diff mbox series

assert: Refactor assert/assert_perror

Message ID 20250131191103.2582519-1-adhemerval.zanella@linaro.org
State New
Headers show
Series assert: Refactor assert/assert_perror | expand

Commit Message

Adhemerval Zanella Jan. 31, 2025, 7:10 p.m. UTC
It now calls __libc_message, which contains similar logic. The assert
now does not require any dynamic memory allocation, so test-assert2.c
is adapted to handle it.

It also removes the fxprintf from assert/assert_perror; although it
is not 100% backwards-compatible (write message only if there is a
file descriptor associated with the stderr) it nows write bytes
directly to without going through the wide stream state.

Checked on aarch64-linux-gnu.
 assert/assert-perr.c   |  22 ++++++--
 assert/assert.c        | 112 ++++++-----------------------------------
 assert/test-assert-2.c |  18 ++-----
 include/stdio.h        |  12 +++--
 4 files changed, 46 insertions(+), 118 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/assert/assert-perr.c b/assert/assert-perr.c
index 83f0b3a76f..04f890bcab 100644
--- a/assert/assert-perr.c
+++ b/assert/assert-perr.c
@@ -15,10 +15,15 @@ 
    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
    <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include <_itoa.h>
+#include <array_length.h>
 #include <assert.h>
+#include <intprops.h>
 #include <libintl.h>
 #include <string.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+extern const char *__progname;
 /* This function, when passed an error number, a filename, and a line
    number, prints a message on the standard error stream of the form:
@@ -31,8 +36,19 @@  __assert_perror_fail (int errnum,
   char errbuf[1024];
-  char *e = __strerror_r (errnum, errbuf, sizeof errbuf);
-  __assert_fail_base (_("%s%s%s:%u: %s%sUnexpected error: %s.\n"),
-		      e, file, line, function);
+  const char *e = __strerror_r (errnum, errbuf, sizeof errbuf);
+  char linebuf[INT_BUFSIZE_BOUND (unsigned int)];
+  array_end (linebuf)[-1] = '\0';
+  char *linestr = _itoa_word (line, array_end (linebuf) - 1, 10, 0);
+  __libc_message (_("%s%s%s:%s: %s%sUnexpected error: %s.\n"),
+		  __progname,
+		  __progname[0] ? ": " : "",
+		  file,
+		  linestr,
+		  function ? function : "",
+		  function ? ": " : "",
+		  e);
 libc_hidden_def (__assert_perror_fail)
diff --git a/assert/assert.c b/assert/assert.c
index d21d76fa62..499a90f4c6 100644
--- a/assert/assert.c
+++ b/assert/assert.c
@@ -15,115 +15,31 @@ 
    License along with the GNU C Library; if not, see
    <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.  */
+#include <array_length.h>
 #include <intprops.h>
 #include <ldsodefs.h>
 #include <libc-pointer-arith.h>
 #include <libintl.h>
-#include <libio/iolibio.h>
-#include <setvmaname.h>
-#include <sys/uio.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
 extern const char *__progname;
-#define fflush(s) _IO_fflush (s)
-/* This function, when passed a string containing an asserted
-   expression, a filename, and a line number, prints a message
-   on the standard error stream of the form:
-	a.c:10: foobar: Assertion `a == b' failed.
-   It then aborts program execution via a call to `abort'.  */
-__assert_fail_base (const char *fmt, const char *assertion, const char *file,
-		    unsigned int line, const char *function)
-  char *str;
-  int total = __asprintf (&str, fmt,
-			  __progname, __progname[0] ? ": " : "",
-			  file, line,
-			  function ? function : "", function ? ": " : "",
-			  assertion);
-  if (total >= 0)
-    {
-      /* Print the message.  */
-      (void) __fxprintf (NULL, "%s", str);
-      (void) fflush (stderr);
-      total = ALIGN_UP (total + sizeof (struct abort_msg_s) + 1,
-			GLRO(dl_pagesize));
-      struct abort_msg_s *buf = __mmap (NULL, total, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,
-					MAP_ANON | MAP_PRIVATE, -1, 0);
-      if (__glibc_likely (buf != MAP_FAILED))
-	{
-	  buf->size = total;
-	  strcpy (buf->msg, str);
-	  __set_vma_name (buf, total, " glibc: assert");
-	  /* We have to free the old buffer since the application might
-	     catch the SIGABRT signal.  */
-	  struct abort_msg_s *old = atomic_exchange_acquire (&__abort_msg, buf);
-	  if (old != NULL)
-	    __munmap (old, old->size);
-	}
-      free (str);
-    }
-  else
-    {
-      /* At least print a minimal message.  */
