From patchwork Thu Jan 21 07:14:18 2021 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Liu Ying X-Patchwork-Id: 368102 Return-Path: X-Spam-Checker-Version: SpamAssassin 3.4.0 (2014-02-07) on X-Spam-Level: X-Spam-Status: No, score=-18.7 required=3.0 tests=BAYES_00,DKIM_SIGNED, DKIM_VALID, DKIM_VALID_AU, HEADER_FROM_DIFFERENT_DOMAINS, INCLUDES_CR_TRAILER, INCLUDES_PATCH, MAILING_LIST_MULTI, MSGID_FROM_MTA_HEADER, SPF_HELO_NONE, SPF_PASS,URIBL_BLOCKED,USER_AGENT_GIT autolearn=unavailable autolearn_force=no version=3.4.0 Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id AE484C433E0 for ; Thu, 21 Jan 2021 07:27:19 +0000 (UTC) Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTP id 6471D23884 for ; Thu, 21 Jan 2021 07:27:19 +0000 (UTC) Received: ( by via listexpand id S1726184AbhAUH1M (ORCPT ); Thu, 21 Jan 2021 02:27:12 -0500 Received: from ([]:49816 "EHLO" rhost-flags-OK-OK-OK-FAIL) by with ESMTP id S1727059AbhAUH0i (ORCPT ); Thu, 21 Jan 2021 02:26:38 -0500 ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=SXPoaj4fPzkcrbCykingy7661v78sS8xghf+6nN4uSgdExgV8ZXySVXd9W68sTmW3jWz6NN3EbdI7fITwwpQw6Z9AQr4QDp+pQZYOa9p/WZTW309KW5czFPDKBFdi0uqPM8cthhbqSEnugSmRQJxdPeoLTMCb2B6zyZ86EcjniVF75J7GGCRW7KqZ+KMzayVBrRQhJfDjEgLsNc4We26IYJiNByaRxP+Jwccea/I69J6jsmB3/74J2QfBMIciOOPDrUjrb6pK7fhn2Hc9/QlWIt8SnilgF49tw4gJxmbfVAY3YhmVXk9XQ5rh83PZmcXsvn/xaFiAy66tf36StQRdQ== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=nB2yTYog/14lmeZyTxi208nhAl9QvAftNWW/oyQCbJI=; b=lZz4arwA8VRu70mKK0QlPZ3QZ8H5i45zRcKvwDykdX6Xgx1e+OoiudDWI+oESxndjHarH/v2Wt16RgkaQj3EOwdlxp95JqHqhR8YGzb6EvhqqMa7hTJKj+rkx93vFi24WwLJvDDcjHwLK6CTsgREmOo3gWPkJP/12zGgUsFol1ED9FtRiHjUYZWaKYp2bFMLRtgCK//34P/d6Mn/WLFcxXSsvZILzbA0DFzQBYVHQ+SkM78pfz8kv5pB7qx+ilZtGMy+4j7g/twU2QMiCUsR5Fwg9duNQ3fH+9wH4HHo7YZ3o+LdJ7PVcFvUHub5G6WM2LEMbciuU2b6Pk2Mf916fQ== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; 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Thu, 21 Jan 2021 07:25:06 +0000 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-Office365-Filtering-HT: Tenant X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 9c412fb8-a92c-40f0-3c3c-08d8bdddafdf X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: VI1PR04MB5711: X-LD-Processed: 686ea1d3-bc2b-4c6f-a92c-d99c5c301635,ExtAddr X-MS-Exchange-Transport-Forked: True X-Microsoft-Antispam-PRVS: X-MS-Oob-TLC-OOBClassifiers: OLM:5797; X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM;; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(4636009)(346002)(366004)(39860400002)(396003)(136003)(376002)(8936002)(2906002)(66556008)(66476007)(478600001)(36756003)(186003)(6666004)(4326008)(16526019)(66946007)(83380400001)(966005)(6512007)(7416002)(8676002)(69590400011)(2616005)(26005)(52116002)(86362001)(30864003)(6486002)(316002)(5660300002)(956004)(6506007); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 9c412fb8-a92c-40f0-3c3c-08d8bdddafdf X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 21 Jan 2021 07:25:11.2827 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: 686ea1d3-bc2b-4c6f-a92c-d99c5c301635 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: i3QSCGrcsDnx64MCfdLc31rRl3OsQnyqd5m2fielMg0dAuB+cZixRm0z4wNk+lqTifUgyFofsuxxmj/bbR1EMA== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: VI1PR04MB5711 Precedence: bulk List-ID: X-Mailing-List: This patch adds bindings for i.MX8qxp/qm Display Processing Unit. Signed-off-by: Liu Ying --- v5->v6: * Use graph schema. So, drop Rob's R-b tag as review is needed. v4->v5: * No change. v3->v4: * Improve compatible property by using enum instead of oneOf+const. (Rob) * Add Rob's R-b tag. v2->v3: * No change. v1->v2: * Fix yamllint warnings. * Require bypass0 and bypass1 clocks for both