diff mbox series

[raw2rgbpnm,2/3] Remove guessing of source image size

Message ID 20250312191710.1823147-3-niklas.soderlund@ragnatech.se
State New
Headers show
Series Add support for multi plane formats with strides | expand

Commit Message

Niklas Söderlund March 12, 2025, 7:17 p.m. UTC
Remove the feature to guess a frame size from file size. This is an
odd feature and the list of resolutions to guess from contains entries
for '5 MP + a bit extra', which don't feel like a good standard

This feature however block trying to make the function calls stricter by
making it explicit which functions can, and can not, modify the frame
size. Remove the guessing and tighten up the all function calls using
the source image size.

Signed-off-by: Niklas Söderlund <niklas.soderlund@ragnatech.se>

This patch could possibly be reworked to keep the guessing, while still
allowing for a stricter interface. But I'm in a cleaning mode and this
guessing feels wrong. But if somebody is actually using it I would be
happy to do the work.
 raw2rgbpnm.c | 195 +++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------------
 1 file changed, 87 insertions(+), 108 deletions(-)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/raw2rgbpnm.c b/raw2rgbpnm.c
index e5ed0af99070..d8d4bb198498 100644
--- a/raw2rgbpnm.c
+++ b/raw2rgbpnm.c
@@ -130,24 +130,8 @@  static const struct format_info *get_format_info(__u32 f)
 	return NULL;
-static const int resolutions[][2] = {
-	{ 176, 144 },		/* QCIF */
-	{ 320, 240 },		/* QVGA */
-	{ 352, 288 },		/* CIF */
-	{ 640, 480 },		/* VGA */
-	{ 720, 576 },		/* PAL D1 */
-	{ 768, 576 },		/* 1:1 aspect PAL D1 */
-	{ 1920, 1440 },		/* 3VGA */
-	{ 2560, 1920 },		/* 4VGA */
-	{ 2592, 1944 },		/* 5 MP */
-	{ 2592, 1968 },		/* 5 MP + a bit extra */
-/* Read and return raw image data at given bits per pixel (bpp) depth.
- * size should be set correctly before calling this function.
- * If set to {-1,-1}, try to guess image file resolution.
- */
-static unsigned char *read_raw_data(char *filename, int size[2], int bpp)
+/* Read and return raw image data at given bits per pixel (bpp) depth. */
+static unsigned char *read_raw_data(char *filename, int width, int height, int bpp)
 	/* Get file size */
 	unsigned int line_length;
@@ -163,33 +147,24 @@  static unsigned char *read_raw_data(char *filename, int size[2], int bpp)
 	r = fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET);
 	if (r!=0) error("fseek");
-	/* Check image resolution */
-	if (size[0]<=0 || size[1]<=0) {
-		for (i=0; i<SIZE(resolutions); i++)
-			if (resolutions[i][0]*resolutions[i][1]*bpp==file_size*8) break;
-		if (i >= SIZE(resolutions)) error("can't guess raw image file resolution");
-		size[0] = resolutions[i][0];
-		size[1] = resolutions[i][1];
-	}
-	if (file_size*8 < size[0]*size[1]*bpp) error("out of input data");
-	if (file_size*8 > size[0]*size[1]*bpp) printf("warning: too large image file\n");
-	if (file_size % size[1] == 0) {
-		line_length = size[0] * bpp / 8;
-		padding = file_size / size[1] - line_length;
+	if (file_size*8 < width*height*bpp) error("out of input data");
+	if (file_size*8 > width*height*bpp) printf("warning: too large image file\n");
+	if (file_size % height == 0) {
+		line_length = width * bpp / 8;
+		padding = file_size / height - line_length;
 		printf("%u padding bytes detected at end of line\n", padding);
-	} else if ((file_size * 8) % (size[0] * size[1] * bpp) != 0) {
+	} else if ((file_size * 8) % (width * height * bpp) != 0) {
 		printf("warning: input size not multiple of frame size\n");
 	/* Read data */
-	b = xalloc((size[0]*size[1]*bpp+7)/8);
+	b = xalloc((width*height*bpp+7)/8);
 	if (padding == 0) {
-		r = fread(b, (size[0]*size[1]*bpp+7)/8, 1, f);
+		r = fread(b, (width*height*bpp+7)/8, 1, f);
 		if (r != 1)
 	} else {
-		for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)size[1]; ++i) {
+		for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int)height; ++i) {
 			r = fread(b + i * line_length, line_length, 1, f);
 			if (r != 1)
@@ -203,10 +178,10 @@  static unsigned char *read_raw_data(char *filename, int size[2], int bpp)
 static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
-		       unsigned char *src, int src_size[2], unsigned char *rgb)
+		       unsigned char *src, int src_width, int src_height, unsigned char *rgb)
-	unsigned int src_stride = src_size[0] * info->bpp / 8;
