From patchwork Wed Dec 4 16:37:49 2024 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Adhemerval Zanella X-Patchwork-Id: 847304 Delivered-To: Received: by 2002:a5d:434d:0:b0:385:e875:8a9e with SMTP id u13csp426268wrr; Wed, 4 Dec 2024 08:50:04 -0800 (PST) X-Forwarded-Encrypted: i=3; AJvYcCXi/1+e4lzkNIjnBH/i1YmDF+dJ3/ X-Google-Smtp-Source: AGHT+IHF1YhEiFQyrwtLj5CMRBQg/Ey6AvKQRATBDOZjF4pss3hcyELzRGpSeNpg1x3Z4q/RCAdK X-Received: by 2002:a05:620a:45ab:b0:7b6:6bd7:7ad0 with SMTP id af79cd13be357-7b6abaeca7cmr784082385a.19.1733331004251; Wed, 04 Dec 2024 08:50:04 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=2; a=rsa-sha256; t=1733331004; cv=pass;; s=arc-20240605; b=cUe1zM96lJJmfK14ypthAbv4HtBQGMcJ4S8KdADqGlgtZEm/1p1sKRYH6Ua8khHkjB QFwEEEq1QnHOAjPPS/4F4qhlESPJdq5kdX0jmSQQdaO6jFkx0/jEpnhe7bkqoKEdBKJ+ drxXMOQ+l2/1UFKVzd1h7pjZaffnpUf2GHIDiLvKJX+bmry6uylp2EVbTrb+/0myUSP9 yIc8JS1rgDZb+UcWh/IM0XVHaBWfWgWMR5o4RbUB1g5mJ2FI4pkHy5n2vlLF52YE00VM 0HgxAn6LF4wlNH55WhmUPYMvHHYsKoEKUFejM9YWAuA06l9iHS1f46JijHCT3OUIv8no D2RQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=2; 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Wed, 04 Dec 2024 08:50:04 -0800 (PST) Received-SPF: pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) client-ip=; Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass header.s=google header.b=Ym2aaJ5L; arc=pass (i=1); spf=pass ( domain of designates as permitted sender) smtp.mailfrom=""; dmarc=pass (p=NONE sp=NONE dis=NONE) Received: from (localhost [IPv6:::1]) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id B1BA73858CDA for ; Wed, 4 Dec 2024 16:50:03 +0000 (GMT) DKIM-Filter: OpenDKIM Filter v2.11.0 B1BA73858CDA Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (2048-bit key, unprotected) header.a=rsa-sha256 header.s=google header.b=Ym2aaJ5L X-Original-To: Delivered-To: Received: from ( [IPv6:2607:f8b0:4864:20::62b]) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 35B223858C50 for ; Wed, 4 Dec 2024 16:40:56 +0000 (GMT) DMARC-Filter: OpenDMARC Filter v1.4.2 35B223858C50 Authentication-Results:; dmarc=pass (p=none dis=none) Authentication-Results:; spf=pass ARC-Filter: OpenARC Filter v1.0.0 35B223858C50 Authentication-Results:; arc=none smtp.remote-ip=2607:f8b0:4864:20::62b ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=key; t=1733330456; cv=none; b=UsHyUneZ4jZYVJ9sdCSVw3xX1KI0wLbndIq+POQJCzq7eNyIc26LI1n97YlUXn/Xfo7WSQU2J+YMzJf0VDT6yWx8VAm2NscroGEV76BQvCXWmxNWBm8kHnM4M9VXbXMpzC/cf/IShdR2w31X7BCnDxLzth01y4+jrCCNWqeLLFQ= ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256;; s=key; t=1733330456; c=relaxed/simple; bh=Uwkpggjby71GCCYdCC15egYm1i3oRXC915rN4lemONo=; h=DKIM-Signature:From:To:Subject:Date:Message-ID:MIME-Version; b=ReX6b8l0MH8hPqNLf470mR7GaXh1ZBwMQaV9brPlOnVJ3ILdZ94ahzYzi5SGySxR4ivJFcpP20WLfb6rIalghk89EtYuvfUcLVFQSyn9ITwk1C8BGCYPjPoM1lEHqJjtNCm2IQTHPiWERB4vqpBecVwkGGmgGToetPw7lQBFaX8= ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; Received: by with SMTP id d9443c01a7336-2154e3af730so45104925ad.3 for ; Wed, 04 Dec 2024 08:40:56 -0800 (PST) DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=google; t=1733330425; x=1733935225;; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:from:to:cc:subject:date :message-id:reply-to; bh=op9ycuWXKXAhXiHo19LuNVJ/NVtaQ56gWIDTql2ciEo=; b=Ym2aaJ5L9+y+Abp3C/g2ml7+EoXrO5RQESAc2/gf2SVg+Tyz/k6ZQRa3zvj+rTX62b Ei/oAYkolBBxoxckm1qQNGhtgNivY2cUZh4W60LmmNLPzMNGDKvrDrw3uenwOFaK3AbF AK3geRBU8AOa9M7k7nSpw1s82/21AI7jdwPyEuT0GOYlVK4Wy1Q0z0RPwLBkr9jHN8V9 SaVnu5nBEVpJz0aPRiCXhNT7x4aeVEK5On68SI1OievRqLySzGkMYC9sp4mxwEGADa7A 7nm5scfWNs3vVzTOe4PVPYVzA/6gbU5y9dlGfi7ZefBhzvmXGj6lbqaudu4CIuYSCLcg cvJA== X-Google-DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=20230601; t=1733330425; x=1733935225; h=content-transfer-encoding:mime-version:references:in-reply-to :message-id:date:subject:cc:to:from:x-gm-message-state:from:to:cc :subject:date:message-id:reply-to; bh=op9ycuWXKXAhXiHo19LuNVJ/NVtaQ56gWIDTql2ciEo=; b=Hp/vLn/BdxS0jyElovDPRD74Y41VoPX6tspxm496pK3PGKPfRHWk1TvdfZrhCN6H0B cJAucUIpx3ffThepfEBFab/O6+XO62X3rkh1AJk5N72Ro0q+hYUAejO843Khirt587Rs kYK8jOFjIQ59zOejfJuPhLnnVZ0ees5SSQPw+DDlLPAlo6L4afVA9aRgcclIraEOx9WN dZyT5ijAjUU1qozANU1I9b5Yb1OcOlPJZ38r9Xc6WkPnAdUYIF4G7ZHu1Ivlj6Z1vJOp 8L0YJnhMowT+iXs5iwF3h/lRj1qvk+WReoLaLI1J23cPaGUqgg8/3CgfWjDioSNWd4Pa HjGg== X-Gm-Message-State: AOJu0YwS5z05lCVYoFgdI+Y0bDbIl9xLMXVMD/XGEbce2/ZB1djGPzXw bNidLzLmFfxuePhqVmQMC8JZgaB9f4Ap9RZXxUwqH27PZ2uLy23QdeS/lCoA3eAgrND6KY2XxoC E X-Gm-Gg: ASbGncstAtopaZKyLbJNKsFJwXUpf2AfAMKh0oGFNWZSsxpxNmhvOzaOrIiTTrsloGJ 0hL9m18b9dVwpS/kIIPkTAHcVRZxYlTIEwaqzZ58nGjkmpSKd4/tlN7KESzDInZR/4ReFfDXsH/ aT2ZFbLHJcrILcuHclZtjoSK7ynhWdHkIVDYo+CWdSMo+yTrdFaYOBH2YTxLj22KymsZYkzqhmt i49AGfQi6CIwz5ue9fbASIkfjpRtEuPUrkeESnRuOGDBQIAuyDVuGH51R/SYA== X-Received: by 2002:a17:902:7d93:b0:215:603e:214a with SMTP id d9443c01a7336-215d0028eefmr64772705ad.1.1733330423061; Wed, 04 Dec 2024 08:40:23 -0800 (PST) Received: from mandiga.. ([2804:1b3:a7c2:2d1:40a3:b587:af7c:a5cd]) by with ESMTPSA id d9443c01a7336-21521967714sm114029225ad.140.2024. (version=TLS1_3 cipher=TLS_AES_256_GCM_SHA384 bits=256/256); Wed, 04 Dec 2024 08:40:22 -0800 (PST) From: Adhemerval Zanella To: Cc: DJ Delorie , Joseph Myers Subject: [PATCH v2 14/25] math: Fix the expected atan2f (inf) results Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2024 13:37:49 -0300 Message-ID: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.43.0 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> MIME-Version: 1.0 X-BeenThere: X-Mailman-Version: 2.1.30 Precedence: list List-Id: Libc-alpha mailing list List-Unsubscribe: , List-Archive: List-Post: List-Help: List-Subscribe: , Errors-To: The pi defined constants are not the expected value for atan2 on non-default rounding modes. Instead use the autogenerated value. --- math/auto-libm-test-in | 50 + math/auto-libm-test-out-atan2 | 2316 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ math/ | 56 - 3 files changed, 2366 insertions(+), 56 deletions(-) diff --git a/math/auto-libm-test-in b/math/auto-libm-test-in index 83f125b313..6dbda50a28 100644 --- a/math/auto-libm-test-in +++ b/math/auto-libm-test-in @@ -437,6 +437,56 @@ atan -min atan min_subnorm atan -min_subnorm +# atan2 (y,inf) == +0 for finite y > 0 or +0 +atan2 1 inf +atan2 0 inf +atan2 min inf +atan2 min_subnorm inf +atan2 max inf +# atan2 (y,inf) == -0 for finite y < 0 or -0 +atan2 -1 inf +atan2 -0 inf +atan2 -min inf +atan2 -min_subnorm inf +atan2 -max inf +# atan2(+inf, x) == pi/2 for finite x +atan2 inf 1 +atan2 inf 0 +atan2 inf min +atan2 inf min_subnorm +atan2 inf max +atan2 inf -1 +atan2 inf -0 +atan2 inf -min +atan2 inf -min_subnorm +atan2 inf -max +# atan2(-inf, x) == -pi/2 for finite x +atan2 -inf 1 +atan2 -inf 0 +atan2 -inf min +atan2 -inf min_subnorm +atan2 -inf max +atan2 -inf -1 +atan2 -inf -0 +atan2 -inf -min +atan2 -inf -min_subnorm +atan2 -inf -max +# atan2 (y,-inf) == +pi for finite y > 0 or +0 +atan2 1 -inf +atan2 0 -inf +atan2 min -inf +atan2 min_subnorm -inf +atan2 max -inf +# atan2 (y,-inf) == -pi for finite y < 0 or -0. +atan2 -1 -inf +atan2 -0 -inf +atan2 -min -inf +atan2 -min_subnorm -inf +atan2 -max -inf +atan2 inf inf +atan2 -inf inf +atan2 inf -inf +atan2 -inf -inf # atan2 (0,x) == 0 for x > 0. atan2 0 1 # atan2 (-0,x) == -0 for x > 0. diff --git a/math/auto-libm-test-out-atan2 b/math/auto-libm-test-out-atan2 index d7a7ffcd5b..b8ba6befe4 100644 --- a/math/auto-libm-test-out-atan2 +++ b/math/auto-libm-test-out-atan2 @@ -1,3 +1,2319 @@ +atan2 1 inf += atan2 downward binary32 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x1p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 0 inf += atan2 downward binary32 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x0p+0 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 min inf += atan2 downward binary32 