From patchwork Fri Dec 1 23:24:51 2023 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8" MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit X-Patchwork-Submitter: Alexey Makhalov X-Patchwork-Id: 749301 Authentication-Results:; dkim=pass (1024-bit key) header.b="wFZjEral" Received: from ( []) by (Postfix) with ESMTPS id 7DCB41A6; Fri, 1 Dec 2023 15:25:32 -0800 (PST) ARC-Seal: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; s=arcselector9901;; cv=none; b=WVK9GvyT/R417zBrNA01oSU5fGv/9377ejab8o5OMw20ZjaLyRh7nS2Rc4btBaEEsBby+JX3euz4yMQHlrue9HKF2l4+OKvs/0aGoPtCYFY57ak6W5kBVhMwKA4j0bkQ1cFsOGkkb1WLhUkZeolUd1rMpHaT3lbxBNHSC5kzIcyNdkStPxdOhk7pCbb1Qc66b/zUhk8l6wp67A5uXB/oAypXwAInYnwFYtcYB+NvBpAZaNENzCt0P0jQk1oRo8L9TmXkHN8c0Dqh8lysnH0hGojySdLuqg5e0v7XirTOd9/rLcio4ARlb5t4B1bbgZgwLD1tMVlgoLiOMMT/NNofUg== ARC-Message-Signature: i=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=arcselector9901; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0:X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-1; bh=0qOQp4vCw1n/B0stHkNT+j5TQt26dX3fliNC93hQmv8=; b=V/As/qLIl9heVlG+xkHiV1ibep+fxHgu29QUmFamaUqZsI9rDE5+Mx3lxDc1PV+m0PaNReTblIx0UETMr/r14fl6mf1lD2qVJs7Hz6qA7FVV/XgDB89q6cyHBNt44DgnGwK8lR4CCjgvmZuPfXrBiEmebnhFQHxvic/N/cvWiF9OiQHT+c5tDfQYBwQnmovAa90xb98J/iAdtwqu1UGg+USkcnjHuAPtsePfNNIQENTUpPzQKOJvW7n3Uro5+3bOJQOR1zQsH1KG/iubSrXUOcA8MBXwp14RFMMDkHW18ohqhYB4IIxmZFfM7Z2bSpQcGmt3PWIwQLB30ESLPdp5Pw== ARC-Authentication-Results: i=1; 1; spf=pass; dmarc=pass action=none; dkim=pass; arc=none DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=selector2; h=From:Date:Subject:Message-ID:Content-Type:MIME-Version:X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck; bh=0qOQp4vCw1n/B0stHkNT+j5TQt26dX3fliNC93hQmv8=; b=wFZjEral4YQ3cz9LDa+LZ4FVjiqtYFvenIQqSL8TfxDZAH0kjMYjWQfRfzoq1TC4mYvb34yfU1QhaFaV7MZ3sQMqq727rl57koOJ/MMiE/m/JckMqP2CyarrFTrhtm/ZD5ne/eMNW9zvhqEfjaBFVvlRMVvHveIJecSNkIdJjQY= Authentication-Results: dkim=none (message not signed) header.d=none;dmarc=none action=none; Received: from (2603:10b6:301:45::23) by (2603:10b6:a03:2e4::12) with Microsoft SMTP Server (version=TLS1_2, cipher=TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384) id 15.20.7046.27; Fri, 1 Dec 2023 23:25:11 +0000 Received: from ([fe80::10f0:590a:708:4ad7]) by ([fe80::10f0:590a:708:4ad7%2]) with mapi id 15.20.7025.021; Fri, 1 Dec 2023 23:25:11 +0000 From: Alexey Makhalov To:,,,, bp@alien8.d,, Cc:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Subject: [PATCH v2 5/6] drm/vmwgfx: Use vmware_hypercall API Date: Fri, 1 Dec 2023 15:24:51 -0800 Message-Id: <> X-Mailer: git-send-email 2.34.1 In-Reply-To: <> References: <> <> X-ClientProxiedBy: (2603:10b6:a03:505::17) To (2603:10b6:301:45::23) Precedence: bulk X-Mailing-List: List-Id: List-Subscribe: List-Unsubscribe: MIME-Version: 1.0 X-MS-PublicTrafficType: Email X-MS-TrafficTypeDiagnostic: MWHPR05MB3648:EE_|SJ0PR05MB7787:EE_ X-MS-Office365-Filtering-Correlation-Id: 0b5d0077-0360-4de1-13b6-08dbf2c4c363 X-LD-Processed: b39138ca-3cee-4b4a-a4d6-cd83d9dd62f0,ExtFwd,ExtAddr X-MS-Exchange-SenderADCheck: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-Relay: 0 X-Microsoft-Antispam: BCL:0; X-Microsoft-Antispam-Message-Info: 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 X-Forefront-Antispam-Report: CIP:; CTRY:; LANG:en; SCL:1; SRV:; IPV:NLI; SFV:NSPM;; PTR:; CAT:NONE; SFS:(13230031)(39860400002)(346002)(366004)(376002)(396003)(136003)(230922051799003)(451199024)(186009)(1800799012)(64100799003)(36756003)(8936002)(316002)(66556008)(66946007)(66476007)(8676002)(4326008)(478600001)(6486002)(41300700001)(2906002)(7416002)(86362001)(30864003)(5660300002)(38350700005)(38100700002)(2616005)(26005)(1076003)(6666004)(6506007)(52116002)(83380400001)(6512007); DIR:OUT; SFP:1101; X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-ChunkCount: 1 X-MS-Exchange-AntiSpam-MessageData-0: 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 X-OriginatorOrg: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Network-Message-Id: 0b5d0077-0360-4de1-13b6-08dbf2c4c363 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthSource: X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-AuthAs: Internal X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-OriginalArrivalTime: 01 Dec 2023 23:25:11.1503 (UTC) X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-FromEntityHeader: Hosted X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-Id: b39138ca-3cee-4b4a-a4d6-cd83d9dd62f0 X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-MailboxType: HOSTED X-MS-Exchange-CrossTenant-UserPrincipalName: qGu6ZjdOT12EyRk1WP0NkYSTP2kF8PAGjEtoOAwQrO8UWwpJg9jrQW1bG1f0WU9xQUFDHtkx2LNwBZu19jZbbQ== X-MS-Exchange-Transport-CrossTenantHeadersStamped: SJ0PR05MB7787 Switch from VMWARE_HYPERCALL macro to vmware_hypercall API. Eliminate arch specific code. drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg_arm64.h: implement arm64 variant of vmware_hypercall here for now. The move of these functions to arch/arm64/include/asm/vmware.h as well as removal of drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg_{x86,arm64}.h header files will be performed in the follow up patchset. Signed-off-by: Alexey Makhalov Reviewed-by: Nadav Amit Reviewed-by: Zack Rusin --- drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg.c | 173 +++++++------------ drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg_arm64.h | 197 +++++++++++++++------- drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg_x86.h | 185 -------------------- 3 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 358 deletions(-) diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg.c b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg.c index 2651fe0ef518..1f15990d3934 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg.c +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg.c @@ -48,8 +48,6 @@ #define RETRIES 3 -#define VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC 0x564D5868 - #define VMW_PORT_CMD_MSG 30 #define VMW_PORT_CMD_HB_MSG 0 #define VMW_PORT_CMD_OPEN_CHANNEL (MSG_TYPE_OPEN << 16 | VMW_PORT_CMD_MSG) @@ -104,20 +102,18 @@ static const char* const mksstat_kern_name_desc[MKSSTAT_KERN_COUNT][2] = */ static int vmw_open_channel(struct rpc_channel *channel, unsigned int protocol) { - unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si = 0, di = 0; + u32 ecx, edx, esi, edi; - VMW_PORT(VMW_PORT_CMD_OPEN_CHANNEL, - (protocol | GUESTMSG_FLAG_COOKIE), si, di, - 0, - VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC, - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di); + vmware_hypercall6(VMW_PORT_CMD_OPEN_CHANNEL, + (protocol | GUESTMSG_FLAG_COOKIE), 0, + &ecx, &edx, &esi, &edi); if ((HIGH_WORD(ecx) & MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS) == 0) return -EINVAL; channel->channel_id = HIGH_WORD(edx); - channel->cookie_high = si; - channel->cookie_low = di; + channel->cookie_high = esi; + channel->cookie_low = edi; return 0; } @@ -133,17 +129,13 @@ static int vmw_open_channel(struct rpc_channel *channel, unsigned int protocol) */ static int vmw_close_channel(struct rpc_channel *channel) { - unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di; - - /* Set up additional parameters */ - si = channel->cookie_high; - di = channel->cookie_low; + u32 ecx; - VMW_PORT(VMW_PORT_CMD_CLOSE_CHANNEL, - 0, si, di, - channel->channel_id << 16, - VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC, - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di); + vmware_hypercall5(VMW_PORT_CMD_CLOSE_CHANNEL, + 0, channel->channel_id << 16, + channel->cookie_high, + channel->cookie_low, + &ecx); if ((HIGH_WORD(ecx) & MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS) == 0) return -EINVAL; @@ -163,24 +155,18 @@ static int vmw_close_channel(struct rpc_channel *channel) static unsigned long vmw_port_hb_out(struct rpc_channel *channel, const char *msg, bool hb) { - unsigned long si, di, eax, ebx, ecx, edx; + u32 ebx, ecx; unsigned long msg_len = strlen(msg); /* HB port can't access encrypted memory. */ if (hb && !cc_platform_has(CC_ATTR_MEM_ENCRYPT)) { - unsigned long bp = channel->cookie_high; - u32 channel_id = (channel->channel_id << 16); - - si = (uintptr_t) msg; - di = channel->cookie_low; - - VMW_PORT_HB_OUT( + vmware_hypercall_hb_out( (MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS << 16) | VMW_PORT_CMD_HB_MSG, - msg_len, si, di, - VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_HB | channel_id | - VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_OUT, - VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC, bp, - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di); + msg_len, + channel->channel_id << 16, + (uintptr_t) msg, channel->cookie_low, + channel->cookie_high, + &ebx); return ebx; } @@ -194,14 +180,13 @@ static unsigned long vmw_port_hb_out(struct rpc_channel *channel, memcpy(&word, msg, bytes); msg_len -= bytes; msg += bytes; - si = channel->cookie_high; - di = channel->cookie_low; - - VMW_PORT(VMW_PORT_CMD_MSG | (MSG_TYPE_SENDPAYLOAD << 16), - word, si, di, - channel->channel_id << 16, - VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC, - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di); + + vmware_hypercall5(VMW_PORT_CMD_MSG | + (MSG_TYPE_SENDPAYLOAD << 16), + word, channel->channel_id << 16, + channel->cookie_high, + channel->cookie_low, + &ecx); } return ecx; @@ -220,22 +205,17 @@ static unsigned long vmw_port_hb_out(struct rpc_channel *channel, static unsigned long vmw_port_hb_in(struct rpc_channel *channel, char *reply, unsigned long reply_len, bool hb) { - unsigned long si, di, eax, ebx, ecx, edx; + u32 ebx, ecx, edx; /* HB port can't access encrypted memory */ if (hb && !cc_platform_has(CC_ATTR_MEM_ENCRYPT)) { - unsigned long bp = channel->cookie_low; - u32 channel_id = (channel->channel_id << 16); - - si = channel->cookie_high; - di = (uintptr_t) reply; - - VMW_PORT_HB_IN( + vmware_hypercall_hb_in( (MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS << 16) | VMW_PORT_CMD_HB_MSG, - reply_len, si, di, - VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_HB | channel_id, - VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC, bp, - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di); + reply_len, + channel->channel_id << 16, + channel->cookie_high, + (uintptr_t) reply, channel->cookie_low, + &ebx); return