i.MX8qxp and i.MX8qm, as the display controller subsystem spec does say that they exist. * Use new dt binding way to add clocks in the example. * Trivial tweaks for the example. .../bindings/display/imx/fsl,imx8qxp-dpu.yaml | 387 +++++++++++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 387 insertions(+) create mode 100644 Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/imx/fsl,imx8qxp-dpu.yaml diff --git a/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/imx/fsl,imx8qxp-dpu.yaml b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/imx/fsl,imx8qxp-dpu.yaml new file mode 100644 index 00000000..9da9560 --- /dev/null +++ b/Documentation/devicetree/bindings/display/imx/fsl,imx8qxp-dpu.yaml @@ -0,0 +1,387 @@ +# SPDX-License-Identifier: (GPL-2.0-only OR BSD-2-Clause) +%YAML 1.2 +--- +$id:,imx8qxp-dpu.yaml# +$schema: + +title: Freescale i.MX8qm/qxp Display Processing Unit + +maintainers: + - Liu Ying + +description: | + The Freescale i.MX8qm/qxp Display Processing Unit(DPU) is comprised of two + main components that include a blit engine for 2D graphics accelerations + and a display controller for display output processing, as well as a command + sequencer. + +properties: + compatible: + enum: + - fsl,imx8qxp-dpu + - fsl,imx8qm-dpu + + reg: + maxItems: 1 + + interrupts: + items: + - description: | + store9 shadow load interrupt(blit engine) + - description: | + store9 frame complete interrupt(blit engine) + - description: | + store9 sequence complete interrupt(blit engine) + - description: | + extdst0 shadow load interrupt + (display controller, content stream 0) + - description: | + extdst0 frame complete interrupt + (display controller, content stream 0) + - description: | + extdst0 sequence complete interrupt + (display controller, content stream 0) + - description: | + extdst4 shadow load interrupt + (display controller, safety stream 0) + - description: | + extdst4 frame complete interrupt + (display controller, safety stream 0) + - description: | + extdst4 sequence complete interrupt + (display controller, safety stream 0) + - description: | + extdst1 shadow load interrupt + (display controller, content stream 1) + - description: | + extdst1 frame complete interrupt + (display controller, content stream 1) + - description: | + extdst1 sequence complete interrupt + (display controller, content stream 1) + - description: | + extdst5 shadow load interrupt + (display controller, safety stream 1) + - description: | + extdst5 frame complete interrupt + (display controller, safety stream 1) + - description: | + extdst5 sequence complete interrupt + (display controller, safety stream 1) + - description: | + disengcfg0 shadow load interrupt + (display controller, display stream 0) + - description: | + disengcfg0 frame complete interrupt + (display controller, display stream 0) + - description: | + disengcfg0 sequence complete interrupt + (display controller, display stream 0) + - description: | + framegen0 programmable interrupt0 + (display controller, display stream 0) + - description: | + framegen0 programmable interrupt1 + (display controller, display stream 0) + - description: | + framegen0 programmable interrupt2 + (display controller, display stream 0) + - description: | + framegen0 programmable interrupt3 + (display controller, display stream 0) + - description: | + signature0 shadow load interrupt + (display controller, display stream 0) + - description: | + signature0 measurement valid interrupt + (display controller, display stream 0) + - description: | + signature0 error condition interrupt + (display controller, display stream 0) + - description: | + disengcfg1 shadow load interrupt + (display controller, display stream 