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x4p-128 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x4p-1024 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x4p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x4p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x4p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x4p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x4p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x4p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x4p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x4p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x4p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x4p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x4p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x4p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x2p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x2p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x2p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x2p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x2p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x2p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x2p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x2p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x2p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x2p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x2p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x2p-16384 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x8p-972 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 min_subnorm inf += atan2 downward binary32 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x8p-152 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x4p-1076 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x8p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x8p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x8p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x8p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x8p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x8p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x8p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x8p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x8p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x8p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x8p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x8p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x4p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x4p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x4p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x4p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x4p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x4p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x4p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x4p-16448 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x4p-16496 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x4p-16496 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x4p-16496 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x4p-16496 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 max inf += atan2 downward binary32 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -1 inf += atan2 downward binary32 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x1p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -0 inf += atan2 downward binary32 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x0p+0 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -min inf += atan2 downward binary32 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x4p-128 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x4p-1024 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x4p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x4p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x4p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x4p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x4p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x4p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x4p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x4p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x4p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x4p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x4p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x4p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x2p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x2p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x2p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x2p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x2p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x2p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x2p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x2p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x2p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x2p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x2p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x2p-16384 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x8p-972 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -min_subnorm inf += atan2 downward binary32 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x8p-152 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x4p-1076 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x8p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x8p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x8p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x8p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x8p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x8p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x8p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x8p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x8p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x8p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x8p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x8p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x4p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x4p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x4p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x4p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x4p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x4p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x4p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x4p-16448 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x4p-16496 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x4p-16496 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x4p-16496 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x4p-16496 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -max inf += atan2 downward binary32 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0xf.fffffp+124 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 plus_infty : -0x0p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 inf 1 += atan2 downward binary32 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty 0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 inf 0 += atan2 downward binary32 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty 0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 inf min += atan2 downward binary32 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty 0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty 0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty 0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 inf min_subnorm += atan2 downward binary32 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty 0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty 0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-16496 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-16496 