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Add MediaTek MT6370 PMIC support
From: ChiaEn Wu <> This patch series add MediaTek MT6370 PMIC support. The MT6370 is a highly-integrated smart power management IC, which includes a single cell Li-Ion/Li-Polymer switching battery charger, a USB Type-C & Power Delivery (PD) controller, dual Flash LED current sources, a RGB LED driver, a backlight WLED driver, a display bias driver and a general LDO for portable devices. In this series of patches, we based on Andy Shevchenko's mfd patch used to adjust the Makefile order. ( Among with this, we took some changes for MT6370 and refined the MT6370 device tree files to comply with DT specifications. "[PATCH v6 06/13] dt-bindings: mfd: Add MediaTek MT6370" depends on previous DT binding patches, so before applying this patch, please apply other DT patches first. Thanks! Thank you, ChiaEn Wu --- Changes in v6: - In Patch 03/13: - Add 'reg' property of led of multi-led to prevent checking error. - In Patch 08/13: - Convert tcpci as device resource managed with 'devm_add_action_or_reset' api. - Refine remvoe callback. - Refine the commit text from 'this commit add' to 'add'. - In Patch 09/13: - Using 'struct device *dev = &pdev->dev' in probe() - Revise the sixth parameter of regmap_read_poll_timeout() by replacing '1000' with 'MILLI' - Revise the units of three macros - MT6370_AICR_400MA --> MT6370_AICR_400_mA - MT6370_ICHG_500MA --> MT6370_ICHG_500_mA - MT6370_ICHG_900MA --> MT6370_ICHG_900_mA - In patch 10/13: - Remove the varable (*psy_desc) of struct mt6370_priv - Remove the deprecated usb type (POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_USB_CDP and POWER_SUPPLY_TYPE_USB_DCP) - Remove useless remove() - Revise all units from mini- to micro- - Revise get/set power_supply_prop (change to directly return get/set regmap_field) - Revise probe() and use devm_add_action_or_reset() for handling of the workqueue/delayed_work/mutex - Revise mt6370_chg_psy_desc - Add '.name = "mt6370-charger"' - Use 'static const' - In patch 11/13: - Remove the 'ko' from mt6370 led Kconfig description. - Add both authors for Alice and ChiYuan. - Use pdata to distinguish the code from mt6370/71 to mt6372. - Instead of 'state' define, use the 'state' enum. - Fix the typo for 'MT6372_PMW_DUTY'. - For pwm_duty define, replace with bit macro - 1. - Refine all the labels from 'out' to 'out_unlock'. - Use struct 'dev' variable and 'dev_err_probe' to optimize the LOC. - Revise for the array initialization from {0} to {}. - Move into rgb folder and rename file name to 'leds-mt6370-rgb'. - Refine the 'comma' usage in struct/enum. - In patch 12/13: - Use 'GENMASK' instead of 'BIT'. - Use dev_err_probe to decrease LOC. - Use 'dev' variable to make probe function more clean. - Refine the return of _mt6370_flash_brightness_set function. - Refine the descriptions. - Use mt6370_clamp() instead of clamp_align(). - Use device resource managed API for v4l2 flash_release. Changes in v5: - In patch 07/13: - Add the comma in the last REGMAP_IRQ_REG_LINE(), DEFINE_RES_IRQ_NAMED() and MFD_CELL_RES() - Add the prefix in the first parameter of all mfd_cell - Move enum and struct mt6370_info to mt6370.h - Remove struct device *dev in struct mt6370_info - Revise the description of Kconfig help text - Revise MODULE_DESCRIPTION() - In patch 08/13: - Add comma for the last index of mt6370_reg_init. - Use dev_err_probe to decrease LOC. - Use 'dev' variable to make probe function more clean. - Refine kconfig text. - Remove both 'else' in set_vbus callback. - Remove comma for of_device_id if the assigned member is only one. - In patch 09/13: - Replace using snprintf() with sysfs_emit() in mt6370_adc_read_label() - Remove macro ADC_CONV_TIME_US - Revise all variable ordering - Revise the description of Kconfig help text - Revise MODULE_DESCRIPTION() - In patch 10/13: - Replace unsigned int type of pwr_rdy with bool in mt6370_chg_set_online() - Remove redundant 'else' in mt6370_chg_field_get() - Revise 'if-else' in mt6370_chg_field_set() - Revise 