", "fail", "skip", "unknown"];
- var color_for = ["#3aad3a", "#ff3800", "yellow", "#aaad9c"];
- var data = [
- {% for chart_series in series_group_list %}
- {
- label: label_for[{{ chart_series.grouper }}],
- color: color_for[{{ chart_series.grouper }}],
- data: [
- {% spaceless %}
- {% for sample in chart_series.list %}
- [ tick_list.indexOf("{{ sample.bucket }}"), {{ sample.count }}],
- {% endfor %}
- {% endspaceless %}
- ]
- },
- {% endfor %}
- ];
- {% endwith %}
- var options = {
- legend: {
- container: "#legend",
- noColumns: 4,
- },
- grid: {
- show: true,
- aboveData: false,
- backgroundColor: 'white',
- color: '#333',
- borderColor: null
- },
- series: {
- stack: 0,
- lines: {
- show: false,
- fill: false,
- steps: false
- },
- bars: {
- show: true,
- fill: true,
- barWidth: 0.5,
- align: "center",
- lineWidth: 0,
- fillColor: {
- colors: [
- { opacity: 1 },
- { opacity: 1 },
- { opacity: 1 },
- { opacity: 1 }
- ]
- }
- },
- },
- xaxis: {
- label: "Day of testing",
- ticks: tick_label_list,
- },
- yaxis: {
- labelPos: "low",
- label: "Number of test cases",
- },
- };
- $.plot($(css_id), data, options);
- });
-<style type="text/css">
- .result_pass {
- background-color: #3aad3a;
- }
- .result_fail {
- background-color: #ff3800;
- }
- .result_skip {
- background-color: yellow;
- }
- .result_unknown {
- background-color: #aaad9c;
- }
- .helper {
- float: left;
- height: 1em;
- margin-left: 1px;
- }
- table.special {
- border-collapse: collapse;
- width: 100%;
- }
- table.special th {
- text-align: left;
- border-bottom: 1px solid #333;
- padding: 2pt;
- }
-<table class="special">
- {% regroup recent_test_run_list by analyzer_assigned_date|date:"Y-m-d" as test_run_cluster_list %}
- {% for test_run_cluster in test_run_cluster_list %}
- <tr>
- <th colspan="2">Tests ran on {{ test_run_cluster.grouper }}</th>
- <th>Pass</th>
- <th>Fail</th>
- <th>Skip</th>
- <th>Unknown</th>
- </tr>
- {% for test_run in test_run_cluster.list %}
- <tr>
- <td><a href="{{ test_run.get_absolute_url }}">{{ test_run.test }}</a></td>
- {% with test_run.denormalization as denormalization %}
- <td>
- {% spaceless %}
- <div class="result_pass helper"
- style="width: {% widthratio denormalization.count_pass denormalization.count_all 500 %}px;"></div>
- <div class="result_fail helper"
- style="width: {% widthratio denormalization.count_fail denormalization.count_all 500 %}px;"></div>
- <div class="result_skip helper"
- style="width: {% widthratio denormalization.count_skip denormalization.count_all 500 %}px;"></div>
- <div class="result_unknown helper"
- style="width: {% widthratio denormalization.count_unknown denormalization.count_all 500 %}px;"></div>
- {% endspaceless %}
- </td>
- <td>{{ denormalization.count_pass }}</td>
- <td>{{ denormalization.count_fail }}</td>
- <td>{{ denormalization.count_skip }}</td>
- <td>{{ denormalization.count_unknown }}</td>
- {% endwith %}
- </tr>
- {% endfor %}
- {% endfor %}
-{% else %}
-<p>This combination of of root file system + hwardware pack was not tested in
-the last 14 days</p>
-{% endif %}
-{% endwith %}
-{% endblock %}
=== removed file 'dashboard_app/templates/dashboard_app/image_status_list.html'
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "dashboard_app/_content.html" %}
-{% load call %}
-{% block content %}
-<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
- $(document).ready(function() {
- oTable = $('#LEBs').dataTable({
- "bJQueryUI": true,
- "bPaginate": false,
- });
- });
-<table class="demo_jui display" id="LEBs">
- <thead>
- <tr>
- <th></th>
- {% for hwpack in hwpack_list %}
- <th>{{ hwpack }}</th>
- {% endfor %}
- </tr>
- </thead>
- <tbody>
- {% for rootfs in rootfs_list %}
- <tr>
- <th>{{ rootfs }}</th>
- {% for hwpack in hwpack_list %}
- <td>
- {% call ImageHealth rootfs hwpack as image_health %}
- <a href="{{ image_health.get_absolute_url }}">{{ image_health.get_test_runs.count }} test runs</a>
- {% endcall %}
- </td>
- {% endfor %}
- </tr>
- {% endfor %}
- </tbody>
-{% endblock %}
=== removed file 'dashboard_app/templates/dashboard_app/image_test_history.html'
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-{% extends "dashboard_app/_content.html" %}
-{% block content %}
-<script type="text/javascript">
- $(document).ready(function() {
- $('#test_runs').dataTable({
- bJQueryUI: true,
- sPaginationType: "full_numbers",
- aaSorting: [[0, "desc"]],
- });
- });
-{% include "dashboard_app/_test_run_list_table.html" %}
-{% endblock %}