ebx; } @@ -245,14 +225,13 @@ static unsigned long vmw_port_hb_in(struct rpc_channel *channel, char *reply, while (reply_len) { unsigned int bytes = min_t(unsigned long, reply_len, 4); - si = channel->cookie_high; - di = channel->cookie_low; - - VMW_PORT(VMW_PORT_CMD_MSG | (MSG_TYPE_RECVPAYLOAD << 16), - MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS, si, di, - channel->channel_id << 16, - VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC, - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di); + vmware_hypercall7(VMW_PORT_CMD_MSG | + (MSG_TYPE_RECVPAYLOAD << 16), + MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS, + channel->channel_id << 16, + channel->cookie_high, + channel->cookie_low, + &ebx, &ecx, &edx); if ((HIGH_WORD(ecx) & MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS) == 0) break; @@ -276,22 +255,18 @@ static unsigned long vmw_port_hb_in(struct rpc_channel *channel, char *reply, */ static int vmw_send_msg(struct rpc_channel *channel, const char *msg) { - unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di; + u32 ebx, ecx; size_t msg_len = strlen(msg); int retries = 0; while (retries < RETRIES) { retries++; - /* Set up additional parameters */ - si = channel->cookie_high; - di = channel->cookie_low; - - VMW_PORT(VMW_PORT_CMD_SENDSIZE, - msg_len, si, di, - channel->channel_id << 16, - VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC, - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di); + vmware_hypercall5(VMW_PORT_CMD_SENDSIZE, + msg_len, channel->channel_id << 16, + channel->cookie_high, + channel->cookie_low, + &ecx); if ((HIGH_WORD(ecx) & MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS) == 0) { /* Expected success. Give up. */ @@ -329,7 +304,7 @@ STACK_FRAME_NON_STANDARD(vmw_send_msg); static int vmw_recv_msg(struct rpc_channel *channel, void **msg, size_t *msg_len) { - unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di; + u32 ebx, ecx, edx; char *reply; size_t reply_len; int retries = 0; @@ -341,15 +316,11 @@ static int vmw_recv_msg(struct rpc_channel *channel, void **msg, while (retries < RETRIES) { retries++; - /* Set up additional parameters */ - si = channel->cookie_high; - di = channel->cookie_low; - - VMW_PORT(VMW_PORT_CMD_RECVSIZE, - 0, si, di, - channel->channel_id << 16, - VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC, - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di); + vmware_hypercall7(VMW_PORT_CMD_RECVSIZE, + 0, channel->channel_id << 16, + channel->cookie_high, + channel->cookie_low, + &ebx, &ecx, &edx); if ((HIGH_WORD(ecx) & MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS) == 0) { DRM_ERROR("Failed to get reply size for host message.\n"); @@ -384,16 +355,12 @@ static int vmw_recv_msg(struct rpc_channel *channel, void **msg, reply[reply_len] = '\0'; - - /* Ack buffer */ - si = channel->cookie_high; - di = channel->cookie_low; - - VMW_PORT(VMW_PORT_CMD_RECVSTATUS, - MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS, si, di, - channel->channel_id << 16, - VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC, - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di); + vmware_hypercall5(VMW_PORT_CMD_RECVSTATUS, + MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS, + channel->channel_id << 16, + channel->cookie_high, + channel->cookie_low, + &ecx); if ((HIGH_WORD(ecx) & MESSAGE_STATUS_SUCCESS) == 0) { kfree(reply); @@ -652,13 +619,7 @@ static inline