diff mbox series

[libgpiod,v2,4/5] bindings: python: doc: describe undocumented members

Message ID 20241222-improve-docs-v2-4-9067aa775099@linaro.org
State Superseded
Headers show
Series doc: improvements for ReadTheDocs | expand

Commit Message

Bartosz Golaszewski Dec. 22, 2024, 8:08 p.m. UTC
From: Bartosz Golaszewski <bartosz.golaszewski@linaro.org>

There are several public members in python bindings that are missing
docstrings. Document them for completeness.

Signed-off-by: Bartosz Golaszewski <bartosz.golaszewski@linaro.org>
 bindings/python/gpiod/chip_info.py     |  5 +++++
 bindings/python/gpiod/edge_event.py    |  9 +++++++++
 bindings/python/gpiod/info_event.py    |  8 ++++++++
 bindings/python/gpiod/line.py          | 20 ++++++++++++++++++++
 bindings/python/gpiod/line_info.py     | 12 ++++++++++++
 bindings/python/gpiod/line_settings.py |  8 ++++++++
 6 files changed, 62 insertions(+)
diff mbox series


diff --git a/bindings/python/gpiod/chip_info.py b/bindings/python/gpiod/chip_info.py
index 3306af2..737a45e 100644
--- a/bindings/python/gpiod/chip_info.py
+++ b/bindings/python/gpiod/chip_info.py
@@ -14,8 +14,13 @@  class ChipInfo:
     name: str
+    """Name of the chip."""
     label: str
+    """Label of the chip."""
     num_lines: int
+    """Number of lines exposed by the chip."""
     def __str__(self) -> str:
         return f'<ChipInfo name="{self.name}" label="{self.label}" num_lines={self.num_lines}>'
diff --git a/bindings/python/gpiod/edge_event.py b/bindings/python/gpiod/edge_event.py
index 7f5cd4d..c888cb2 100644
--- a/bindings/python/gpiod/edge_event.py
+++ b/bindings/python/gpiod/edge_event.py
@@ -16,14 +16,23 @@  class EdgeEvent:
     class Type(Enum):
+        """Possible edge event types."""
+        """Rising edge event."""
+        """Falling edge event."""
     event_type: Type
+    """Edge event type."""
     timestamp_ns: int
+    """Timestamp of the event in nanoseconds."""
     line_offset: int
+    """Offset of the line on which this event was registered."""
     global_seqno: int
+    """Global sequence number of this event."""
     line_seqno: int
+    """Event sequence number specific to the concerned line."""
     def __init__(
diff --git a/bindings/python/gpiod/info_event.py b/bindings/python/gpiod/info_event.py
index 4a86697..cd2785e 100644
--- a/bindings/python/gpiod/info_event.py
+++ b/bindings/python/gpiod/info_event.py
@@ -17,13 +17,21 @@  class InfoEvent:
     class Type(Enum):
+        """Line status change event types."""
+        """Line has been requested."""
+        """Previously requested line has been released."""
+        """Line configuration has changed."""
     event_type: Type
+    """Event type of the status change event."""
     timestamp_ns: int
+    """Timestamp of the event."""
     line_info: LineInfo
+    """Snapshot of line-info associated with the event."""
     def __init__(self, event_type: int, timestamp_ns: int, line_info: LineInfo):
         object.__setattr__(self, "event_type", InfoEvent.Type(event_type))
diff --git a/bindings/python/gpiod/line.py b/bindings/python/gpiod/line.py
index 33c7368..0cfc854 100644
--- a/bindings/python/gpiod/line.py
+++ b/bindings/python/gpiod/line.py
@@ -13,7 +13,9 @@  class Value(Enum):
     """Logical line states."""
+    """Line is logically inactive."""
+    """Line is logically active."""
     def __bool__(self) -> bool:
         return self == self.ACTIVE
@@ -23,40 +25,58 @@  class Direction(Enum):
     """Direction settings."""
+    """Request the line(s), but don't change direction."""
+    """Direction is input - for reading the value of an externally driven GPIO line."""
+    """Direction is output - for driving the GPIO line."""
 class Bias(Enum):
     """Internal bias settings."""
     AS_IS = _ext.BIAS_AS_IS
+    """Don't change the bias setting when applying line config."""
+    """The internal bias state is unknown."""
+    """The internal bias is disabled."""
     PULL_UP = _ext.BIAS_PULL_UP
+    """The internal pull-up bias is enabled."""
+    """The internal pull-down bias is enabled."""
 class Drive(Enum):
     """Drive settings."""
+    """Drive setting is push-pull."""
+    """Line output is open-drain."""
+    """Line output is open-source."""
 class Edge(Enum):
     """Edge detection settings."""
     NONE = _ext.EDGE_NONE
+    """Line edge detection is disabled."""
+    """Line detects rising edge events."""
+    """Line detects falling edge events."""
     BOTH = _ext.EDGE_BOTH
+    """Line detects both rising and falling edge events."""
 class Clock(Enum):
     """Event clock settings."""
+    """Line uses the monotonic clock for edge event timestamps."""
+    """Line uses the realtime clock for edge event timestamps."""
     HTE = _ext.CLOCK_HTE
+    """Line uses the hardware timestamp engine for event timestamps."""
diff --git a/bindings/python/gpiod/line_info.py b/bindings/python/gpiod/line_info.py
index 1aca142..d31565e 100644
--- a/bindings/python/gpiod/line_info.py
+++ b/bindings/python/gpiod/line_info.py
@@ -16,17 +16,29 @@  class LineInfo:
     offset: int
+    """Offset of the line."""
     name: str
+    """Name of the line."""
     used: bool
+    """Indicates whether line is in use."""
     consumer: str
+    """Name of the consumer of the line."""
     direction: Direction
+    """Direction setting of the line."""
     active_low: bool
+    """Active-low setting of the line."""
     bias: Bias
+    """Bias setting of the line."""
     drive: Drive
+    """Drive setting of the line."""
     edge_detection: Edge
+    """Edge detection setting of the line."""
     event_clock: Clock
+    """Event clock setting used for edge event timestamps for the line."""
     debounced: bool
+    """Indicates whether line is debounced."""
     debounce_period: timedelta
+    """Debounce period of the line."""
     def __init__(
diff --git a/bindings/python/gpiod/line_settings.py b/bindings/python/gpiod/line_settings.py
index 2aca71c..3752acd 100644
--- a/bindings/python/gpiod/line_settings.py
+++ b/bindings/python/gpiod/line_settings.py
@@ -17,13 +17,21 @@  class LineSettings:
     direction: Direction = Direction.AS_IS
+    """Line direction."""
     edge_detection: Edge = Edge.NONE
+    """Edge detection setting."""
     bias: Bias = Bias.AS_IS
+    """Line bias setting."""
     drive: Drive = Drive.PUSH_PULL
+    """Line drive setting."""
     active_low: bool = False
+    """Active-low switch."""
     debounce_period: timedelta = timedelta()
+    """Debounce period of the line."""
     event_clock: Clock = Clock.MONOTONIC
+    """Edge event timestamping clock setting."""
     output_value: Value = Value.INACTIVE
+    """Output value of the line."""
     # __repr__ generated by @dataclass uses repr for enum members resulting in
     # an unusable representation as those are of the form: <NAME: $value>