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[RFC,BlueZ,2/9] org.bluez.MediaEndpoint: add client role SelectProperties

Message ID e6c11514c61343d0991e5d6952f800076a941cf3.1740844616.git.pav@iki.fi
State New
Headers show
Series BAP stream reconfiguration | expand

Commit Message

Pauli Virtanen March 1, 2025, 3:57 p.m. UTC
Add a simple way for the sound server to reconfigure a BAP unicast
endpoint, by calling org.bluez.MediaEndpoint.SelectProperties().

This shall destroy all streams of the endpoint, and restart the
SelectProperties() configuration flow from the beginning.

Since it may be necessary to reconfigure multiple endpoints at once to
correctly make bidirectional CIS, add Defer argument to just mark eps
for configuration.

In future, org.bluez.MediaEndpoint.SetConfiguration() could be changed
to handle unicast in the same way as broadcast: only create streams.
This allows sound server to have full control over stream configuration
itself, and not rely on bt_bap_select().
 doc/org.bluez.MediaEndpoint.rst | 21 +++++++++++++++++++++
 1 file changed, 21 insertions(+)
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diff --git a/doc/org.bluez.MediaEndpoint.rst b/doc/org.bluez.MediaEndpoint.rst
index b81106f0b..5c42b878c 100644
--- a/doc/org.bluez.MediaEndpoint.rst
+++ b/doc/org.bluez.MediaEndpoint.rst
@@ -69,6 +69,8 @@  array{byte} SelectConfiguration(array{byte} capabilities)
 dict SelectProperties(dict capabilities)
+	**Server Role**
 	Select BAP unicast configuration from the supported capabilities:
 	:object Endpoint:
@@ -104,6 +106,25 @@  dict SelectProperties(dict capabilities)
 	Note: There is no need to cache the selected properties since on
 	success the configuration is send back as parameter of SetConfiguration.
+	**Client Role**
+	Reconfigure a BAP unicast endpoint. This closes all existing
+	streams of the endpoint, and restarts the configuration
+	selection flow which e.g. triggers calls to *SelectProperties*
+	allowing the sound server to modify the configuration.
+	The following arguments are taken in *capabilities*:
+	:boolean Defer [optional]:
+		If True, mark endpoint for reconfiguration, but
+		postpone it until a non-deferred *SelectProperties()*
+		operation is made on an endpoint of the same device.
+		This is necessary to use when reconfiguring source and
+		sink streams with the intention that they be combined
+		into the same CIG, possibly forming bidirectional CIS.
 void ClearConfiguration(object transport)