@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ HAVE_PYCONFIG := $(shell if which python-config >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo 1; el
LIB_DIR := ../../lib
PY_INCLUDE = $(firstword $(shell python-config --includes))
OBJECTS_LIB = $(wildcard $(LIB_DIR)/*.o)
+INSTALL_DIR = $(shell python3 -c "import site; print(site.getsitepackages()[0])")
all: _raw_pylibcpupower.so
@@ -28,6 +29,15 @@ else ifeq ($(HAVE_PYCONFIG),0)
swig -python raw_pylibcpupower.swg
+# Only installs the Python bindings
+install: _raw_pylibcpupower.so
+ install -D _raw_pylibcpupower.so $(INSTALL_DIR)/_raw_pylibcpupower.so
+ install -D raw_pylibcpupower.py $(INSTALL_DIR)/raw_pylibcpupower.py
+ rm -f $(INSTALL_DIR)/_raw_pylibcpupower.so
+ rm -f $(INSTALL_DIR)/raw_pylibcpupower.py
# Will only clean the bindings folder; will not clean the actual cpupower folder
rm -f raw_pylibcpupower.py raw_pylibcpupower_wrap.c raw_pylibcpupower_wrap.o _raw_pylibcpupower.so
@@ -48,6 +48,31 @@ To run the test script:
$ python test_raw_pylibcpupower.py
+developing/using the bindings directly
+You need to add the Python bindings directory to your $PYTHONPATH.
+You would set the path in the Bash terminal or in the Bash profile:
+This allows you to set a specific repo of the bindings to use.
+Python uses a system specific site-packages folder to look up modules to import
+by default. You do not need to install cpupower to use the SWIG bindings.
+You can install and uninstall the bindings to the site-packages with:
+sudo make install
+sudo make uninstall