diff mbox series

[v2,05/69] fpu: allow flushing of output denormals to be after rounding

Message ID 20250201164012.1660228-6-peter.maydell@linaro.org
State Superseded
Headers show
Series target/arm: FEAT_AFP and FEAT_RPRES | expand

Commit Message

Peter Maydell Feb. 1, 2025, 4:39 p.m. UTC
Currently we handle flushing of output denormals in uncanon_normal
always before we deal with rounding.  This works for architectures
that detect tininess before rounding, but is usually not the right
place when the architecture detects tininess after rounding.  For
example, for x86 the SDM states that the MXCSR FTZ control bit causes
outputs to be flushed to zero "when it detects a floating-point
underflow condition".  This means that we mustn't flush to zero if
the input is such that after rounding it is no longer tiny.

At least one of our guest architectures does underflow detection
after rounding but flushing of denormals before rounding (MIPS MSA);
this means we need to have a config knob for this that is separate
from our existing tininess_before_rounding setting.

Add an ftz_detection flag.  For consistency with
tininess_before_rounding, we make it default to "detect ftz after
rounding"; this means that we need to explicitly set the flag to
"detect ftz before rounding" on every existing architecture that sets
flush_to_zero, so that this commit has no behaviour change.
(This means more code change here but for the long term a less
confusing API.)

For several architectures the current behaviour is either
definitely or possibly wrong; annotate those with TODO comments.
These architectures are definitely wrong (and should detect
ftz after rounding):
 * x86
 * Alpha

For these architectures the spec is unclear:
 * MIPS (for non-MSA)
 * RX
 * SH4

PA-RISC makes ftz detection IMPDEF, but we aren't setting the
"tininess before rounding" setting that we ought to.

Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell <peter.maydell@linaro.org>
 include/fpu/softfloat-helpers.h | 11 +++++++++++
 include/fpu/softfloat-types.h   | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
 target/mips/fpu_helper.h        |  6 ++++++
 target/alpha/cpu.c              |  7 +++++++
 target/arm/cpu.c                |  1 +
 target/hppa/fpu_helper.c        | 11 +++++++++++
 target/i386/tcg/fpu_helper.c    |  8 ++++++++
 target/mips/msa.c               |  9 +++++++++
 target/ppc/cpu_init.c           |  3 +++
 target/rx/cpu.c                 |  8 ++++++++
 target/sh4/cpu.c                |  8 ++++++++
 target/tricore/helper.c         |  1 +
 tests/fp/fp-bench.c             |  1 +
 fpu/softfloat-parts.c.inc       | 21 +++++++++++++++------
 14 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)


Richard Henderson Feb. 2, 2025, 4:50 p.m. UTC | #1
On 2/1/25 08:39, Peter Maydell wrote:
> Currently we handle flushing of output denormals in uncanon_normal
> always before we deal with rounding.  This works for architectures
> that detect tininess before rounding, but is usually not the right
> place when the architecture detects tininess after rounding.  For
> example, for x86 the SDM states that the MXCSR FTZ control bit causes
> outputs to be flushed to zero "when it detects a floating-point
> underflow condition".  This means that we mustn't flush to zero if
> the input is such that after rounding it is no longer tiny.
> At least one of our guest architectures does underflow detection
> after rounding but flushing of denormals before rounding (MIPS MSA);
> this means we need to have a config knob for this that is separate
> from our existing tininess_before_rounding setting.
> Add an ftz_detection flag.  For consistency with
> tininess_before_rounding, we make it default to "detect ftz after
> rounding"; this means that we need to explicitly set the flag to
> "detect ftz before rounding" on every existing architecture that sets
> flush_to_zero, so that this commit has no behaviour change.
> (This means more code change here but for the long term a less
> confusing API.)
> For several architectures the current behaviour is either
> definitely or possibly wrong; annotate those with TODO comments.
> These architectures are definitely wrong (and should detect
> ftz after rounding):
>   * x86
>   * Alpha
> For these architectures the spec is unclear:
>   * MIPS (for non-MSA)
>   * RX
>   * SH4
> PA-RISC makes ftz detection IMPDEF, but we aren't setting the
> "tininess before rounding" setting that we ought to.
> Signed-off-by: Peter Maydell<peter.maydell@linaro.org>
> ---
>   include/fpu/softfloat-helpers.h | 11 +++++++++++
>   include/fpu/softfloat-types.h   | 18 ++++++++++++++++++
>   target/mips/fpu_helper.h        |  6 ++++++
>   target/alpha/cpu.c              |  7 +++++++
>   target/arm/cpu.c                |  1 +
>   target/hppa/fpu_helper.c        | 11 +++++++++++
>   target/i386/tcg/fpu_helper.c    |  8 ++++++++
>   target/mips/msa.c               |  9 +++++++++
>   target/ppc/cpu_init.c           |  3 +++
>   target/rx/cpu.c                 |  8 ++++++++
>   target/sh4/cpu.c                |  8 ++++++++
>   target/tricore/helper.c         |  1 +
>   tests/fp/fp-bench.c             |  1 +
>   fpu/softfloat-parts.c.inc       | 21 +++++++++++++++------
>   14 files changed, 107 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

