Show patches with: Series = wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix connection and throughput issues       |   10 patches
Patch Series S/W/F Date Submitter Delegate State
[10/10] wifi: mt76: mt7925: update PCIe DMA settings wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix connection and throughput issues --- 2023-12-28 Mingyen Hsieh Superseded
[09/10] wifi: mt76: mt7925: add support to set ifs time by mcu command wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix connection and throughput issues --- 2023-12-28 Mingyen Hsieh New
[08/10] wifi: mt76: mt7925: add flow to avoid chip bt function fail wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix connection and throughput issues --- 2023-12-28 Mingyen Hsieh New
[07/10] wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix the wrong header translation config wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix connection and throughput issues --- 2023-12-28 Mingyen Hsieh Superseded
[06/10] wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix WoW failed in encrypted mode wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix connection and throughput issues --- 2023-12-28 Mingyen Hsieh New
[05/10] wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix fw download fail wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix connection and throughput issues --- 2023-12-28 Mingyen Hsieh Superseded
[04/10] wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix wmm queue mapping wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix connection and throughput issues --- 2023-12-28 Mingyen Hsieh New
[03/10] wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix mcu query command fail wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix connection and throughput issues --- 2023-12-28 Mingyen Hsieh New
[02/10] wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix SAP no beacon issue in 5Ghz and 6Ghz band wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix connection and throughput issues --- 2023-12-28 Mingyen Hsieh Superseded
[01/10] wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix connect to 80211b mode fail in 2Ghz band wifi: mt76: mt7925: fix connection and throughput issues --- 2023-12-28 Mingyen Hsieh New