-	unsigned int rgb_stride = src_size[0] * 3;
+	unsigned int src_stride = src_width * info->bpp / 8;
+	unsigned int rgb_stride = src_width * 3;
 	unsigned char *src_luma, *src_chroma;
 	unsigned char *src_cb, *src_cr;
 	unsigned char *buf;
@@ -229,8 +204,8 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 		cb_pos = info->cb_pos;
 		cr_pos = info->cr_pos;
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				cb = src[src_y*src_stride + src_x*4 + cb_pos];
 				cr = src[src_y*src_stride + src_x*4 + cr_pos];
@@ -264,8 +239,8 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 		cb_pos = info->cb_pos;
 		cr_pos = info->cr_pos;
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				a  = src[src_y*src_stride + src_x*4 + y_pos];
 				cb = src[src_y*src_stride + src_x*4 + cb_pos];
 				cr = src[src_y*src_stride + src_x*4 + cr_pos];
@@ -287,13 +262,13 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 		/* fallthrough */
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV12:
 		src_luma = src;
-		src_chroma = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1]];
+		src_chroma = &src[src_width * src_height];
 		src_stride = src_stride * 8 / 12;
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
 			cr = 0;
-			for (dst_x = 0, src_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+			for (dst_x = 0, src_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				a  = src_luma[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x];
 				cb = src_chroma[(dst_y/2)*src_stride + dst_x + 1 - color_pos];
 				yuv_to_rgb(a,cb,cr, &r, &g, &b);
@@ -318,14 +293,14 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV16:
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_NV61:
 		src_luma = src;
-		src_chroma = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1]];
+		src_chroma = &src[src_width * src_height];
 		src_stride = src_stride * 8 / 16;
 		cb_pos = info->cb_pos;
 		cr_pos = info->cr_pos;
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (dst_x = 0, src_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (dst_x = 0, src_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				cb = src_chroma[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x + cb_pos];
 				cr = src_chroma[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x + cr_pos];
@@ -350,12 +325,12 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YUV411P:
 		src_luma = src;
-		src_cb = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1]];
-		src_cr = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1] / 4 * 5];
+		src_cb = &src[src_width * src_height];
+		src_cr = &src[src_width * src_height / 4 * 5];
 		src_stride = src_stride * 8 / 12;
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (dst_x = 0, src_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (dst_x = 0, src_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				a  = src_luma[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x];
 				cb = src_cb[dst_y*src_stride/4 + dst_x/4];
 				cr = src_cr[dst_y*src_stride/4 + dst_x/4];
@@ -374,16 +349,16 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU420:
 		src_luma = src;
 		if (info->cb_pos == 0) {
-			src_cb = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1]];
-			src_cr = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1] / 4 * 5];
+			src_cb = &src[src_width * src_height];
+			src_cr = &src[src_width * src_height / 4 * 5];
 		} else {
-			src_cr = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1]];
-			src_cb = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1] / 4 * 5];
+			src_cr = &src[src_width * src_height];
+			src_cb = &src[src_width * src_height / 4 * 5];
 		src_stride = src_stride * 8 / 12;
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (dst_x = 0, src_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (dst_x = 0, src_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				a  = src_luma[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x];
 				cb = src_cb[(dst_y/2)*src_stride/2 + dst_x/2];
 				cr = src_cr[(dst_y/2)*src_stride/2 + dst_x/2];
@@ -402,16 +377,16 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU422M:
 		src_luma = src;
 		if (info->cb_pos == 0) {
-			src_cb = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1]];
-			src_cr = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1] / 2 * 3];
+			src_cb = &src[src_width * src_height];
+			src_cr = &src[src_width * src_height / 2 * 3];