Reviewed-by: Richard Henderson <richard.henderson@linaro.org>

diff mbox series


diff --git a/include/fpu/softfloat-helpers.h b/include/fpu/softfloat-helpers.h
index 4cb30a48220..8983c2748ec 100644
--- a/include/fpu/softfloat-helpers.h
+++ b/include/fpu/softfloat-helpers.h
@@ -109,6 +109,12 @@  static inline void set_flush_inputs_to_zero(bool val, float_status *status)
     status->flush_inputs_to_zero = val;
+static inline void set_float_ftz_detection(FloatFTZDetection d,
+                                           float_status *status)
+    status->ftz_detection = d;
 static inline void set_default_nan_mode(bool val, float_status *status)
     status->default_nan_mode = val;
@@ -183,4 +189,9 @@  static inline bool get_default_nan_mode(const float_status *status)
     return status->default_nan_mode;
+static inline FloatFTZDetection get_float_ftz_detection(const float_status *status)
+    return status->ftz_detection;
diff --git a/include/fpu/softfloat-types.h b/include/fpu/softfloat-types.h
index b9b4e8e55fc..d910ed1068c 100644
--- a/include/fpu/softfloat-types.h
+++ b/include/fpu/softfloat-types.h
@@ -304,6 +304,22 @@  typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) {
     float_infzeronan_suppress_invalid = (1 << 2),
 } FloatInfZeroNaNRule;
+ * When flush_to_zero is set, should we detect denormal results to
+ * be flushed before or after rounding? For most architectures this
+ * should be set to match the tininess_before_rounding setting,
+ * but a few architectures, e.g. MIPS MSA, detect FTZ before
+ * rounding but tininess after rounding.
+ *
+ * This enum is arranged so that the default if the target doesn't
+ * configure it matches the default for tininess_before_rounding
+ * (i.e. "after rounding").
+ */
+typedef enum __attribute__((__packed__)) {
+    float_ftz_after_rounding = 0,
+    float_ftz_before_rounding = 1,
+} FloatFTZDetection;
  * Floating Point Status. Individual architectures may maintain
  * several versions of float_status for different functions. The
@@ -321,6 +337,8 @@  typedef struct float_status {
     bool tininess_before_rounding;
     /* should denormalised results go to zero and set output_denormal_flushed? */
     bool flush_to_zero;
+    /* do we detect and flush denormal results before or after rounding? */
+    FloatFTZDetection ftz_detection;
     /* should denormalised inputs go to zero and set input_denormal_flushed? */
     bool flush_inputs_to_zero;
     bool default_nan_mode;
diff --git a/target/mips/fpu_helper.h b/target/mips/fpu_helper.h
index 6ad1e466cfd..08fb4093904 100644
--- a/target/mips/fpu_helper.h
+++ b/target/mips/fpu_helper.h
@@ -84,6 +84,12 @@  static inline void fp_reset(CPUMIPSState *env)
+    /*
+     * TODO: the spec does't say clearly whether FTZ happens before
+     * or after rounding for normal FPU operations.
+     */
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding,
+                            &env->active_fpu.fp_status);
 /* MSA */
diff --git a/target/alpha/cpu.c b/target/alpha/cpu.c
index e1b898e5755..f5dd7449876 100644
--- a/target/alpha/cpu.c
+++ b/target/alpha/cpu.c
@@ -202,6 +202,13 @@  static void alpha_cpu_initfn(Object *obj)
     set_float_2nan_prop_rule(float_2nan_prop_x87, &env->fp_status);
     /* Default NaN: sign bit clear, msb frac bit set */
     set_float_default_nan_pattern(0b01000000, &env->fp_status);
+    /*
+     * TODO: this is incorrect. The Alpha Architecture Handbook version 4
+     * section says that we flush to zero for underflow cases, so
+     * this should be float_ftz_after_rounding to match the
+     * tininess_after_rounding (which is specified in section 4.7.5).
+     */
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding, &env->fp_status);
 #if defined(CONFIG_USER_ONLY)
     env->flags = ENV_FLAG_PS_USER | ENV_FLAG_FEN;
     cpu_alpha_store_fpcr(env, (uint64_t)(FPCR_INVD | FPCR_DZED | FPCR_OVFD
diff --git a/target/arm/cpu.c b/target/arm/cpu.c
index 7a83b9ee34f..9ea2080e519 100644
--- a/target/arm/cpu.c
+++ b/target/arm/cpu.c
