@@ -6130,10 +6130,11 @@ S: Maintained
T: git https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/ebiggers/linux.git crc-next
F: Documentation/staging/crc*
F: arch/*/lib/crc*
F: include/linux/crc*
F: lib/crc*
+F: scripts/gen-crc-consts.py
M: Bastien Nocera <hadess@hadess.net>
L: linux-input@vger.kernel.org
S: Maintained
new file mode 100755
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python3
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later
+# Script that generates constants for computing the given CRC variant(s).
+# Copyright 2025 Google LLC
+# Author: Eric Biggers <ebiggers@google.com>
+import sys
+# XOR (add) an iterable of polynomials.
+def xor(iterable):
+ res = 0
+ for val in iterable:
+ res ^= val
+ return res
+# Multiply two polynomials.
+def clmul(a, b):
+ return xor(a << i for i in range(b.bit_length()) if (b & (1 << i)) != 0)
+# Polynomial division floor(a / b).
+def div(a, b):
+ q = 0
+ while a.bit_length() >= b.bit_length():
+ q ^= 1 << (a.bit_length() - b.bit_length())
+ a ^= b << (a.bit_length() - b.bit_length())
+ return q
+# Reduce the polynomial 'a' modulo the polynomial 'b'.
+def reduce(a, b):
+ return a ^ clmul(div(a, b), b)
+# Pretty-print a polynomial.
+def pprint_poly(prefix, poly):
+ terms = [f'x^{i}' for i in reversed(range(poly.bit_length()))
+ if (poly & (1 << i)) != 0]
+ j = 0
+ while j < len(terms):
+ s = prefix + terms[j] + (' +' if j < len(terms) - 1 else '')
+ j += 1
+ while j < len(terms) and len(s) < 73:
+ s += ' ' + terms[j] + (' +' if j < len(terms) - 1 else '')
+ j += 1
+ print(s)
+ prefix = ' * ' + (' ' * (len(prefix) - 3))
+# Reverse the bits of a polynomial.
+def bitreverse(poly, num_bits):
+ assert poly.bit_length() <= num_bits
+ return xor(1 << (num_bits - 1 - i) for i in range(num_bits)
+ if (poly & (1 << i)) != 0)
+# Format a polynomial as hex. Bit-reflect it if the CRC is lsb-first.
+def fmt_poly(variant, poly, num_bits):
+ if variant.lsb:
+ poly = bitreverse(poly, num_bits)
+ return f'0x{poly:0{2*num_bits//8}x}'
+# Print a pair of 64-bit polynomial multipliers. They are always passed in the
+# order [HI64_TERMS, LO64_TERMS] but will be printed in the appropriate order.
+def print_mult_pair(variant, mults):
+ mults = list(mults if variant.lsb else reversed(mults))
+ terms = ["HI64_TERMS", "LO64_TERMS"] if variant.lsb else ["LO64_TERMS", "HI64_TERMS"]
+ for i in range(2):
+ print(f'\t\t{fmt_poly(variant, mults[i]["val"], 64)},\t/* {terms[i]}: {mults[i]["desc"]} */')
+# Print a comment describing constants generated for the given CRC variant.
+def print_header(variant, what):
+ print('/*')
+ s = f'{"least" if variant.lsb else "most"}-significant-bit-first CRC-{variant.bits}'
+ print(f' * {what} generated for {s} using')
+ pprint_poly(' * G(x) = ', variant.G)
+ print(' */')
+class CrcVariant:
+ def __init__(self, bits, generator_poly, bit_order):
+ self.bits = bits
+ if bit_order not in ['lsb', 'msb']:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid value for bit_order')
+ self.lsb = bit_order == 'lsb'
+ self.name = f'crc{bits}_{bit_order}_0x{generator_poly:0{(2*bits+7)//8}x}'
+ if self.lsb:
+ generator_poly = bitreverse(generator_poly, bits)
+ self.G = generator_poly ^ (1 << bits)
+# Generate tables for CRC computation using the "slice-by-N" method.
+# N=1 corresponds to the traditional byte-at-a-time table.
+def gen_slicebyN_tables(variants, n):
+ for v in variants:
+ print('')
+ print_header(v, f'Slice-by-{n} CRC table')
+ print(f'static const u{v.bits} __maybe_unused {v.name}_table[{256*n}] = {{')
+ s = ''
+ for i in range(256 * n):
+ # The i'th table entry is the CRC of the message consisting of byte
+ # i % 256 followed by i // 256 zero bytes.
+ poly = (bitreverse(i % 256, 8) if v.lsb else (i % 256)) << (v.bits + 8*(i//256))
+ next_entry = fmt_poly(v, reduce(poly, v.G), v.bits) + ','
+ if len(s + next_entry) > 71:
+ print(f'\t{s}')
+ s = ''
+ s += (' ' if s else '') + next_entry
+ if s:
+ print(f'\t{s}')
+ print('};')
+# Generate constants for carryless multiplication based CRC computation.
+def gen_x86_pclmul_consts(variants):
+ # These are the distances, in bits, to generate folding constants for.