 		} else {
-			src_cr = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1]];
-			src_cb = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1] / 2 * 3];
+			src_cr = &src[src_width * src_height];
+			src_cb = &src[src_width * src_height / 2 * 3];
 		src_stride = src_stride * 8 / 16;
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (dst_x = 0, src_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (dst_x = 0, src_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				a  = src_luma[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x];
 				cb = src_cb[dst_y*src_stride/2 + dst_x/2];
 				cr = src_cr[dst_y*src_stride/2 + dst_x/2];
@@ -430,16 +405,16 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_YVU444M:
 		src_luma = src;
 		if (info->cb_pos == 0) {
-			src_cb = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1]];
-			src_cr = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1] * 2];
+			src_cb = &src[src_width * src_height];
+			src_cr = &src[src_width * src_height * 2];
 		} else {
-			src_cr = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1]];
-			src_cb = &src[src_size[0] * src_size[1] * 2];
+			src_cr = &src[src_width * src_height];
+			src_cb = &src[src_width * src_height * 2];
 		src_stride = src_stride * 8 / 24;
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (dst_x = 0, src_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (dst_x = 0, src_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				a  = src_luma[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x];
 				cb = src_cb[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x];
 				cr = src_cr[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x];
@@ -458,8 +433,8 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_Y12:
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_Y10:
 		shift = info->bpc - 8;
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				a = (src[src_y*src_stride + src_x*2+0] |
 				     (src[src_y*src_stride + src_x*2+1] << 8)) >> shift;
 				rgb[dst_y*rgb_stride+3*dst_x+0] = a;
@@ -472,8 +447,8 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_GREY:
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				a = src[src_y*src_stride + src_x];
 				rgb[dst_y*rgb_stride+3*dst_x+0] = a;
 				rgb[dst_y*rgb_stride+3*dst_x+1] = a;
@@ -504,8 +479,8 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_SGRBG10:
 		shift = info->bpc - 10;
-		for (dst_y=0; dst_y<src_size[1]; dst_y++) {
-			for (dst_x=0; dst_x<src_size[0]; dst_x++) {
+		for (dst_y=0; dst_y<src_height; dst_y++) {
+			for (dst_x=0; dst_x<src_width; dst_x++) {
 				unsigned short *p = (unsigned short *)&(src[src_stride*dst_y+dst_x*2]);
 				int v = *p;
 				if (highbits)
@@ -522,12 +497,12 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
-		buf = malloc(src_size[0] * src_size[1] * 3);
+		buf = malloc(src_width * src_height * 3);
 		if (buf==NULL) error("out of memory");
-		qc_imag_bay2rgb10(src, src_stride, buf, src_size[0]*3, src_size[0], src_size[1], 3);
-		for (dst_y=0; dst_y<src_size[1]; dst_y++) {
-			for (dst_x=0; dst_x<src_size[0]; dst_x++) {
-				unsigned char *p = buf + src_size[0]*3*dst_y + dst_x*3;
+		qc_imag_bay2rgb10(src, src_stride, buf, src_width*3, src_width, src_height, 3);
+		for (dst_y=0; dst_y<src_height; dst_y++) {
+			for (dst_x=0; dst_x<src_width; dst_x++) {
+				unsigned char *p = buf + src_width*3*dst_y + dst_x*3;
 				rgb[dst_y*rgb_stride+3*dst_x+0] = swaprb ? p[2] : p[0];
 				rgb[dst_y*rgb_stride+3*dst_x+1] = p[1];
 				rgb[dst_y*rgb_stride+3*dst_x+2] = swaprb ? p[0] : p[2];
@@ -543,12 +518,12 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 		/* fallthrough */
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_SGRBG8:
 		/* FIXME: only SGRBG8 handled properly: color phase is ignored. */
-		buf = malloc(src_size[0] * src_size[1] * 3);
+		buf = malloc(src_width * src_height * 3);
 		if (buf==NULL) error("out of memory");
-		qc_imag_bay2rgb8(src, src_stride, buf, src_size[0]*3, src_size[0], src_size[1], 3);
-		for (dst_y=0; dst_y<src_size[1]; dst_y++) {
-			for (dst_x=0; dst_x<src_size[0]; dst_x++) {
-				unsigned char *p = buf + src_size[0]*3*dst_y + dst_x*3;
+		qc_imag_bay2rgb8(src, src_stride, buf, src_width*3, src_width, src_height, 3);
+		for (dst_y=0; dst_y<src_height; dst_y++) {
+			for (dst_x=0; dst_x<src_width; dst_x++) {
+				unsigned char *p = buf + src_width*3*dst_y + dst_x*3;