1) + - description: | + disengcfg1 frame complete interrupt + (display controller, display stream 1) + - description: | + disengcfg1 sequence complete interrupt + (display controller, display stream 1) + - description: | + framegen1 programmable interrupt0 + (display controller, display stream 1) + - description: | + framegen1 programmable interrupt1 + (display controller, display stream 1) + - description: | + framegen1 programmable interrupt2 + (display controller, display stream 1) + - description: | + framegen1 programmable interrupt3 + (display controller, display stream 1) + - description: | + signature1 shadow load interrupt + (display controller, display stream 1) + - description: | + signature1 measurement valid interrupt + (display controller, display stream 1) + - description: | + signature1 error condition interrupt + (display controller, display stream 1) + - description: | + command sequencer error condition interrupt(command sequencer) + - description: | + common control software interrupt0(common control) + - description: | + common control software interrupt1(common control) + - description: | + common control software interrupt2(common control) + - description: | + common control software interrupt3(common control) + - description: | + framegen0 sychronization status activated interrupt + (display controller, safety stream 0) + - description: | + framegen0 sychronization status deactivated interrupt + (display controller, safety stream 0) + - description: | + framegen0 sychronization status activated interrupt + (display controller, content stream 0) + - description: | + framegen0 sychronization status deactivated interrupt + (display controller, content stream 0) + - description: | + framegen1 sychronization status activated interrupt + (display controller, safety stream 1) + - description: | + framegen1 sychronization status deactivated interrupt + (display controller, safety stream 1) + - description: | + framegen1 sychronization status activated interrupt + (display controller, content stream 1) + - description: | + framegen1 sychronization status deactivated interrupt + (display controller, content stream 1) + + interrupt-names: + items: + - const: store9_shdload + - const: store9_framecomplete + - const: store9_seqcomplete + - const: extdst0_shdload + - const: extdst0_framecomplete + - const: extdst0_seqcomplete + - const: extdst4_shdload + - const: extdst4_framecomplete + - const: extdst4_seqcomplete + - const: extdst1_shdload + - const: extdst1_framecomplete + - const: extdst1_seqcomplete + - const: extdst5_shdload + - const: extdst5_framecomplete + - const: extdst5_seqcomplete + - const: disengcfg_shdload0 + - const: disengcfg_framecomplete0 + - const: disengcfg_seqcomplete0 + - const: framegen0_int0 + - const: framegen0_int1 + - const: framegen0_int2 + - const: framegen0_int3 + - const: sig0_shdload + - const: sig0_valid + - const: sig0_error + - const: disengcfg_shdload1 + - const: disengcfg_framecomplete1 + - const: disengcfg_seqcomplete1 + - const: framegen1_int0 + - const: framegen1_int1 + - const: framegen1_int2 + - const: framegen1_int3 + - const: sig1_shdload + - const: sig1_valid + - const: sig1_error + - const: cmdseq_error + - const: comctrl_sw0 + - const: comctrl_sw1 + - const: comctrl_sw2 + - const: comctrl_sw3 + - const: framegen0_primsync_on + - const: framegen0_primsync_off + - const: framegen0_secsync_on + - const: framegen0_secsync_off + - const: framegen1_primsync_on + - const: framegen1_primsync_off + - const: framegen1_secsync_on + - const: framegen1_secsync_off + + clocks: + maxItems: 8 + + clock-names: + items: + - const: axi + - const: cfg + - const: pll0 + - const: pll1 + - const: bypass0 + - const: bypass1 + - const: disp0 + - const: disp1 + + power-domains: + items: + - description: DC power-domain + - description: PLL0 power-domain + - description: PLL1 power-domain + + power-domain-names: + items: + - const: dc + - const: pll0 + - const: pll1 + + fsl,dpr-channels: + $ref: /schemas/types.yaml#/definitions/phandle-array + description: | + List of phandle which points to DPR channels associated with + this DPU instance. + + ports: + $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/properties/ports + + properties: + port@0: + $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/properties/port + description: The DPU output port node from display stream0. + + port@1: + $ref: /schemas/graph.yaml#/properties/port + description: The DPU output port node from display stream1. + + required: + - port@0 + - port@1 + +required: + - compatible + - reg + - interrupts + - interrupt-names + - clocks + - clock-names + - power-domains + - power-domain-names + - fsl,dpr-channels + - ports + +additionalProperties: false + +examples: + - | + #include + #include + dpu@56180000 { + compatible = "fsl,imx8qxp-dpu"; + reg = <0x56180000 0x40000>; + interrupt-parent = <&dc0_irqsteer>; + interrupts = <448>, <449>, <450>, <64>, + <65>, <66>, <67>, <68>, + <69>, <70>, <193>, <194>, + <195>, <196>, <197>, <72>, + <73>, <74>, <75>, <76>, + <77>, <78>, <79>, <80>, + <81>, <199>, <200>, <201>, + <202>, <203>, <204>, <205>, + <206>, <207>, <208>, <0>, + <1>, <2>, <3>, <4>, + <82>, <83>, <84>, <85>, + <209>, <210>, <211>, <212>; + interrupt-names = "store9_shdload", + "store9_framecomplete", + "store9_seqcomplete", + "extdst0_shdload", + "extdst0_framecomplete", + "extdst0_seqcomplete", + "extdst4_shdload", + "extdst4_framecomplete", + "extdst4_seqcomplete", + "extdst1_shdload", + "extdst1_framecomplete", + "extdst1_seqcomplete", + "extdst5_shdload", + "extdst5_framecomplete", + "extdst5_seqcomplete", + "disengcfg_shdload0", + "disengcfg_framecomplete0", + "disengcfg_seqcomplete0", + "framegen0_int0", + "framegen0_int1", + "framegen0_int2", + "framegen0_int3", + "sig0_shdload", + "sig0_valid", + "sig0_error", + "disengcfg_shdload1", + "disengcfg_framecomplete1", + "disengcfg_seqcomplete1", + "framegen1_int0", + "framegen1_int1", + "framegen1_int2", + "framegen1_int3", + "sig1_shdload", + "sig1_valid", + "sig1_error", + "cmdseq_error", + "comctrl_sw0", + "comctrl_sw1", + "comctrl_sw2", + "comctrl_sw3", + "framegen0_primsync_on", + "framegen0_primsync_off", + "framegen0_secsync_on", + "framegen0_secsync_off", + "framegen1_primsync_on", + "framegen1_primsync_off", + "framegen1_secsync_on", + "framegen1_secsync_off"; + clocks = <&dc0_dpu_lpcg IMX_LPCG_CLK_5>, + <&dc0_dpu_lpcg IMX_LPCG_CLK_4>, + <&clk IMX_SC_R_DC_0_PLL_0 IMX_SC_PM_CLK_PLL>, + <&clk IMX_SC_R_DC_0_PLL_1 IMX_SC_PM_CLK_PLL>, + <&clk IMX_SC_R_DC_0_VIDEO0 IMX_SC_PM_CLK_BYPASS>, + <&clk IMX_SC_R_DC_0_VIDEO1 IMX_SC_PM_CLK_BYPASS>, + <&dc0_disp_lpcg IMX_LPCG_CLK_0>, + <&dc0_disp_lpcg IMX_LPCG_CLK_1>; + clock-names = "axi", "cfg", + "pll0", "pll1", "bypass0", "bypass1", + "disp0", "disp1"; + power-domains = <&pd IMX_SC_R_DC_0>, + <&pd IMX_SC_R_DC_0_PLL_0>, + <&pd IMX_SC_R_DC_0_PLL_1>; + power-domain-names = "dc", "pll0", "pll1"; + fsl,dpr-channels = <&dc0_dpr1_channel1>, + <&dc0_dpr1_channel2>, + <&dc0_dpr1_channel3>, + <&dc0_dpr2_channel1>, + <&dc0_dpr2_channel2>, + <&dc0_dpr2_channel3>; + + ports { + #address-cells = <1>; + #size-cells = <0>; + + port@0 { + reg = <0>; + dpu0_disp0_pixel_combiner0_ch0: endpoint { + remote-endpoint = <&pixel_combiner0_ch0_dpu0_disp0>; + }; + }; + + port@1 { + reg = <1>; + dpu0_disp1_pixel_combiner0_ch1: endpoint { + remote-endpoint = <&pixel_combiner0_ch1_dpu0_disp1>; + }; + }; + }; + };