@@ -185,6 +185,7 @@  void arm_register_el_change_hook(ARMCPU *cpu, ARMELChangeHookFn *hook,
 static void arm_set_default_fp_behaviours(float_status *s)
     set_float_detect_tininess(float_tininess_before_rounding, s);
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding, s);
     set_float_2nan_prop_rule(float_2nan_prop_s_ab, s);
     set_float_3nan_prop_rule(float_3nan_prop_s_cab, s);
     set_float_infzeronan_rule(float_infzeronan_dnan_if_qnan, s);
diff --git a/target/hppa/fpu_helper.c b/target/hppa/fpu_helper.c
index 239c027ec52..8ff4b448049 100644
--- a/target/hppa/fpu_helper.c
+++ b/target/hppa/fpu_helper.c
@@ -67,6 +67,17 @@  void HELPER(loaded_fr0)(CPUHPPAState *env)
     set_float_infzeronan_rule(float_infzeronan_dnan_never, &env->fp_status);
     /* Default NaN: sign bit clear, msb-1 frac bit set */
     set_float_default_nan_pattern(0b00100000, &env->fp_status);
+    /*
+     * "PA-RISC 2.0 Architecture" says it is IMPDEF whether the flushing
+     * enabled by FPSR.D happens before or after rounding. We pick "before"
+     * for consistency with tininess detection.
+     */
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding, &env->fp_status);
+    /*
+     * TODO: "PA-RISC 2.0 Architecture" chapter 10 says that we should
+     * detect tininess before rounding, but we don't set that here so we
+     * get the default tininess after rounding.
+     */
 void cpu_hppa_loaded_fr0(CPUHPPAState *env)
diff --git a/target/i386/tcg/fpu_helper.c b/target/i386/tcg/fpu_helper.c
index de6d0b252ec..f112c6c6737 100644
--- a/target/i386/tcg/fpu_helper.c
+++ b/target/i386/tcg/fpu_helper.c
@@ -188,6 +188,14 @@  void cpu_init_fp_statuses(CPUX86State *env)
     set_float_default_nan_pattern(0b11000000, &env->fp_status);
     set_float_default_nan_pattern(0b11000000, &env->mmx_status);
     set_float_default_nan_pattern(0b11000000, &env->sse_status);
+    /*
+     * TODO: x86 does flush-to-zero detection after rounding (the SDM
+     * section on the FTZ bit of MXCSR says that we flush
+     * when we detect underflow, which x86 does after rounding).
+     */
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding, &env->fp_status);
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding, &env->mmx_status);
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding, &env->sse_status);
 static inline uint8_t save_exception_flags(CPUX86State *env)
diff --git a/target/mips/msa.c b/target/mips/msa.c
index fc77bfc7b9a..32c6acbcc56 100644
--- a/target/mips/msa.c
+++ b/target/mips/msa.c
@@ -48,6 +48,15 @@  void msa_reset(CPUMIPSState *env)
     /* tininess detected after rounding.*/
+    /*
+     * MSACSR.FS detects tiny results to flush to zero before rounding
+     * (per "MIPS Architecture for Programmers Volume IV-j: The MIPS64 SIMD
+     * Architecture Module, Revision 1.1" section 3.5.4), even though it
+     * detects tininess after rounding for underflow purposes (section 3.4.2
+     * table 3.3).
+     */
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding,
+                            &env->active_tc.msa_fp_status);
      * According to MIPS specifications, if one of the two operands is
diff --git a/target/ppc/cpu_init.c b/target/ppc/cpu_init.c
index c05c2dc42dc..52bb8e1a62f 100644
--- a/target/ppc/cpu_init.c
+++ b/target/ppc/cpu_init.c
@@ -7262,6 +7262,9 @@  static void ppc_cpu_reset_hold(Object *obj, ResetType type)
     /* tininess for underflow is detected before rounding */
+    /* Similarly for flush-to-zero */
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding, &env->fp_status);
      * PowerPC propagation rules:
      *  1. A if it sNaN or qNaN
diff --git a/target/rx/cpu.c b/target/rx/cpu.c
index 8c50c7a1bc8..37a6fdd569b 100644
--- a/target/rx/cpu.c
+++ b/target/rx/cpu.c
@@ -103,6 +103,14 @@  static void rx_cpu_reset_hold(Object *obj, ResetType type)
     set_float_2nan_prop_rule(float_2nan_prop_x87, &env->fp_status);
     /* Default NaN value: sign bit clear, set frac msb */
     set_float_default_nan_pattern(0b01000000, &env->fp_status);
+    /*