 				rgb[dst_y*rgb_stride+3*dst_x+0] = swaprb ? p[2] : p[0];
 				rgb[dst_y*rgb_stride+3*dst_x+1] = p[1];
 				rgb[dst_y*rgb_stride+3*dst_x+2] = swaprb ? p[0] : p[2];
@@ -558,8 +533,8 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB332:
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				pixel = src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x];
 				r = (pixel << 0) & 0xe0;
 				g = (pixel << 3) & 0xe0;
@@ -574,8 +549,8 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB555:
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				pixel = (src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*2 + 1] << 8)
 				      | src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*2 + 0];
 				r = (pixel >> 7) & 0xf8;
@@ -591,8 +566,8 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB565:
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				pixel = (src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*2 + 1] << 8)
 				      | src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*2 + 0];
 				r = (pixel >> 8) & 0xf8;
@@ -611,8 +586,8 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 		swaprb = !swaprb;
 		/* fallthrough */
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB24:
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				r = src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*3 + 0];
 				g = src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*3 + 1];
 				b = src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*3 + 2];
@@ -626,8 +601,8 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_BGR32:
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				r = src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*4 + 2];
 				g = src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*4 + 1];
 				b = src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*4 + 0];
@@ -641,8 +616,8 @@  static void raw_to_rgb(const struct format_info *info,
 	case V4L2_PIX_FMT_RGB32:
-		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_size[1]; src_y++, dst_y++) {
-			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_size[0]; ) {
+		for (src_y = 0, dst_y = 0; dst_y < src_height; src_y++, dst_y++) {
+			for (src_x = 0, dst_x = 0; dst_x < src_width; ) {
 				r = src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*4 + 1];
 				g = src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*4 + 2];
 				b = src[dst_y*src_stride + dst_x*4 + 3];
@@ -678,13 +653,14 @@  static int parse_format(const char *p, int *w, int *h)
 int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	FILE *f;
-	int size[2] = {-1,-1};
 	unsigned char *src, *dst;
 	char *file_in = NULL, *file_out = NULL;
 	int format = V4L2_PIX_FMT_UYVY;
 	const struct format_info *info;
 	int r;
 	char *algorithm_name = NULL;
+	int height = -1;
+	int width = -1;
 	for (;;) {
 		int c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:b:f:ghs:w");
@@ -737,7 +713,7 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 			       "-w            Swap R and B channels\n", progname, argv[0]);
 		case 's':
-			if (parse_format(optarg, &size[0], &size[1]) < 0) {
+			if (parse_format(optarg, &width, &height) < 0) {
 				error("bad size");
@@ -750,6 +726,9 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
+	if (width < 0 || height < 0)
+		error("specify image size");
 	if (algorithm_name != NULL) qc_set_algorithm(algorithm_name);
 	if (argc-optind != 2) error("give input and output files");
 	file_in  = argv[optind++];
@@ -762,17 +741,17 @@  int main(int argc, char *argv[])
 	/* Read, convert, and save image */
-	src = read_raw_data(file_in, size, info->bpp);
-	printf("Image size: %ix%i, bytes per pixel: %i, format: %s\n", size[0], size[1],
-		info->bpp, info->name);
-	dst = xalloc(size[0]*size[1]*3);
+	src = read_raw_data(file_in, width, height, info->bpp);
+	printf("Image size: %ix%i, bytes per pixel: %i, format: %s\n",
+	       width, height, info->bpp, info->name);
+	dst = xalloc(width*height*3);
-	raw_to_rgb(info, src, size, dst);
+	raw_to_rgb(info, src, width, height, dst);
 	printf("Writing to file `%s'...\n", file_out);
 	f = fopen(file_out, "wb");
 	if (!f) error("file open failed");
-	fprintf(f, "P6\n%i %i\n255\n", size[0], size[1]);
-	r = fwrite(dst, size[0]*size[1]*3, 1, f);
+	fprintf(f, "P6\n%i %i\n255\n", width, height);
+	r = fwrite(dst, width*height*3, 1, f);
 	if (r!=1) error("write failed");