'if' condition in mt6370_chg_enable_irq() - Revise all text 'otg' --> 'OTG' - Revise MT6370_MIVR_IBUS_TH_100_MA --> MT6370_MIVR_IBUS_TH_100_mA - Revise the description of Kconfig help text - In patch 12/13: - Refine the coding style. - Use "dev" instead of "&pdev->dev". - In patch 13/13: - Add missed <mod_devicetable.h> - Add struct device *dev in probe() to make code cleaning - Remove useless including header file <gpio/driver.h>, <of.h> - Remove useless variable uasage in mt6370_init_backlight_properties() - Remove redundant checking enable_gpio in mt6370_bl_update_status() - Remove redundant parentheses in mt6370_bl_get_brightness() - Revise the description of Kconfig help text - Revise the calculation of hys_th_steps Changes in v4: - In patch 02/13: - Add minItems of "io-channel-names" - Replace text "Mediatek" with "MediaTek" - In patch 06/13: - Roll back all "$ref: " to v2 patch style (using "/schemas/...") - In patch 07/13: - Replace text "Mediatek" with "MediaTek" in Kconfig - Replace "first break and then return" with "return directly" in "mt6370_check_vendor_info()" - Add module name related description in Kconfig helptext - Add Copyright in the source code - Add header file "mt6370.h" for all "#define IRQ" - Adjust Makefile order of MT6370 - Refine "bank_idx" and "bank_addr" in "mt6375_regmap_read()" / "mt6375_regmap_write()" - Refine redundant "else if" in "mt6370_regmap_read()" - In patch 08/13: - Replace text "Mediatek" with "MediaTek" in Kconfig - Replace "first ret=regulator_(dis/en)able and then return" with "return directly" in "mt6370_tcpc_set_vbus()" - Replace header file <linux/of.h> with <linux/mod_devicetable.h> - Add Copyright in the source code - Add module name related description in Kconfig helptext - Remove header file <linux/of.h> - Refine all probe error by using dev_err_probe() - In patch 09/13: - Replace text "Mediatek" with "MediaTek" - Replace all "first dev_err() and then return" with "return dev_err_probe()" - Add Copyright in the source code - Add module name related description in Kconfig - Add unit suffix of macro "ADC_CONV_POLLING_TIME" - Add new macro "ADC_CONV_TIME_MS" - Adjust the position of include file <mediatek,mt6370_adc.h> - Adjust the postions between <linux/module.h> and <linux/mod_devicetable.h> - Fix some incorrect characters - In patch 10/13: - Replace text "Mediatek" with "MediaTek" in Kconfig and MODULE_DESCRIPTION() - Replace "mt6370_chg_val_to_reg" and "mt6370_chg_reg_to_val" with "linear_range" API - Replace "first break and then return" with "return directly" in all cases of get/set power_supply_property - Replace all "first dev_err() and then return" with "return dev_err_probe()" - Replace all "return IS_ERR(priv->rdev) ? PTR_ERR(priv->rdev) : 0" with "PTR_ERR_OR_ZERO()" - Replace "priv->dev->of_node" with "dev_of_node()" - Add Copyright in the source code - Add module name related description in Kconfig helptext - Add proper unit of "MT6370_MIVR_IBUS_TH" - Add error check in "mt6370_chg_get_status" - Remove including <mediatek,mt6370_adc.h> header file - Remove redundant comma of every enum terminator line - Remove unwanted blank lines - Remove the useless label (toggle_cfo_exit:) - Remove using atomic - Remove using of_match_ptr() - Fix some incorrect characters - Fix updating wrong bits when using ena_gpiod of OTG regulator - Adjust the probe order in probe() - In patch 11/13: - Replace text "Mediatek" with "MediaTek" in Kconfig - Replace text "const" with "constant" in Kconfig - Add Copyright in the source code - In patch 12/13: - Replace text "Mediatek" with "MediaTek" in Kconfig - Add Copyright in the source code - In patch 13/13: - Replace text "Mediatek" with "MediaTek" in Kconfig - Add Copyright in the source code - Revise the comment of "PWM HYS STEPS" Changes in v3: - Remove ADC ABI file, which is added in v2 Patch 7 - In patch 02/14: - Add items and remove maxItems of io-channels - Add io-channel-names and describe each item - Add "unevaluatedProperties: false" in "usb-otg-vbus-regulator" - Rename "enable-gpio" to "enable-gpios" in "usb-otg-vbus-regulator" - In patch 03/14: - Use leds-class-multicolor.yaml instead of common.yaml. - Split multi-led and led node. - Add subdevice "led" in "multi-led". - In patch 04/14: - Remove the description of enum. - In patch 05/14: - Rename "mediatek,bled-pwm-hys-input-threshold-steps" to "mediatek,bled-pwm-hys-input-th-steps" - Refine "bled-pwm-hys-input-th-steps", "bled-ovp-microvolt", "bled-ocp-microamp" enum values - In patch 06/14: - Use " in entire patchset - Refine ADC description - Rename "enable-gpio" to "enable-gpios" in "regualtor" - In patch 07/14: - Refine Kconfig help text - Refine error message of unknown vendor ID in mt6370_check_vendor_info() - Refine return value handling of mt6370_regmap_read() - Refine all probe error by using dev_err_probe() - Refine "bank_idx" and "bank_addr" in mt6370_regmap_read() and mt6370_regmap_write() - Add "#define VENID*" and drop the comments in mt6370_check_vendor_info() - Drop "MFD" in MODULE_DESCRIPTION() - In patch 09/14: - Refine Kconfig help text - In patch 10/14: - Refine Kconfig help text - Refine all channel value in read_scale() a. current: uA --> mA b. voltage: uV --> mV c. temperature: degrees Celsius --> milli degrees Celsius - Add "default:" condition of switch statement in read_scale() and read_raw() - Add error message for reading ADC register failed - Add the comment for adc_lock - Add <linux/mod_devicetable.h> header file for struct of_device_id - Replace "adc" text with "ADC" in all of the error messages - In patch 12/14: - Refine the grammer of the Kconfig. - Change reg mode to the const current mode. - In patch 14/14: - Refine bool properties parsing (pwm-enable, ovp-shutdown, ocp-shutdown) in DT parsing function - Refine u32 and u8 properties parsing (pwm-hys-input-th-steps, ovp-microvolt, ocp-microamp), from using register value to using actual value - Refine error string of "channle-use" parsing failed - Refine Kconfig help text Changes in v2: - In patch 01/15: - Add "unevaluatedProperties: false". - Delete "DT bindings". - Refine the description to fit in 80 columns. - Skip the connector description. - In patch 02/15: - Refine items description of interrupt-name - Rename "usb-otg-vbus" to "usb-otg-vbus-regulator" - Add constraint properties for ADC - In patch 03/15: - Skip not useful description of "^(multi-)?led@[0-3]$" and reg. - Due to the dependency, remove the mention of mfd document directory. - Delete Soft-start property. In design aspect, we think soft-restart should always be enabled, our new chip has deleted the related setting register , also, we don’t allow user adjust this parameter in this chip. - Refine the commit message. - In patch 04/15: - Skip not useful description of "^led@[0-1]$" and reg. - Add apace after '#'. - Refine the commit message. - In patch 05/15: - Remove "binding documentation" in subject title - Refine description of mt6370 backlight binding document - Refine properties name(bled-pwm-hys-input-bit, bled-ovp-microvolt, bled-ocp-microamp) and their description - In patch 06/15: - Refine ADC and Regulator descriptions - Refine include header usage in example - Refine node name to generic node name("pmic@34") - Refine led example indentation - Refine license of mediatek,mt6370_adc.h - Rename the dts example from IRQ define to number. - Remove mediatek,mt6370.h - In patch 07/15: - Add ABI documentation for mt6370 non-standard ADC sysfs interfaces. - In patch 08/15: - Add all IRQ define into mt6370.c. - Refine include header usage - In patch 09/15: - No changes. - In patch 10/15: - Use 'gpiod_get_from_of_node' to replace 'fwnode_gpiod_get_index'. - In patch 11/15: - Refine Kconfig mt6370 help text - Refine mask&shift to FIELD_PREP() - Refine mutex lock name ("lock" -> "adc_lock") - Refine mt6370_adc_read_scale() - Refine mt6370_adc_read_offset() - Refine mt6370_channel_labels[] by using enum to index chan spec - Refine MT6370_ADC_CHAN() - Refine indio_dev->name - Remove useless include header files - In patch 12/15: - Refine