void reset_ppn_array(PPN64 *arr, size_t size) */ static inline void hypervisor_ppn_reset_all(void) { - unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si = 0, di = 0; - - VMW_PORT(VMW_PORT_CMD_MKSGS_RESET, - 0, si, di, - 0, - VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC, - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di); + vmware_hypercall1(VMW_PORT_CMD_MKSGS_RESET, 0); } /** @@ -669,13 +630,7 @@ static inline void hypervisor_ppn_reset_all(void) */ static inline void hypervisor_ppn_add(PPN64 pfn) { - unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si = 0, di = 0; - - VMW_PORT(VMW_PORT_CMD_MKSGS_ADD_PPN, - (unsigned long)pfn, si, di, - 0, - VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC, - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di); + vmware_hypercall1(VMW_PORT_CMD_MKSGS_ADD_PPN, (unsigned long)pfn); } /** @@ -686,13 +641,7 @@ static inline void hypervisor_ppn_add(PPN64 pfn) */ static inline void hypervisor_ppn_remove(PPN64 pfn) { - unsigned long eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si = 0, di = 0; - - VMW_PORT(VMW_PORT_CMD_MKSGS_REMOVE_PPN, - (unsigned long)pfn, si, di, - 0, - VMW_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC, - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di); + vmware_hypercall1(VMW_PORT_CMD_MKSGS_REMOVE_PPN, (unsigned long)pfn); } #if IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_DRM_VMWGFX_MKSSTATS) diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg_arm64.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg_arm64.h index 4f40167ad61f..29bd0af83038 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg_arm64.h +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg_arm64.h @@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ #define VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_HB BIT(0) #define VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_OUT BIT(1) +#define VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC 0x564D5868 + #define X86_IO_MAGIC 0x86 #define X86_IO_W7_SIZE_SHIFT 0 @@ -45,86 +47,159 @@ #define X86_IO_W7_IMM_SHIFT 5 #define X86_IO_W7_IMM_MASK (0xff << X86_IO_W7_IMM_SHIFT) -static inline void vmw_port(unsigned long cmd, unsigned long in_ebx, - unsigned long in_si, unsigned long in_di, - unsigned long flags, unsigned long magic, - unsigned long *eax, unsigned long *ebx, - unsigned long *ecx, unsigned long *edx, - unsigned long *si, unsigned long *di) +static inline +unsigned long vmware_hypercall1(unsigned long cmd, unsigned long in1) { - register u64 x0 asm("x0") = magic; - register u64 x1 asm("x1") = in_ebx; + register u64 x0 asm("x0") = VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC; + register u64 x1 asm("x1") = in1; register u64 x2 asm("x2") = cmd; - register u64 x3 asm("x3") = flags | VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_PORT; - register u64 x4 asm("x4") = in_si; - register u64 x5 asm("x5") = in_di; + register u64 x3 asm("x3") = VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_PORT; + register u64 x7 asm("x7") = ((u64)X86_IO_MAGIC << 32) | + X86_IO_W7_WITH | + X86_IO_W7_DIR | + (2 << X86_IO_W7_SIZE_SHIFT); + asm_inline volatile ( + "mrs xzr, mdccsr_el0; " + : "+r" (x0) + : "r" (x1), "r" (x2), "r" (x3), "r" (x7) + : "memory"); + + return x0; +} + +static inline +unsigned long vmware_hypercall5(unsigned long cmd, unsigned long in1, + unsigned long in3, unsigned long in4, + unsigned long in5, uint32_t *out2) +{ + register u64 x0 asm("x0") = VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC; + register u64 x1 asm("x1") = in1; + register u64 x2 asm("x2") = cmd; + register u64 x3 asm("x3") = in3 | VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_PORT; + register u64 x4 asm("x4") = in4; + register u64 x5 asm("x5") = in5; register u64 x7 asm("x7") = ((u64)X86_IO_MAGIC << 32) | X86_IO_W7_WITH | X86_IO_W7_DIR | (2 << X86_IO_W7_SIZE_SHIFT); - asm volatile("mrs xzr, mdccsr_el0 \n\t" - : "+r"(x0), "+r"(x1), "+r"(x2), - "+r"(x3), "+r"(x4), "+r"(x5) - : "r"(x7) - :); - *eax = x0; - *ebx = x1; - *ecx = x2; - *edx = x3; - *si = x4; - *di = x5; + asm_inline volatile ( + "mrs xzr, mdccsr_el0; " + : "+r" (x0), "+r" (x2) + : "r" (x1), "r" (x3), "r" (x4), "r" (x5), "r" (x7) + : "memory"); + + *out2 = x2; + return x0; } -static inline void vmw_port_hb(unsigned long cmd, unsigned long in_ecx, - unsigned long in_si, unsigned long in_di, - unsigned long flags, unsigned long magic, - unsigned long bp, u32 w7dir, - unsigned long *eax, unsigned long *ebx, - unsigned long *ecx, unsigned long *edx, - unsigned long *si, unsigned long *di) +static inline +unsigned long vmware_hypercall6(unsigned long cmd, unsigned long in1, + unsigned long in3, uint32_t *out2, + uint32_t *out3, uint32_t *out4, + uint32_t *out5) { - register u64 x0 asm("x0") = magic; + register u64 x0 asm("x0") = VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC; + register u64 x1 asm("x1") = in1; + register u64 x2 asm("x2") = cmd; + register u64 x3 asm("x3") = in3 | VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_PORT; + register u64 x4 asm("x4"); + register u64 x5 asm("x5"); + register u64 x7 asm("x7") = ((u64)X86_IO_MAGIC << 32) | + X86_IO_W7_WITH | + X86_IO_W7_DIR | + (2 << X86_IO_W7_SIZE_SHIFT); + + asm_inline volatile ( + "mrs xzr, mdccsr_el0; " + : "+r" (x0), "+r" (x2), "+r" (x3), "=r" (x4), "=r" (x5) + : "r" (x1), "r" (x7) + : "memory"); + + *out2 = x2; + *out3 = x3; + *out4 = x4; + *out5 = x5; + return x0; +} + +static inline +unsigned long vmware_hypercall7(unsigned long cmd, unsigned long in1, + unsigned long in3, unsigned long in4, + unsigned long in5, uint32_t *out1, + uint32_t *out2, uint32_t *out3) +{ + register u64 x0 asm("x0") = VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC; + register u64 x1 asm("x1") = in1; + register u64 x2 asm("x2") = cmd; + register u64 x3 asm("x3") = in3 | VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_PORT; + register u64 x4 asm("x4") = in4; + register u64 x5 asm("x5") = in5; + register u64 x7 asm("x7") = ((u64)X86_IO_MAGIC << 32) | + X86_IO_W7_WITH | + X86_IO_W7_DIR | + (2 << X86_IO_W7_SIZE_SHIFT); + + asm_inline volatile ( + "mrs xzr, mdccsr_el0; " + : "+r" (x0), "+r" (x1), "+r" (x2), "+r" (x3) + : "r" (x4), "r" (x5), "r" (x7) + : "memory"); + + *out1 = x1; + *out2 = x2; + *out3 = x3; + return x0; +} + +static inline +unsigned long vmware_hypercall_hb(unsigned long cmd, unsigned long in2, + unsigned long in3, unsigned long in4, + unsigned long in5, unsigned long in6, + uint32_t *out1, int dir) +{ + register u64 x0 asm("x0") = VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_MAGIC; register u64 x1 asm("x1") = cmd; - register u64 x2 asm("x2") = in_ecx; - register u64 x3 asm("x3") = flags | VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_PORT_HB; - register u64 x4 asm("x4") = in_si; - register u64 x5 asm("x5") = in_di; - register u64 x6 asm("x6") = bp; + register u64 