+     * TODO: "RX Family RXv1 Instruction Set Architecture" is not 100% clear
+     * on whether flush-to-zero should happen before or after rounding, but
+     * section 1.3.2 says that it happens when underflow is detected, and
+     * implies that underflow is detected after rounding. So this may not
+     * be the correct setting.
+     */
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding, &env->fp_status);
 static ObjectClass *rx_cpu_class_by_name(const char *cpu_model)
diff --git a/target/sh4/cpu.c b/target/sh4/cpu.c
index 24a22724c61..4ac693d99bd 100644
--- a/target/sh4/cpu.c
+++ b/target/sh4/cpu.c
@@ -130,6 +130,14 @@  static void superh_cpu_reset_hold(Object *obj, ResetType type)
     set_default_nan_mode(1, &env->fp_status);
     /* sign bit clear, set all frac bits other than msb */
     set_float_default_nan_pattern(0b00111111, &env->fp_status);
+    /*
+     * TODO: "SH-4 CPU Core Architecture ADCS 7182230F" doesn't say whether
+     * it detects tininess before or after rounding. Section 6.4 is clear
+     * that flush-to-zero happens when the result underflows, though, so
+     * either this should be "detect ftz after rounding" or else we should
+     * be setting "detect tininess before rounding".
+     */
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding, &env->fp_status);
 static void superh_cpu_disas_set_info(CPUState *cpu, disassemble_info *info)
diff --git a/target/tricore/helper.c b/target/tricore/helper.c
index e8b0ec51611..9898752eb00 100644
--- a/target/tricore/helper.c
+++ b/target/tricore/helper.c
@@ -116,6 +116,7 @@  void fpu_set_state(CPUTriCoreState *env)
     set_flush_inputs_to_zero(1, &env->fp_status);
     set_flush_to_zero(1, &env->fp_status);
     set_float_detect_tininess(float_tininess_before_rounding, &env->fp_status);
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding, &env->fp_status);
     set_default_nan_mode(1, &env->fp_status);
     /* Default NaN pattern: sign bit clear, frac msb set */
     set_float_default_nan_pattern(0b01000000, &env->fp_status);
diff --git a/tests/fp/fp-bench.c b/tests/fp/fp-bench.c
index eacb39b99cb..d90f542ea25 100644
--- a/tests/fp/fp-bench.c
+++ b/tests/fp/fp-bench.c
@@ -496,6 +496,7 @@  static void run_bench(void)
     set_float_3nan_prop_rule(float_3nan_prop_s_cab, &soft_status);
     set_float_infzeronan_rule(float_infzeronan_dnan_if_qnan, &soft_status);
     set_float_default_nan_pattern(0b01000000, &soft_status);
+    set_float_ftz_detection(float_ftz_before_rounding, &soft_status);
     f = bench_funcs[operation][precision];
diff --git a/fpu/softfloat-parts.c.inc b/fpu/softfloat-parts.c.inc
index 0122b35008a..1d09f066c5d 100644
--- a/fpu/softfloat-parts.c.inc
+++ b/fpu/softfloat-parts.c.inc
@@ -334,7 +334,8 @@  static void partsN(uncanon_normal)(FloatPartsN *p, float_status *s,
             p->frac_lo &= ~round_mask;
         frac_shr(p, frac_shift);
-    } else if (s->flush_to_zero) {
+    } else if (s->flush_to_zero &&
+               s->ftz_detection == float_ftz_before_rounding) {
         flags |= float_flag_output_denormal_flushed;
         p->cls = float_class_zero;
         exp = 0;
@@ -381,11 +382,19 @@  static void partsN(uncanon_normal)(FloatPartsN *p, float_status *s,
         exp = (p->frac_hi & DECOMPOSED_IMPLICIT_BIT) && !fmt->m68k_denormal;
         frac_shr(p, frac_shift);
-        if (is_tiny && (flags & float_flag_inexact)) {
-            flags |= float_flag_underflow;
-        }
-        if (exp == 0 && frac_eqz(p)) {
-            p->cls = float_class_zero;
+        if (is_tiny) {
+            if (s->flush_to_zero) {
+                assert(s->ftz_detection == float_ftz_after_rounding);
+                flags |= float_flag_output_denormal_flushed;
+                p->cls = float_class_zero;
+                exp = 0;
+                frac_clear(p);
+            } else if (flags & float_flag_inexact) {
+                flags |= float_flag_underflow;
+            }
+            if (exp == 0 && frac_eqz(p)) {
+                p->cls = float_class_zero;
+            }
     p->exp = exp;