mt6370_chg_otg_rdesc.of_match ("mt6370,otg-vbus" -> "usb-otg-vbus-regulator") to match DT binding - In patch 13/15: - Refine Kconfig description. - Remove include "linux/of.h" and use "linux/mod_devicetable.h". - Place a comma for the last element of the const unsigned int array. - Add a comment line for the mutex 'lock'. - In probe function, use 'dev_err_probe' in some judgement to reduce the LOC. - Refine include header usage. BIT/GENMASK -> linux/bits.h FIELD_GET -> linux/bitfield.h - In patch 14/15: - Add blank line. - Replace container_of() with to_mt6370_led() . - Refine description of ramping. - Refine the mt6370_init_common_properties function. - Refine the probe return. - In patch 15/15: - Refine MT6370 help text in Kconfig - Refine DT Parse function - Remove useless enum - Add comment for 6372 backward compatible in bl_update_status() and check_vendor_info() - Using dev_err_probe(); insteads dev_err()&return; in the probe() Alice Chen (2): dt-bindings: leds: Add MediaTek MT6370 flashlight leds: flash: mt6370: Add MediaTek MT6370 flashlight support ChiYuan Huang (7): dt-bindings: usb: Add MediaTek MT6370 TCPC dt-bindings: leds: mt6370: Add MediaTek MT6370 current sink type LED indicator dt-bindings: backlight: Add MediaTek MT6370 backlight dt-bindings: mfd: Add MediaTek MT6370 mfd: mt6370: Add MediaTek MT6370 support usb: typec: tcpci_mt6370: Add MediaTek MT6370 tcpci driver leds: rgb: mt6370: Add MediaTek MT6370 current sink type LED Indicator support ChiaEn Wu (4): dt-bindings: power: supply: Add MediaTek MT6370 Charger iio: adc: mt6370: Add MediaTek MT6370 support power: supply: mt6370: Add MediaTek MT6370 charger driver video: backlight: mt6370: Add MediaTek MT6370 support .../leds/backlight/mediatek,mt6370-backlight.yaml | 92 ++ .../bindings/leds/mediatek,mt6370-flashlight.yaml | 41 + .../bindings/leds/mediatek,mt6370-indicator.yaml | 81 ++ .../devicetree/bindings/mfd/mediatek,mt6370.yaml | 280 ++++++ .../power/supply/mediatek,mt6370-charger.yaml | 88 ++ .../bindings/usb/mediatek,mt6370-tcpc.yaml | 36 + drivers/iio/adc/Kconfig | 12 + drivers/iio/adc/Makefile | 1 + drivers/iio/adc/mt6370-adc.c | 274 ++++++ drivers/leds/flash/Kconfig | 12 + drivers/leds/flash/Makefile | 1 + drivers/leds/flash/leds-mt6370-flash.c | 633 ++++++++++++ drivers/leds/rgb/Kconfig | 13 + drivers/leds/rgb/Makefile | 1 + drivers/leds/rgb/leds-mt6370-rgb.c | 1004 ++++++++++++++++++++ drivers/mfd/Kconfig | 16 + drivers/mfd/Makefile | 1 + drivers/mfd/mt6370.c | 281 ++++++ drivers/mfd/mt6370.h | 99 ++ drivers/power/supply/Kconfig | 14 + drivers/power/supply/Makefile | 1 + drivers/power/supply/mt6370-charger.c | 973 +++++++++++++++++++ drivers/usb/typec/tcpm/Kconfig | 11 + drivers/usb/typec/tcpm/Makefile | 1 + drivers/usb/typec/tcpm/tcpci_mt6370.c | 208 ++++ drivers/video/backlight/Kconfig | 12 + drivers/video/backlight/Makefile | 1 + drivers/video/backlight/mt6370-backlight.c | 339 +++++++ include/dt-bindings/iio/adc/mediatek,mt6370_adc.h | 18 + 29 files changed, 4544 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/leds/backlight/mediatek,mt6370-backlight.yaml create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/leds/mediatek,mt6370-flashlight.yaml create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/leds/mediatek,mt6370-indicator.yaml create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/mfd/mediatek,mt6370.yaml create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/power/supply/mediatek,mt6370-charger.yaml create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/usb/mediatek,mt6370-tcpc.yaml create mode 100644 drivers/iio/adc/mt6370-adc.c create mode 100644 drivers/leds/flash/leds-mt6370-flash.c create mode 100644 drivers/leds/rgb/leds-mt6370-rgb.c create mode 100644 drivers/mfd/mt6370.c create mode 100644 drivers/mfd/mt6370.h create mode 100644 drivers/power/supply/mt6370-charger.c create mode 100644 drivers/usb/typec/tcpm/tcpci_mt6370.c create mode 100644 drivers/video/backlight/mt6370-backlight.c create mode 100644 include/dt-bindings/iio/adc/mediatek,mt6370_adc.h