x2 asm("x2") = in2; + register u64 x3 asm("x3") = in3 | VMWARE_HYPERVISOR_PORT_HB; + register u64 x4 asm("x4") = in4; + register u64 x5 asm("x5") = in5; + register u64 x6 asm("x6") = in6; register u64 x7 asm("x7") = ((u64)X86_IO_MAGIC << 32) | X86_IO_W7_STR | X86_IO_W7_WITH | - w7dir; - - asm volatile("mrs xzr, mdccsr_el0 \n\t" - : "+r"(x0), "+r"(x1), "+r"(x2), - "+r"(x3), "+r"(x4), "+r"(x5) - : "r"(x6), "r"(x7) - :); - *eax = x0; - *ebx = x1; - *ecx = x2; - *edx = x3; - *si = x4; - *di = x5; -} + dir; -#define VMW_PORT(cmd, in_ebx, in_si, in_di, flags, magic, eax, ebx, ecx, edx, \ - si, di) \ - vmw_port(cmd, in_ebx, in_si, in_di, flags, magic, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, \ - &edx, &si, &di) + asm_inline volatile ( + "mrs xzr, mdccsr_el0; " + : "+r" (x0), "+r" (x1) + : "r" (x2), "r" (x3), "r" (x4), "r" (x5), + "r" (x6), "r" (x7) + : "memory"); -#define VMW_PORT_HB_OUT(cmd, in_ecx, in_si, in_di, flags, magic, bp, eax, ebx, \ - ecx, edx, si, di) \ - vmw_port_hb(cmd, in_ecx, in_si, in_di, flags, magic, bp, \ - 0, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx, &si, &di) + *out1 = x1; + return x0; +} -#define VMW_PORT_HB_IN(cmd, in_ecx, in_si, in_di, flags, magic, bp, eax, ebx, \ - ecx, edx, si, di) \ - vmw_port_hb(cmd, in_ecx, in_si, in_di, flags, magic, bp, \ - X86_IO_W7_DIR, &eax, &ebx, &ecx, &edx, &si, &di) +static inline +unsigned long vmware_hypercall_hb_out(unsigned long cmd, unsigned long in2, + unsigned long in3, unsigned long in4, + unsigned long in5, unsigned long in6, + uint32_t *out1) +{ + return vmware_hypercall_hb(cmd, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, out1, 0); +} +static inline +unsigned long vmware_hypercall_hb_in(unsigned long cmd, unsigned long in2, + unsigned long in3, unsigned long in4, + unsigned long in5, unsigned long in6, + uint32_t *out1) +{ + return vmware_hypercall_hb(cmd, in2, in3, in4, in5, in6, out1, + X86_IO_W7_DIR); +} #endif #endif /* _VMWGFX_MSG_ARM64_H */ diff --git a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg_x86.h b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg_x86.h index 23899d743a90..13304d34cc6e 100644 --- a/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg_x86.h +++ b/drivers/gpu/drm/vmwgfx/vmwgfx_msg_x86.h @@ -37,191 +37,6 @@ #include -/** - * Hypervisor-specific bi-directional communication channel. Should never - * execute on bare metal hardware. The caller must make sure to check for - * supported hypervisor before using these macros. - * - * The last two parameters are both input and output and must be initialized. - * - * @cmd: [IN] Message Cmd - * @in_ebx: [IN] Message Len, through EBX - * @in_si: [IN] Input argument through SI, set to 0 if not used - * @in_di: [IN] Input argument through DI, set ot 0 if not used - * @flags: [IN] hypercall flags + [channel id] - * @magic: [IN] hypervisor magic value - * @eax: [OUT] value of EAX register - * @ebx: [OUT] e.g. status from an HB message status command - * @ecx: [OUT] e.g. status from a non-HB message status command - * @edx: [OUT] e.g. channel id - * @si: [OUT] - * @di: [OUT] - */ -#define VMW_PORT(cmd, in_ebx, in_si, in_di, \ - flags, magic, \ - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di) \ -({ \ - asm volatile (VMWARE_HYPERCALL : \ - "=a"(eax), \ - "=b"(ebx), \ - "=c"(ecx), \ - "=d"(edx), \ - "=S"(si), \ - "=D"(di) : \ - "a"(magic), \ - "b"(in_ebx), \ - "c"(cmd), \ - "d"(flags), \ - "S"(in_si), \ - "D"(in_di) : \ - "memory"); \ -}) - - -/** - * Hypervisor-specific bi-directional communication channel. Should never - * execute on bare metal hardware. The caller must make sure to check for - * supported hypervisor before using these macros. - * - * The last 3 parameters are both input and output and must be initialized. - * - * @cmd: [IN] Message Cmd - * @in_ecx: [IN] Message Len, through ECX - * @in_si: [IN] Input argument through SI, set to 0 if not used - * @in_di: [IN] Input argument through DI, set to 0 if not used - * @flags: [IN] hypercall flags + [channel id] - * @magic: [IN] hypervisor magic value - * @bp: [IN] - * @eax: [OUT] value of EAX register - * @ebx: [OUT] e.g. status from an HB message status command - * @ecx: [OUT] e.g. status from a non-HB message status command - * @edx: [OUT] e.g. channel id - * @si: [OUT] - * @di: [OUT] - */ -#ifdef __x86_64__ - -#define VMW_PORT_HB_OUT(cmd, in_ecx, in_si, in_di, \ - flags, magic, bp, \ - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di) \ -({ \ - asm volatile ( \ - UNWIND_HINT_SAVE \ - "push %%rbp;" \ - UNWIND_HINT_UNDEFINED \ - "mov %12, %%rbp;" \ - VMWARE_HYPERCALL_HB_OUT \ - "pop %%rbp;" \ - UNWIND_HINT_RESTORE : \ - "=a"(eax), \ - "=b"(ebx), \ - "=c"(ecx), \ - "=d"(edx), \ - "=S"(si), \ - "=D"(di) : \ - "a"(magic), \ - "b"(cmd), \ - "c"(in_ecx), \ - "d"(flags), \ - "S"(in_si), \ - "D"(in_di), \ - "r"(bp) : \ - "memory", "cc"); \ -}) - - -#define VMW_PORT_HB_IN(cmd, in_ecx, in_si, in_di, \ - flags, magic, bp, \ - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di) \ -({ \ - asm volatile ( \ - UNWIND_HINT_SAVE \ - "push %%rbp;" \ - UNWIND_HINT_UNDEFINED \ - "mov %12, %%rbp;" \ - VMWARE_HYPERCALL_HB_IN \ - "pop %%rbp;" \ - UNWIND_HINT_RESTORE : \ - "=a"(eax), \ - "=b"(ebx), \ - "=c"(ecx), \ - "=d"(edx), \ - "=S"(si), \ - "=D"(di) : \ - "a"(magic), \ - "b"(cmd), \ - "c"(in_ecx), \ - "d"(flags), \ - "S"(in_si), \ - "D"(in_di), \ - "r"(bp) : \ - "memory", "cc"); \ -}) - -#elif defined(__i386__) - -/* - * In the 32-bit version of this macro, we store bp in a memory location - * because we've ran out of registers. - * Now we can't reference that memory location while we've modified - * %esp or %ebp, so we first push it on the stack, just before we push - * %ebp, and then when we need it we read it from the stack where we - * just pushed it. - */ -#define VMW_PORT_HB_OUT(cmd, in_ecx, in_si, in_di, \ - flags, magic, bp, \ - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di) \ -({ \ - asm volatile ("push %12;" \ - "push %%ebp;" \ - "mov 0x04(%%esp), %%ebp;" \ - VMWARE_HYPERCALL_HB_OUT \ - "pop %%ebp;" \ - "add $0x04, %%esp;" : \ - "=a"(eax), \ - "=b"(ebx), \ - "=c"(ecx), \ - "=d"(edx), \ - "=S"(si), \ - "=D"(di) : \ - "a"(magic), \ - "b"(cmd), \ - "c"(in_ecx), \ - "d"(flags), \ - "S"(in_si), \ - "D"(in_di), \ - "m"(bp) : \ - "memory", "cc"); \ -}) - - -#define VMW_PORT_HB_IN(cmd, in_ecx, in_si, in_di, \ - flags, magic, bp, \ - eax, ebx, ecx, edx, si, di) \ -({ \ - asm volatile ("push %12;" \ - "push %%ebp;" \ - "mov 0x04(%%esp), %%ebp;" \ - VMWARE_HYPERCALL_HB_IN \ - "pop %%ebp;" \ - "add $0x04, %%esp;" : \ - "=a"(eax), \ - "=b"(ebx), \ - "=c"(ecx), \ - "=d"(edx), \ - "=S"(si), \ - "=D"(di) : \ - "a"(magic), \ - "b"(cmd), \ - "c"(in_ecx), \ - "d"(flags), \ - "S"(in_si), \ - "D"(in_di), \ - "m"(bp) : \ - "memory", "cc"); \ -}) -#endif /* defined(__i386__) */ - #endif /* defined(__i386__) || defined(__x86_64__) */ #endif /* _VMWGFX_MSG_X86_H */