+ FOLD_DISTANCES = [2048, 1024, 512, 256, 128]
+ for v in variants:
+ (G, n, lsb) = (v.G, v.bits, v.lsb)
+ print('')
+ print_header(v, 'CRC folding constants')
+ print('static const struct {')
+ if not lsb:
+ print('\tu8 bswap_mask[16];')
+ for i in FOLD_DISTANCES:
+ print(f'\tu64 fold_across_{i}_bits_consts[2];')
+ print('\tu8 shuf_table[48];')
+ print('\tu64 barrett_reduction_consts[2];')
+ print(f'}} {v.name}_consts ____cacheline_aligned __maybe_unused = {{')
+ # Byte-reflection mask, needed for msb-first CRCs
+ if not lsb:
+ print('\t.bswap_mask = {' + ', '.join(str(i) for i in reversed(range(16))) + '},')
+ # Fold constants for all distances down to 128 bits
+ for i in FOLD_DISTANCES:
+ print(f'\t.fold_across_{i}_bits_consts = {{')
+ # Given 64x64 => 128 bit carryless multiplication instructions, two
+ # 64-bit fold constants are needed per "fold distance" i: one for
+ # HI64_TERMS that is basically x^(i+64) mod G and one for LO64_TERMS
+ # that is basically x^i mod G. The exact values however undergo a
+ # couple adjustments, described below.
+ mults = []
+ for j in [64, 0]:
+ pow_of_x = i + j
+ if lsb:
+ # Each 64x64 => 128 bit carryless multiplication instruction
+ # actually generates a 127-bit product in physical bits 0
+ # through 126, which in the lsb-first case represent the
+ # coefficients of x^1 through x^127, not x^0 through x^126.
+ # Thus in the lsb-first case, each such instruction
+ # implicitly adds an extra factor of x. The below removes a
+ # factor of x from each constant to compensate for this.
+ # For n < 64 the x could be removed from either the reduced
+ # part or unreduced part, but for n == 64 the reduced part
+ # is the only option; we just always use the reduced part.
+ pow_of_x -= 1
+ # Make a factor of 64-n be applied unreduced rather than
+ # reduced, to cause the product to use only the x^n and above
+ # terms and always be zero in the x^0 through x^(n-1) terms.
+ # Usually this makes no difference as it does not affect the
+ # product's congruence class mod G and the constant remains
+ # 64-bit, but part of the final reduction from 128 bits does
+ # rely on this property when it reuses one of the constants.
+ pow_of_x -= 64 - n
+ mults.append({ 'val': reduce(1 << pow_of_x, G) << (64 - n),
+ 'desc': f'(x^{pow_of_x} mod G) * x^{64-n}' })
+ print_mult_pair(v, mults)
+ print('\t},')
+ # Shuffle table for handling 1..15 bytes at end
+ print('\t.shuf_table = {')
+ print('\t\t' + (16*'-1, ').rstrip())
+ print('\t\t' + ''.join(f'{i:2}, ' for i in range(16)).rstrip())
+ print('\t\t' + (16*'-1, ').rstrip())
+ print('\t},')
+ # Barrett reduction constants for reducing 128 bits to the final CRC
+ print('\t.barrett_reduction_consts = {')
+ mults = []
+ val = div(1 << (63+n), G)
+ desc = f'floor(x^{63+n} / G)'
+ if not lsb:
+ val = (val << 1) - (1 << 64)
+ desc = f'({desc} * x) - x^64'
+ mults.append({ 'val': val, 'desc': desc })
+ val = G - (1 << n)
+ desc = f'G - x^{n}'
+ if lsb and n == 64:
+ assert (val & 1) != 0
+ val >>= 1
+ desc = f'({desc} - x^0) / x'
+ else:
+ pow_of_x = 64 - n - (1 if lsb else 0)
+ val <<= pow_of_x
+ desc = f'({desc}) * x^{pow_of_x}'
+ mults.append({ 'val': val, 'desc': desc })
+ print_mult_pair(v, mults)
+ print('\t},')
+ print('};')
+def parse_crc_variants(vars_string):
+ variants = []
+ for var_string in vars_string.split(','):
+ bits, bit_order, generator_poly = var_string.split('_')
+ assert bits.startswith('crc')
+ bits = int(bits.removeprefix('crc'))
+ assert generator_poly.startswith('0x')
+ generator_poly = generator_poly.removeprefix('0x')
+ assert len(generator_poly) % 2 == 0
+ generator_poly = int(generator_poly, 16)
+ variants.append(CrcVariant(bits, generator_poly, bit_order))
+ return variants
+if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+ sys.stderr.write(f'Usage: {sys.argv[0]} CONSTS_TYPE[,CONSTS_TYPE]... CRC_VARIANT[,CRC_VARIANT]...\n')
+ sys.stderr.write(' CONSTS_TYPE can be sliceby[1-8] or x86_pclmul\n')
+ sys.stderr.write(' CRC_VARIANT is crc${num_bits}_${bit_order}_${generator_poly_as_hex}\n')
+ sys.stderr.write(' E.g. crc16_msb_0x8bb7 or crc32_lsb_0xedb88320\n')
+ sys.stderr.write(' Polynomial must use the given bit_order and exclude x^{num_bits}\n')
+ sys.exit(1)
+print('/* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later */')
+print(' * CRC constants generated by:')
+print(' *')
+print(f' *\t{sys.argv[0]} {" ".join(sys.argv[1:])}')
+print(' *')
+print(' * Do not edit manually.')
+print(' */')
+consts_types = sys.argv[1].split(',')
+variants = parse_crc_variants(sys.argv[2])
+for consts_type in consts_types:
+ if consts_type.startswith('sliceby'):
+ gen_slicebyN_tables(variants, int(consts_type.removeprefix('sliceby')))
+ elif consts_type == 'x86_pclmul':
+ gen_x86_pclmul_consts(variants)
+ else:
+ raise ValueError(f'Unknown consts_type: {consts_type}')