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-16496 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0x4p-16496 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 inf max += atan2 downward binary32 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 inf -1 += atan2 downward binary32 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty -0x1p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 inf -0 += atan2 downward binary32 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty -0x0p+0 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 inf -min += atan2 downward binary32 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty -0x4p-128 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty -0x4p-1024 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0x2p-16384 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty -0x8p-972 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 inf -min_subnorm += atan2 downward binary32 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty -0x8p-152 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty -0x4p-1076 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0x8p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-16448 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-16496 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-16496 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-16496 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0x4p-16496 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 inf -max += atan2 downward binary32 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : 0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -inf 1 += atan2 downward binary32 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty 0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -inf 0 += atan2 downward binary32 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty 0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -inf min += atan2 downward binary32 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty 0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty 0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty 0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -inf min_subnorm += atan2 downward binary32 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty 0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty 0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-16496 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-16496 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-16496 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0x4p-16496 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -inf max += atan2 downward binary32 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -inf -1 += atan2 downward binary32 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty -0x1p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -inf -0 += atan2 downward binary32 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty -0x0p+0 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -inf -min += atan2 downward binary32 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty -0x4p-128 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty -0x4p-1024 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0x2p-16384 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty -0x8p-972 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -inf -min_subnorm += atan2 downward binary32 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty -0x8p-152 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty -0x4p-1076 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0x8p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-16448 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-16496 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-16496 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-16496 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0x4p-16496 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -inf -max += atan2 downward binary32 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffp+124 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d19p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d1846ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18468p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51701b8p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc51702p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 : -0x1.921fb54442d18469898cc517018p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 1 -inf += atan2 downward binary32 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x1p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 0 -inf += atan2 downward binary32 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x0p+0 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 min -inf += atan2 downward binary32 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x4p-128 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x4p-1024 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x4p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x4p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x4p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x4p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x4p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x4p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x4p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x4p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x4p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x4p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x4p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x4p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x2p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x2p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x2p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x2p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x2p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x2p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x2p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x2p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x2p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x2p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x2p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x2p-16384 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x8p-972 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 min_subnorm -inf += atan2 downward binary32 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x8p-152 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0x4p-1076 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0x8p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0x8p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0x8p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0x8p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x8p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x8p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x8p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x8p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x8p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x8p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x8p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x8p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0x4p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0x4p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0x4p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0x4p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x4p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x4p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x4p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x4p-16448 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0x4p-16496 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0x4p-16496 