-      char linebuf[INT_STRLEN_BOUND (int) + sizeof ":: "];
-      struct iovec v[9];
-      int i = 0;
-#define WS(s) (v[i].iov_len = strlen (v[i].iov_base = (void *) (s)), i++)
-      if (__progname)
-	{
-	  WS (__progname);
-	  WS (": ");
-	}
-      WS (file);
-      v[i++] = (struct iovec) {.iov_base = linebuf,
-	.iov_len = sprintf (linebuf, ":%d: ", line)};
-      if (function)
-	{
-	  WS (function);
-	  WS (": ");
-	}
-      WS ("Assertion `");
-      WS (assertion);
-      /* We omit the '.' here so that the assert tests can tell when
-         this code path is taken.  */
-      WS ("' failed\n");
-      (void) __writev (STDERR_FILENO, v, i);
-    }
-  abort ();
 #undef __assert_fail
 __assert_fail (const char *assertion, const char *file, unsigned int line,
 	       const char *function)
-  __assert_fail_base (_("%s%s%s:%u: %s%sAssertion `%s' failed.\n"),
-		      assertion, file, line, function);
+  char linebuf[INT_BUFSIZE_BOUND (unsigned int)];
+  array_end (linebuf)[-1] = '\0';
+  char *linestr = _itoa_word (line, array_end (linebuf) - 1, 10, 0);
+  __libc_message (_("%s%s%s:%s: %s%sAssertion `%s' failed.\n"),
+		  __progname,
+		  __progname[0] ? ": " : "",
+		  file,
+		  linestr,
+		  function ? function : "",
+		  function ? ": " : "",
+		  assertion);
diff --git a/assert/test-assert-2.c b/assert/test-assert-2.c
index 6d54ef9ba6..9997c98d1a 100644
--- a/assert/test-assert-2.c
+++ b/assert/test-assert-2.c
@@ -127,7 +127,7 @@  check_posix (const char *buf, int rv, int line,
 static void
-one_test (void (*func)(void *), int which_path)
+one_test (void (*func)(void *))
   struct support_capture_subprocess sp;
   int rv;
@@ -140,17 +140,7 @@  one_test (void (*func)(void *), int which_path)
   check_posix (sp.err.buffer, rv, do_lineno, do_funcname, "1 == 2");
-  /* Look for intentional subtle differences in messages to verify
-     that the intended code path was taken.  */
-  switch (which_path)
-    {
-    case 0:
-      TEST_VERIFY (strstr (sp.err.buffer, "failed.\n") != NULL);
-      break;
-    case 1:
-      TEST_VERIFY (strstr (sp.err.buffer, "failed\n") != NULL);
-      break;
-    }
+  TEST_VERIFY (strstr (sp.err.buffer, "failed.\n") != NULL);
   support_capture_subprocess_free (&sp);
@@ -158,8 +148,8 @@  one_test (void (*func)(void *), int which_path)
 static int
-  one_test (test_assert_normal, 0);
-  one_test (test_assert_nomalloc, 1);
+  one_test (test_assert_normal);
+  one_test (test_assert_nomalloc);
   return 0;
diff --git a/include/stdio.h b/include/stdio.h
index e48d709919..b3d9ed0d7a 100644
--- a/include/stdio.h
+++ b/include/stdio.h
@@ -171,7 +171,7 @@  extern void __fortify_fail (const char *msg) __attribute__ ((__noreturn__));
 libc_hidden_proto (__fortify_fail)
 /* The maximum number of varargs allowed in a __libc_message format string */
 _Noreturn void __libc_message_impl (const char *__fnt, ...) attribute_hidden
      __attribute__ ((__format__ (__printf__, 1, 2)));
@@ -186,13 +186,19 @@  _Noreturn void __libc_message_impl (const char *__fnt, ...) attribute_hidden
    __libc_message_impl (fmt, a1, a2, a3)
 #define __libc_message4(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4) \
    __libc_message_impl (fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4)
+#define __libc_message5(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5) \
+   __libc_message_impl (fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5)
+#define __libc_message6(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) \
+   __libc_message_impl (fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6)
+#define __libc_message7(fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) \
+   __libc_message_impl (fmt, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7)
 #define __libc_message_concat_x(a,b)  a##b
 #define __libc_message_concat(a,b)    __libc_message_concat_x (a, b)
-#define __libc_message_nargs_x(a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,...) a6
+#define __libc_message_nargs_x(a0,a1,a2,a3,a4,a5,a6,a7,...) a7
 #define __libc_message_nargs(b, ...) \
-   __libc_message_nargs_x (__VA_ARGS__,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,)
+   __libc_message_nargs_x (__VA_ARGS__,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0,)
 #define __libc_message_disp(b, ...) \
    __libc_message_concat (b, __libc_message_nargs (__VA_ARGS__))(__VA_ARGS__)
 #define __libc_message(...) \