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0x4p-16496 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0x4p-16496 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 max -inf += atan2 downward binary32 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : 0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -1 -inf += atan2 downward binary32 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x1p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -0 -inf += atan2 downward binary32 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x0p+0 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -min -inf += atan2 downward binary32 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x4p-128 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x4p-1024 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x4p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x4p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x4p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x4p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x4p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x4p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x4p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x4p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x4p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x4p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x4p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x4p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x2p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x2p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x2p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x2p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x2p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x2p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x2p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x2p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x2p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x2p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x2p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x2p-16384 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x8p-972 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -min_subnorm -inf += atan2 downward binary32 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x8p-152 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0x4p-1076 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0x8p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0x8p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0x8p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0x8p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x8p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x8p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x8p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x8p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x8p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x8p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x8p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x8p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0x4p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0x4p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0x4p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0x4p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x4p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x4p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x4p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x4p-16448 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0x4p-16496 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0x4p-16496 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0x4p-16496 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0x4p-16496 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -max -inf += atan2 downward binary32 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f68p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0xf.fffffp+124 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a32p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a3p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffff8p+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308dp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffp+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0xf.fffffffffffffffffffffffffff8p+16380 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e0372p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e037p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e04p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 -0xf.ffffffffffffbffffffffffffcp+1020 minus_infty : -0x3.243f6a8885a308d313198a2e03p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 inf inf += atan2 downward binary32 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdap-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdbp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdap-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdbp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168cp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168cp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168cp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c8p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c234p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c235p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c234p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c235p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c234p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c235p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c234p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c235p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dcp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dcp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dcp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc8p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80cp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80cp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80cp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty plus_infty : 0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b81p-4 : inexact-ok +atan2 -inf inf += atan2 downward binary32 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdbp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdbp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdap-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdap-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c8p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168cp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168cp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168cp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c235p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c235p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c234p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c234p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c235p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c235p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c234p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c234p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dc8p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dcp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dcp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80dcp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b81p-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80cp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80cp-4 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty plus_infty : -0xc.90fdaa22168c234c4c6628b80cp-4 : inexact-ok +atan2 inf -inf += atan2 downward binary32 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a46ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a46ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a46ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a46ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a28294p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a28294p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a28294p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a28296p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a282p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a283p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a282p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 plus_infty minus_infty : 0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a283p+0 : inexact-ok +atan2 -inf -inf += atan2 downward binary32 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary32 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f9p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary32 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary32 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary64 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a6p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary64 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary64 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary64 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a4p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward intel96 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a46ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest intel96 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a46ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero intel96 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward intel96 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward m68k96 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a46ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest m68k96 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a46ap+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero m68k96 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward m68k96 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469cp+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward binary128 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a28296p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest binary128 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a28294p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero binary128 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a28294p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward binary128 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a28294p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 downward ibm128 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a283p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 tonearest ibm128 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a283p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 towardzero ibm128 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a282p+0 : inexact-ok += atan2 upward ibm128 minus_infty minus_infty : -0x2.5b2f8fe6643a469e4e5327a282p+0 : inexact-ok atan2 0 1 = atan2 downward binary32 0x0p+0 0x1p+0 : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok = atan2 tonearest binary32 0x0p+0 0x1p+0 : 0x0p+0 : inexact-ok diff --git a/math/ b/math/ index 5933aeee87..fa3233f099 100644 --- a/math/ +++ b/math/ @@ -20,62 +20,6 @@ static const struct test_ff_f_data atan2_test_data[] = { - /* atan2 (y,inf) == +0 for finite y > 0 or +0. */ - TEST_ff_f (atan2, 1, plus_infty, 0, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_zero, plus_infty, 0, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, min_value, plus_infty, 0, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, min_subnorm_value, plus_infty, 0, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, max_value, plus_infty, 0, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - - /* atan2 (y,inf) == -0 for finite y < 0 or -0. */ - TEST_ff_f (atan2, -1, plus_infty, minus_zero, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_zero, plus_infty, minus_zero, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, -min_value, plus_infty, minus_zero, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, -min_subnorm_value, plus_infty, minus_zero, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, -max_value, plus_infty, minus_zero, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - - /* atan2(+inf, x) == pi/2 for finite x. */ - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_infty, 1, lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_infty, plus_zero, lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_infty, min_value, lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_infty, min_subnorm_value, lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_infty, max_value, lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_infty, -1, lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_infty, minus_zero, lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_infty, -min_value, lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_infty, -min_subnorm_value, lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_infty, -max_value, lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - - /* atan2(-inf, x) == -pi/2 for finite x. */ - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_infty, 1, -lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_infty, plus_zero, -lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_infty, min_value, -lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_infty, min_subnorm_value, -lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_infty, max_value, -lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_infty, -1, -lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_infty, minus_zero, -lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_infty, -min_value, -lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_infty, -min_subnorm_value, -lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_infty, -max_value, -lit_pi_2_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - - /* atan2 (y,-inf) == +pi for finite y > 0 or +0. */ - TEST_ff_f (atan2, 1, minus_infty, lit_pi, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_zero, minus_infty, lit_pi, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, min_value, minus_infty, lit_pi, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, min_subnorm_value, minus_infty, lit_pi, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, max_value, minus_infty, lit_pi, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - - /* atan2 (y,-inf) == -pi for finite y < 0 or -0. */ - TEST_ff_f (atan2, -1, minus_infty, -lit_pi, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_zero, minus_infty, -lit_pi, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, -min_value, minus_infty, -lit_pi, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, -min_subnorm_value, minus_infty, -lit_pi, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, -max_value, minus_infty, -lit_pi, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_infty, plus_infty, lit_pi_4_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_infty, plus_infty, -lit_pi_4_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, plus_infty, minus_infty, lit_pi_3_m_4_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), - TEST_ff_f (atan2, minus_infty, minus_infty, -lit_pi_3_m_4_d, ERRNO_UNCHANGED), TEST_ff_f (atan2, qnan_value, qnan_value, qnan_value, NO_INEXACT_EXCEPTION|ERRNO_UNCHANGED), TEST_ff_f (atan2, qnan_value, -qnan_value, qnan_value, NO_INEXACT_EXCEPTION|ERRNO_UNCHANGED), TEST_ff_f (atan2, -qnan_value, qnan_value, qnan_value, NO_INEXACT_EXCEPTION|ERRNO_UNCHANGED),